Jaime Reyes x Reader

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Y/N = Your name

I was walking to my boyfriend Jaime's house, we were gonna spend the day at carnival together and with Jaime's friends Bart and Tye.

My phone rang, I looked to see who it was and it was Jaime


"Hey uh apparently Bart cancelled on us and had to go uh-um running with his grandpa"

"so it'll be you, me and Tye?"


"great cant wait"

I hung up and kept walking, I couldn't wait to see Jaime and meet his all time best friend, he talks so much about Tye.

I finally got to his house and knocked on the door and this long haired guy opened the door

"Uh hey?" I say

"Hey hermano this is her?" He shouted at someone

Jaime walks up to us and walks out and holds my hand

"Tye this is Y/N and Y/N this is Tye"

"Nice to meet cha, anyways OFF TO THE CARNIVAL" I shout

"Haha alright" Tye says.

we were off to the carnival and on the way it was like a 20 minute walk so we had a long casual conversation.

"So how'd you guy's  meet?" Tye asked me and Jaime

Then something tells me I shouldn't say that I met Jaime in Mount Justice where we fight alongside a group of teenage superheroes aka the former sidekicks/proteges of the Justice League Superheroes.

"Ugh coffee shop" Jaime said

I laughed

"Yeah, Coffee shop" I said

"So Tye what do you do in your free time?"

"Not much free time, just basically meditating with my grandpa, and longboarding" He says

"Hey me too, I mean with school and the te- I mean chores, not much time" I say

"Heh" Jaime says "Yeah me too"

"You know that donut place on 5th and Olive, by the skatepark?"

"Yeah! thats my favourite place to go" Tye shouted

"Man I love their glazed donuts"

"I've never heard of it.." Jaime says

"Hey" you walk up to Jaime and hold his hand "It's alright"

"Y'know we should all go to the donut place next week" Tye says

"YEAH!" I shout

We finally got to the carnival.

"alright hermano, and hermanaI'm off to the bathroom, be right back" Tye said

"Jaime, you've been quiet" I said holding his face

"huh no I'm not" he said fast


"alright, alright, it's just that, I feel like such a third wheel, which makes no sense because I'm YOUR boyfriend Y/N"

"Jaime, were just getting along, I was hoping that's what you want, now let's have a good time and I'll make sure that each one of us gets a chance to feel like a third wheel"

I kiss him, just for a second. he smiled, then I felt warm.

"let's go Blue, and let's have a fun day at the carnival"

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