Son Of A Billionaire (Part 2)

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I was walking over to the Wayne Manor and I was SUPER nervous, I was gonna go to Bruce Wayne's house to meet up with his super cute son Damian and I just couldn't stop screaming in my head.

I looked down on the sidewalk and say that the pavement was nicer, then I looked up. Damian lived in a mansion, It almost looked so big to have its own zip code. The gates of the mansion opened. So I walked in, the front entrance seemed like 80 yards away, if I ran now I would look so stupid. So I just fast walked to the entrance. 

Once I  got to the fancy entrance I rang the doorbell and I could hear footsteps walking to the door, they got closer and closer. Then a really handsome guy opened the door, he was about 21 give or take. He had really nice blue eyes and short long black hair.


I heard like two more people running over. Then they just looked at me, one looked about 15 or 16 with hair longer than the guy who answered the door, and a guy with white bangs and black hair, with no shirt, he looked about 18. 

Then I heard a door bang and heard someone running over,

"GOD LET THAT PLEASE BE DAMIAN" I screamed in my head. 

Then I saw Damian running towards the entrance and then he grabbed my arm and pushed me towards his direction. 


"GO DAMIANN WOOOAHH" I kept hearing them say "Go Damian" and whistling.

He pulled me up to the stairs and pulled me into his room. He slammed the door shut and locked it. He looked at me 

"I am so sorry" He said. 

"It's okay, who are those guys?" I asked

"The tallest one with bright blue eyes, his name is Dick. The shortest one with long hair, his name is Tim. And the one with no shirt and gray and black hair, his name is Jason. They're all my adopted brothers." He said.

"Woah okay..." I said, I looked around his room and it was huge, there were actually like four swords on the wall. 

"Damian why do you have swords?" I asked

"They're authentic.." He said, which I somehow knew he was lying but I wasn't going to question it. 

His dog ran up to me and sat next to me and nuzzled his head against my lap, I started to pet it. 

"That's Titus" Damian said grabbing his books from his book bag. 

Titus walked away and went back to his dog bed. I looked up and saw Damian sitting right in front of me looking at his book, then not realizing I was staring at him, he looked up at me. It felt awkward since we were staring at each other not saying anything at all. 

I tried to look away and then I felt Damian's hand push my face lightly to look at him and I looked into his emerald green eyes, I could feel his face coming closer to mine, and in the blink of an eye, I could feel Damian's lips being pressed against mine. It was silent, but you could hear conversing outside the door.

"Do you think Damian's getting some?" We heard outside the door.

"Dude, he's 13 years old" and that's when he let go of the kiss and got up and opened the door. 

""Can you please be quiet, we are trying to study" Damian said.

Then I think it was Jason and Dick looked in the room and looked at me, and then they looked at Damian.

"First of all, your books are literally right next to each other and unopened" Jason said

"And second of all you can't study for a project" Dick said

That's when Damian slammed the door in their faces, I started laughing so much. Then Damian sat down next to me, 

"Now where were we?" He smiled

I laughed and kissed him. 

"We were there" I smiled.

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