Superboy X Reader

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I seriously do not understand why this has so many views

Y/N =Your name
Your cousin is Wally
Season 1

"Y-you're Superboy?" You said "ugh how could have I not seen this before"

"Uhm yeah I'm Superboy y/n. I just needed you to understand why I did things and why I always randomly disappeared" Conner said

"So why tell me this now?" You say " and why take me to this beach?"

He didn't say anything, he took your hand and pulled you into a mountain

"Superboy b06" an automated voice said.

"Woah" you said

He took you to this big space, Guessing it was the center of the cave.

There were the heroes all of them
Robin. Kid Flash. Artemis, Miss Martian, Zatanna.

"You're adopted aren't you?" Kid Flash said

"Uhm yeah..." You said "how did you know that?"

"When you were a kid, your parents got into a car crash, they died on scene in Central City" Robin said

"Why are you telling me this" You asked

"You uhm, they couldn't identify you, they didn't know who you were, they sent you to the orphanage, didn't think you had any family" Kid Flash said

"Yeah?" You said

"Wally is your cousin, and apparently in your genes, you're a speedster" Artemis said.

"Wow, uhm.." You said "Conner are you okay?"

"Guys can I talk to y/n alone" he said

"What's wrong?" You asked

"I didn't want to bring you" He said

"Why not?" You asked

"I wanted to protect you, not endangering you by bringing you here"

"Conner, it's so much better that I know"

He stood there silently pouting

"Hey" you grab his face. "I'll be fine, I have Superspeed"

Then he grabbed your face and kissed you, your lips were perfectly in synch. And in that moment, the Superspeed wasn't the coolest thing in your life, It was Conner.

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