Blue Beetle X Reader

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Y/N= Your name

A normal day again... I expected, wake up, go to school, go home, go to sleep. My life is stupidly simple.

I was walking to school and suddenly ice started to cover the streets and sidewalk. 

"Ugh Killer Frost" I heard someone say.

Then I turned my head to see a man with a big fur coat across the banks rooftop.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure that's Captain Cold." I said

I saw a figure in the sky. It was like a man in a blue armored suit. Um... Blue Beetle?

Blue Beetle took down Cold but there was still ice everywhere. I don't know why he even tries, all he has is a cold gun many heroes.

Just another bystander I was, so it didn't actually matter if I was there or not, so I kept walking.

Everyone was cheering and parading around Blue Beetle. I guess on some level I was sad about it. And for some reason, he noticed it too.

While walking home I saw this dark shadow hovering above me. When I turned around, there he was, the fabulous, strong Blue Beetle. My heart started racing and I have no idea why.

"Play it cool, play it cool" I thought to myself.

"Uh hey" Blue said

"Wow so you're the fabulous Blue Beetle"

"Wouldn't call myself fabulous" he said

"OKAY SO HE HAS A REALLY HOT VOICE" I thought to myself

"Uhm so why were you so upset when everyone started parading around me after I captured Cold?" He asked

"Uh what?" I asked

"I saw you, I thought you were pretty cute, but then I felt bad because you seemed pretty upset, so why the long face..?"

"Well....wait did you just say I was cute?" I realized then my face got really warm

"Yeah...but answer my other question"

"Well I thought you were really cool, but what's a superhero to notice me?"

He smiled and handed me a note and then kissed my hand.

Meet me @ the pizza place on 5th at 4. Then, I guess we could have an actual talk without the armor.

Should I make a part 2 because cliffhanger seems weird, and this doesn't seem like a good story.

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