BeastBoy X Reader

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Y/N =Your name

I was running home, I saw something weird. Really weird.

My best friend Garfield whom I had a crush on for years, even when he got that skin condition he told me about. I did not realize that.... He was...

*Flashback to 20 minutes ago*

"Gar... You've been acting...weird lately" I said

"Yeah.... I realize. I'm sorry it's just that my life has been a bit crazed lately" he said

"Hey Gar you can tell me anything, I'll be here for you wherever whenever " I say

He hugged me

"Glad you stayed by my side even when I turned green"

He let go of the hug

"Gar there's nothing in the world that would keep me from being your friend-"

His phone started ringing. I took a glimpse at the Caller ID and it said NIGHTWING.

"Hey uh Y/N I gotta take this, I think it's important".

Then he literally took ten steps in front of me thinking I couldn't hear. The sound was muffled but really loud.

"Mhphmahmmph ASAP" the phone said

"Okay fine" Gar said annoyingly.

He looked me in the eye really sad.

"Y/N I think it's time you finally learn the truth about me."

I was confused, what?

"Wha-" before I could finish even saying What Garfield had turned into a cheetah and then a gorilla

I was shellshocked so much I wasn't aware of what I was doing. Led me up to this moment, running home and out of breath. I ran upstairs and changed into my pajamas even tho it was 4:30 in the afternoon I tried to sleep it off. I actually couldn't sleep. I was still shellshocked.

There was a knock at my door, I had to open it, and it was Gar.

"Hey.." He said.

"Hey.." I said back

"Can you come outside?" He asked.

So I stepped outside with a blanket wrapped around my shoulders.

"About what you saw..." He said

"Yeah, you can transform into animals"

"Yeah I'm a part of this team called the Young Justice League, and I'm a superhero named Beastboy, that's why I cancel on most of the plans. I'm sorry" he said.

"Gar it's okay" I held his face up to look at me because he was looking down the entire time "I don't care that you're Beastboy or whatever, I think it's better that I know, I'm still going to be your best friend despite everything you've been through"

He looked me dead in the eye, I was a bit afraid of what he was going to say.
Then his face was really close to mine. And before I knew it, his lips were on mine, the guy I've loved for years, Garfield Logan, is kissing me. It felt heavenly knowing that he felt the same way too.

He backed away from the kiss

"I love you Y/N" he said

"I love you too Gar"

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