Dick Grayson X Reader

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Karaoke Night!

Dick and I were apparently "Working too hard" so Bats sent us out to have fun. (Guessing he didn't mean "that" fun) So we decided to go to this Karaoke place down on 5th. Watch people sing.

I didn't necessarily call it a "date" because Bats forced us to go have fun.

"So this is like a date right?" Dick said.

Okay maybe it is but I didn't count it.

"Yeah I guess..." I said

"GREAT" he shouted pulling you inside the restaurant/karaoke place.

We sat down at this table and thought to order some fries and chicken fingers, because they're his favorite and mine too.

This cute waiter came up to us

He didn't even take our order.

"You and me are definitely going to sing...." Dick said

"UH NO WE ARENT" I shouted.

"CMON" Dick said

"Uh N-"

BEFORE I COULD EVEN SPEAK. The cute blue eye pulled me on stage. I had not ever seen this side of him before, I kinda liked it. ( you know you did reader)

Oh, so now I heard Breakin' Free play. I'm about to hear Dick Grayson sing. Should I be scared? In a couple seconds he's about to start singing.

"We're soarin', Flyin' There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach"


"If tryin' so we're breaking free" I could not sing, this was terrible.

When we finished the song, I jumped off the stage and sat back at our table and put my head down.

I could feel his body weight next to mine.

"You weren't bad..." He said

I stared at him

"Dick I sounded like Silver Banshee on steroids" I said to him

"I was terrible" He stated

Are you kidding me? This guy sounded like the god Apollo and Beyoncé had a child. He was an amazing  singer.

I was done with him, I made it look kinda dramatic by storming out of the shop with his fries. He had to stay behind for like a couple minutes to pay for the food. I felt kinda bad because of that.

Then I heard footsteps behind me, sounds like a cliché movie with a cliché setting. Mostly because of the Gotham City lights and the rain.

"This totally doesn't look like I'm mugging you, but why did you run away?" He asked

"I honestly thought it'd be kinda dramatic, like one of those cliche movies"

I started rambling on and then after 5 whole years of being best friends with the one and only Dick Grayson, he finally kissed me, I felt like I was floating in the rain clouds above us.

"That's what happens in a cliché movie right?"

"Right." I said smiling

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