Brown Eyes

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I was walking to class with Jaime, and he didn't know it but I HAD THE HUGEST CRUSH ON HIM. 

We were walking to class together and he looked at me and said 

"Y'know if you take Spanish next year instead of French next year, we might end up in the same class" he smirked

"Uh I would rather take a class that you can't make fun of me for not being fluent" I said. 

He pulled out a pair of fake glasses,and put them on, it made his brown eyes sparkle kinda.

"How do I look?" he asked. 

"Like a nerd.." I lied, I thought he looked super adorable. We walked into our teacher Ms. Talman.

"Okay why is her name Tall-man when she's like 5'2?" Jaime said. 

I started to burst out into laughter and we both sat down next to each other down at our desks which were right next to each other, which I don't understand why our teacher keeps putting us next to each other (Maybe she ships us, I don't know). 

I took out my notebook and started drawing my favorite characters from my favorite TV show.

"Whatcha drawin?" Jaime asked.

"NOTHING" I shouted covering my notebook.

"SHH" Ms. Talman shouted.

"I can see why she is a Miss" Jaime whispered.

I started to snicker, Jaime was like one of the people to make me laugh all the time it was difficult to understand why I had a crush on him even tho he was my best friend.

He dropped a piece of paper that looked like it had a poem on it, I reached to pick it up and so did he, our heads bumped and I looked directly at his eyes and he looked directly into mine I felt lost in them, then I snapped back into reality and grabbed his paper and handed it to him, I grazed his hand and it felt really soft, and my friend Cass who was sitting on the other side of me smirked at me and gave me eyebrow wiggles. Meanwhile Jaime was way too oblivious to even notice.

"I DO NOT" Jaime said to himself.

"What?" I asked? 

"Nothing..." He responded

I looked at Cass and all she did was smirk, and then the bell rang and I ran out of the class before I could even embarrass myself. 

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