Headaches and Heartaches

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I had a terrible day, just awful. There was nothing bad that happened, I just felt like this was going to be a terrible day the only thing that got me going was that I got to see my best friend Jason at the end of the day. I felt like this was going to be a terrible day, I do not know why I just felt it inside my gut that I knew it.

I went to school, and the norm was boring, just classes that were soO boring, I guess you could say.

Classes filled with

I got to school, and all I could think about was what I was going to do after school. Gotham was a dark place but Jason made the city feel lighter.

About what I was going to do after school, I was going to tell him that I loved him, I loved him so much. I wanted to tell him, maybe that might make my day feel better.

We met at this restaurant down on Adam Street. I had a date that day, I waited for like 3 hours and this guy next to me got stood up also, so he sat down next to my table and finally ordered with me. We talked for so many hours until we both got kicked out for being there so long. I swear the bill was so long.

Any ways, after school I ran home, I knew my parents were at work so I could call Jason to come over, once I got to my front porch I opened the door. I saw Jason's step-stepbrothers? Dick Grayson, Tim Drake and Damian Wayne. They looked at me depressed, with this look in their eye. I knew what had happened.

"No no no" I lost all feeling in my leg and fell to my knees "NO!"

I started sobbing, I couldn't stop, I couldn't move,

"No no no.....this isn't happening" I kept saying to myself.

"Y/N, He loved you, you know that right?"

I couldn't stop crying, he never knew I loved him back.

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