Boy Of Steel

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This kid at my school asked if I wanted to go to the dance with him,I started freaking out because he was soooo cute, his name is Conner, I knew him for like, a week? He was awkward and then he came up to me one day and asked me to the dance.


Conner was super cute, he reminded me of Superman to be honest, I mean he always wore this Superman shirt, but in black and red. He looked cute.

I went to the mall to go dress shopping for the dance, because the dance IS next week and I wanted to be prepared, since I have never actually been asked to a dance before. 

I was looking at this dress and I heard this giant crash in the store next to this one. I ran out to see what was going on an this giant cart was being thrown in my direction, I felt like I was gonna die but the something stopped it, I looked at up at it and see someone is holding the cart up. 

"CONNER?!" I recognized his face and shirt, that was a really bad identity.

"RUN!" He said with a strained voice. 

and I did, I ran outside and sat in the parking lot.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

I was too afraid to go home, I felt like someone might attack me, I was seriously paranoid. I heard footsteps walking towards me. I could feel my heart beat so hard in my chest. I turned to the shadow next to me and looked up. 

"Y/N....." Conner said "About what you saw"

"CONNER I PROMISE NOT TO TELL ANYONE, I WAS JUST KINDA SCARED AND DID NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO I WAS JUST-" I kept rambling, he wanted me to shut up, I could tell 

So to shut me up he pulled me towards him and kissed me. I was shellshocked, I had no idea what to do then and there.

and the words that finally came out of my mouth 

"That was a great way to tell me to shut up" and he smiled brighter than the sun, I had not noticed that he did not smile much. I loved his smile

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