Clubs and New Things

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I slowly unpacked all of my clothes from my luggage before falling down onto my bed. It was only three in the afternoon and I was already ready to go to sleep.

I wiped the tiredness that was in my eyes and propped myself up on my elbows so I could see my phone. I had the usual texts from Harry telling me how sorry he was, but he hasn't gotten my letter yet. He wouldn't be back to London for a whole month. For a whole month he would have no clue I left.

I cleared the thought away before the aching in my heart could come back, though it never truly left. It felt like a chunk was severed away; a part I would never get back.

I wiped the stubborn tears that just had to fall away before leaving my room and into the kitchen to find food only to discover there wasn't any. I let out a loud, dramatic sigh and left my flat to look for some place to eat. I saw a small café on the corner of the street and made my way there. It was quaint, homey even. There weren't many people in the building, so it didn't feel claustrophobic.

"Hi, how can I help you?" A girl about my age asked.

"I'll just have whatever is the best, please. Oh, and can I talk to your manager?" She gave me a quick nod, took my money, and walked to the back room. A moment later an old woman walked out. She had powder white hair, and wrinkly skin.

"Hello," she said with a kind smile and a small handshake.

"Hi, I saw your sign on the door that you needed some help?" I asked hopeful.

"Oh yes. How old are you?"

"Eighteen," I said with a smile.

"You're hired. You'll start tomorrow at seven sharp. Over there is Juliet, she'll help you out with everything." I stared at her with my jaw to the floor.

"That's it? You aren't going to ask me anything else? I'm just.. hired?" I asked. My mind was still foggy from the plane ride so I could have been hearing things.

"You have to put a little trust in people," she said before walking off. I stood there, shocked. My mind wouldn't wrap around the fact that I just got hired without doing anything. All I did was say how old I was, and just like that, I was hired.

"Here you go," the girl I learned was Juliet held a plate in front of me. I took it from her hands and sat down at a table completely dazed. "I heard you talking to Mrs. Jill. You got the job?"

"Yeah. She didn't even ask me anything, she just gave me the job," I stated coming out of the daze I was in.

"Yeah, she does that. She's a really sweet lady." Juliet quickly stood up to help the other customers, but not before turning around to face me. "If you need anyone to show you around, you can find me here."

I nodded in response and quickly ate my food. After I was finished I told Juliet bye and walked back to my flat. When I get home it was already seven o'clock. I took a quick shower and slipped on a pair of spandex shorts and a big t-shirt. It was toasty in my small flat, it felt like the way home should be, but there was a thought nagging in the back of my head.

'Harry is where home is.'

I urgently shook that from my mind, shoving it down to the depths of my thoughts. I had to do something tonight, I needed to stop thinking of Harry. I needed to loosen up.

I went to my room and straight to my closet, throwing clothes left and right out. I finally found a black and white Aztec crop top that stopped about my belly button and a black skirt that went below my belly button and ended mid thigh to go with it. I grabbed some black heels and set them all on my bed before walking into my bathroom. I grabbed the curling iron and turned it on. While I waited for it to heat up, I put a little make up on. Just a little red lipstick and eyeliner. By the time that was all done, the curling iron was hot, so I attacked my long brown hair.

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