Rooftop Rendevous

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(SIKE ZATANNA, also I'm probably gonna need more requests so please comment)

I sat on my roof that was outside my window, I couldn't really sleep. It was four in the morning and I had school the next day. I kept thinking about life and staring at the stars above my head. The sky was clear that night, I was thinking how nice El Paso was compared to Gotham. 

I wanted to fall asleep on this roof, but I was scared that I might fall off.

I heard my phone ring from inside my room. Seriously? Who could possibly be calling me at 4AM? I mean I had lost touch with all my friends from Gotham and there was only one friend I had made here.....oh wait.

I picked up the phone and pressed answer

"Hello?" He said

"Jaime, do you know what time it is?" I asked

"Yeah I was skating down the street and I saw you on your roof, can I join you on a little rooftop rendezvous?" He asked

"If you want to....".

So Jaime hung up the call and I saw him skating towards my house in less than a second. Literally he jumped on my trash can and hopped on the roof. Which would be impossible for me.

"Jaime what the heck are you doing skating at 4 in the morning?" I asked

"What are you doing sitting on the roof at four in the morning?" He asked me back

"I asked you first"

"Couldn't sleep"


I laid down on the roof, I actually felt sleepy. Jaime was there so I didn't want to fall asleep. But I did.

When I woke up my alarm clock went off and I find Jaime sitting in my room on a chair sleeping. Then I wonder if he's the person who put me into my bed, hoping I hadn't slept walk.

I felt so bad because he stayed with me for 3 hours just to make sure I was okay. So I got ready for school quick and accidentally woke up Jaime by kissing him on the cheek. His face got a tint of red when it happened, but I thought it was really cute.

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