Son of A Billionaire

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There's a new kid at school. My friend said he was cool, he looked like a million bucks, in the words of a sarcastic best friend. 

I was sick on his first day so I didn't exactly get to meet him, but whatever. 

I got up from bed and looked at the alarm clock on my desk 

"8:20!?!?!" I had to be ready and be at school in 10 minutes which seemed impossible. So I literally skipped breakfast, I brushed my teeth, put on sweats and ran to school.

I have to get in the class before the 3rd bell and so far I am 6 blocks away and running to the school, I heard the first bell. I saw the school and kept running, 2nd bell. I finally got into the school and ran into the class before the 3rd bell rang.

I burst through the door panting , I could tell everyone was staring at me, I made it to school and that's all that matters.

"Uh okay.... Y/N, you sit next to Damian" My teacher said.

"Who is Damian...?" I asked

She pointed towards a guy wearing a sweater vest and black gelled hair. So I sat next to him, and didn't say a word. 

I could feel him staring at me. Oh god please stop staring at me. 

These thoughts kept flowing through my head, like "Is he staring at me, did he stop oh god". I turned to look at him because I felt that he stopped staring. He didn't

Then I couldn't stop looking at him, then it was just awkward silence and us staring at each other.

"Hello, my name is Damian..." He said finally breaking the silence

"yeah.. I kind of figured, My name is Y/N...which you already knew..." I said very awkwardly 


"OH! yeah, the teacher, Miss Peasant" He said

"Miss Pheasant?" I corrected him

"I realize, she just acts like a peasant" He said 

I kept laughing really quietly and looked at him, he was smiling at me, and his face got all red, He was blushing.....

"Anyways.... she paired us up to work on the project together, I think we should work at my fathers house" 

He wrote down his phone number and address on a piece of paper and handed it to me. I started reading the paper, I felt like I recognized this address on the paper, then I realized.

"Damian what is your last name?" I asked, I had to be sure.

"Wayne.." He responded

I got wide-eyed, oh my god. The bell rang and Damian got up and winked back at me and walked out of the class room. 

He was the  son of a billionaire, playboy. Bruce Wayne, the CEO Of Wayne Enterprises. Oh my god I could not stop thinking about him.

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