Yellow and Red

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<Im In School and im V bored>

"My boyfriend.... is Kid Flash...." I said to myself

I don't know, Maybe I should have known, I mean he would always ditch out on our plans all the time, and he would always eat like 6x his body weight. 

*Flashback* (punz)

"Maybe I should tell him about this ring." I said to myself. 

I was sitting in this coffee shop waiting for Wally (and my coffee).

I saw this....blur.... it was yellow and red. It honestly did not look like the Flash, because this guy looked a bit more....yellow.

The store owner of this coffee shop told everyone to evacuate the shop, because of this crazed plant lady who was attacking the store owner.

I was kind of scared, the kind of scared that makes people stop and stare because of shock.

"What are you staring at?" The lady said

I could not comprehend the words she was saying but I understood, It felt like my feet were stuck on the ground and I could not move.

I saw plants unravel from the ground, I sincerely thought i was dead, but I closed my eyes. I blinked and suddenly, I was outside. i turned to my left to look on the inside of the coffee shop, and it was a red and yellow blur, THAT I could tell was the flash, but I couldn't quite comprehend what the other blur was. Maybe I am delusional.

Then I saw someone run behind me, a familuar sight of yellow and red. I turned around and saw the blur go into an ally. So I ran into the deserted ally (which now I think of it, was not a good idea) then i saw this kid in a yellow flash kinda suit. He took his mask off and said

"I am so sorry"

He put on his mask and kissed me and ran off into the coffee shop.

"I hope 'I'm sorry' does not mean what I think it means"

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