Red Arrow X Reader

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Season 1 because Arsenal is a totally different person in my book

Y/N = Your name

"Ughhhh" you moan at your alarm clock.

Your phone dings, it's a text from Roy.

"Hey princess I'm sorry but I can't make it tonight" the text says

"That's fine" you respond.

You look at your alarm clock and its 7:43.

"Time to get out of bed, meanwhile there's no point because I have nothing to look forward to" you say to yourself.

You got ready, and went to school. Roy didn't go to your school. You didn't wanna ask. Roy was always secretive, but you gave him his space. Secretly, it was killing you inside to know his world of secrets.

~Le Time Skip~

You were walking home from school and decided to take a stroll in the park, suddenly there was an explosion nearby. There I saw, who was it, Speedy?. Zip lined through the explosion and into a tree. There was so much commotion so you decided to be apart of the crowd.

You look at him with leaves and tree branches in his hair

"Um, Speedy? Are you alright?" You ask

"I'm fine, and the names Red Arrow" he says

"That's very original honey"  you says sarcastically

You look at his hand before he got the chance to run away. It was Roy, his hand had the ring I had give him on his birthday a couple months ago.

"Roy is Red Arrow" you whisper to yourself

~Le Time Skip~

You were angry, sad, surprised, happy. Your boyfriend is a vigilante. WOW!

There was a knock at my door, I opened it and  it was Roy with a bouquet of flowers

"Hey princess, I'm sorry I messed up our plans"

"That's fine Roy, or should I say...Red Arrow?"

His eyes widened.

"How did you-"

"Roy you can't fool me with a mask, and plus the ring on your hand, the one I bought you" you say "I'm not stupid you know?"

"Look Y/N" Roy says pulling you outside and closing the door "That's the reason I'm always canceling plans, I'm sorry I should've told you, I should've trusted you, you were so understanding I didn't think it mattered, but when I look into your eyes, I saw that it hurt you when I didn't tell you"

You stand silent.

"Look" Roy said, "I love you princess" he said grazing your hair.

His hands are cupped around the sides of your face and he goes in for the kiss.

So when he kisses you, all of that anger flew away. Nothing else mattered to you. Just Roy.

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