Tim Drake X Reader

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Your name =Y/N

"Hey y/n" Tim texted.

"Tim, it's three in the morning, what could you possibly need right now?" You responded

"This is gonna sound really bad, but I'm bored"

"I'm going to kill you Drake"

~Le Time Skip~

The school bell rang and you met Tim outside.

"FINALLY, out of that Hell-Hole" you shouted

"Hah, whatever, anyways, you want me to walk you home?" Tim asked

"Absolutely" You grinned

You guys started walking home and took a stroll through the park, the biggest and nicest park in Gotham City. Practically looked like Metropolis.

Suddenly, Plants sprouted from the ground in seconds, it felt like an earthquake.

There you saw, Poison Ivy, she was like the plant lord. You got knocked out in literally one second when a plant sprouted from the ground directly underneath you.

You woke up lying on a metal table with a bandage over your stomach with blood bleeding through it.

"You're alive" someone says

You gasp and look left.

There you saw the Boy Wonder, Robin.

"I wouldn't sit up too quickly, you broke your ribs when Ivy made that plant that made you fling into the air and plummet to the ground" Robin said

"Where am I??" You ask

"Um y/n, the Batcave" he said

"How do you know my na- wait, partner of the worlds greatest detective, duh" you say.

"That, and uhm" Robin takes off his mask to reveal he's Tim.

You gasp

"Tim?" You say "you're Robin?"

"Yes and despite my greatest achievements"

He leans in onto the table and kisses you, making it impossible to be shocked.

"You were my greatest"

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