Dick X Reader

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(Apparently I'm making Dick stories)
Dedicated to @percabeth87 because she's pretty crash

"TIM!" I screamed while jumping on his back to get my phone back.

"OH HEYY DICK WHATS UP?!" Tim screams on the phone

"Uh nothing much, uh why do you have Y/N's phone?"


I knew what he was gonna say, he knew some stuff and I don't know how he found out

Before he could say it I judo-flipped him and took my phone back.

"Hey Dick" I say very chalantly into the phone

"What the hell was that large thud in the background, right before you took the phone?" Dick said

"Uh....." I said "Tim?"

He started to burst out laughing.

"Why'd you call anyways?" I asked "NOT COMPLAINING OR ANYTHING"

"Why am I shouting, please stop" I thought to myself

"Hah, anyways....." He said "the entire team is out, except for you. So do you wanna go get some ice cream?"

"What about Tim?" I asked

"He said he was going to go bowling with a girl named Stephanie"

"I'll meet you there in a bit, k? Bye" I said

I kicked Tim on the ground

"IM GOING ON A DATE WITH DICK!!" I shouted at him

"Sounds like a weird erotic novel" Tim says

I kicked him again and then walked away.

I took my keys and and coat and headed out.

"I'M GOING ON A DATE WITH DICK!!!" I  screamed repeatedly in my head

I got to the shop and saw the black haired, blue eyed beauty. He had two bowls of ice cream with him. One with chocolate and one with vanilla

The shop was pretty empty except for that one loner in the corner on his laptop.

"Vanilla's your favorite right?" He said.

"How'd you know?" I smirked

I sat down next to him and put down my coat.

"Ice cream and chill. The next generation of Netflix and Chill right?" I said

"Yep, except no sexualizing..." Dick said "well for now.....IM JOKING"

I laughed really loud, that was really funny I have to admit.

He took a giant scoop of ice cream and put it in his mouth. Leaving a mustache of chocolate ice cream on his face making him look more adorable.

"Dick you have" then you pointed at your nose.

"I know, so do you" he said

Confused since you didn't have chocolate ice cream and you also hadn't eaten yours yet

".....where...?" I asked

"Here" he said

Then unexpectedly he took my head with his hand and kissed me.

Wait a second. It took me to process the fact that DICK IS KISSING ME. My face started to heat up, I knew I was blushing.

He let go of the kiss and said

"Heh, it's right there" and pointed to my face.

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