Draw Back Your Bow

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I drew back the bow's string, the arrow was perfectly in between my index and middle finger.

IF ONLY I COULD SHOOT AN ARROW AS PERFECTLY AS I COULD HOLD A BOW. This wasn't my bow, it was my boyfriend Roy's, who should be here.

He's usually late, but I might as well play with his bow. 

I pulled the string and aimed for the tree, the one like 30 feet away from me. Then I released my fingers from the arrow. I had missed terribly and killed a cardinal.

"Not bad" I heard a voice say

I turned around and say it was Roy. That kinda frightened me.

"Only if you were as good as shooting an arrow as much as you are good at holding a bow" he told me

"why did I agree to be your girlfriend" I said to myself

He picked me up bridal style and kissed me on the cheek,

"because you love me"

"that's debatable"  I said sarcastically

"lets go back to the cave, the team is on a mission and Ollie said we could use the cave for anything..." he said

"let us go then..." I said

We got to the cave, and literally the entire cave was deserted, it was kinda nice without hearing WALLY EAT CHIPS FROM ACROSS THE ENTIRE CAVE.

We walked into that kitchen/living room part of the cave and I jumped on the couch and laid down on the couch pulling a blanket on myself. Then Roy pulled my head up and sat at where my head was, and his lap became my personal headrest. 

The lights were off and then I got up with the blanket and laid down next to Roy, I rested my head on his chest, The movie could not block out how much I loved the sound of his heartbeat. I wanted to stay there forever, and I just wanted this moment to be.... I don't know how to even describe it, it was too good for perfect.

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