Sleepless Nights

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I was laying in bed, It was one of those sleepless nights that just made the best of me. The feeling where you are so tired but you can't sleep.

I got a text message from my (kinda) boyfriend Tim.

"Helloo, guess what?" He said

"Drake its flippin' 3 in the morning, what could you possibly need?" I responded

"Look outside your window" he sent

So I got up and opened my window curtain to see that Tim is sitting on the outside of it.

"Are you crazy?!" I whispered

"Kind of, I kinda just wanted to see you" he said

"Tim you're insane, what if one of my parents walk in?" I said

He walked over to the door and said

"There's this little thing that locks it, and you twist the lock to lock it" He said in a very sarcastic voice.

"Ughhh" I said laying on my bed.

He climbed on the bed and laid down right next to me and started playing with my hair.

"You realise you have to leave soon right?"

"I will, don't worry" He whispered in my ear.

I rested my head on his chest and felt sleepier. I had fallen asleep the sleep felt great, it was the kind of sleep that makes you feel like you've been in a coma for 9 months. It felt great.

When I woke up the next morning, Tim was gone and I felt kinda sad that he had left, but it definitely made

me smile.

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