Kid Flash X Reader

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I got the idea while eating a brownie

"Y/N!!!!!" I heard Wally scream my name

"what?!" I shouted

"Dick called me stupid..." He shouted

"What are you like 5?" Dick said.

"Probably..." I said


"hey Wally, you need to chill...." i said while taking his arm and putting my arm around it "lets go to a movie, or to lunch..."

"Yeah lets go to lunch, im feeling a bit famished" he said

i laughed

"Alright Kid Flash, where would you like to go?"

"definitely that taco place on 5th avenue" he said excitedly

"hah, alright lets go"

Walking out of Mount Justice we zeta back to Central City, you and Wally's home town.

When you arrived in CC Wally picked you up bridal style and ran so you guys were there in like 5 seconds.

He opened the door for you, and said

"After you m'lady" He said in a very fake british accent. I walked in an did a curtsy to show him i was a bit loose with his actions. 

we sat down at a table and i blinked Wally was gone. I turned around to see he was up at the counter ordering food.
Then he came back to the table.

"I ordered for both of us" Wally said

"Uh...thanks?" i laughed.

"Hey I've been meaning to ask you." he said.
(classic cliché sentence)
"Yeah...?" I asked very subtly

"You've been spending an awful lot of time around me and Dick"

"Dick and I" I laughed

"You've been spending an awful lot of time with DICK AND I" He shouted


thats not what i was thinking inside, i was seriously worried that Wally might've found out that Rob has been my wingman and that ive had a really big crush on Wally for three years.

"Do you have a crush on Dick?"  he asked.

"No...., but uh" I was sweating a lot, I felt like it was the right time to confess.

"Probably not something I should say in a taco shop, but actually I have a crush on you....for like three years." then i started speaking really fast "so i didnt really know what to do about it so i asked Rob to help me, and so he became my wingman, because i knew he was your best friend and I-"

Wally cut me off by saying
"Can you shut up for like one second so i can just"

Then he leaned in and grabbed both sides of my head and pulled me torwards him and he kissed me. My face started heating up. I already knew i was blushing. Then Wally let go.

"Heh, Taco place, the most random place to confess your love to someone"

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