First Birthday Plans and Car Rides

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THis is the last chapter. The next book is already up :D


"Who all are you inviting?" I asked Harry while going through all the plans for Ryker's and Darcy's first birthday. I ran my hand through my hair trying to keep I out of my face. The twins were at Lou's and Eleanor's for the time being so we could get everything in order. They had only been over there for maybe ten minutes, but I was already missing them terribly. Their birthday was in two weeks and we needed to start planning so we could fly people down here.

"My mum and Gemma, Ed, Grimmy, and obviously the boys. I think Cara said she wanted to come, too." I nodded my head while writing each of their names down as well as Sierra's, my mother's, Mario's and Alex's, the girls of Little Mix and Barbra who Niall had taken a liking towards lately. That was already twenty people not including me or Harry.

"Do you think twenty is too many people?" I asked while looking at the list. It was our closest friends-they were the ones who went to our wedding.

"I don't think so. We'll have it all under control. What are we getting them for their first birthday?"

"We'll go to the store. Don't we also have that stupid interview to do? With the little munchkins?" Harry groaned, falling onto the couch next to me. To say the past few months was stressful was probably the biggest understatement. After Harry and I got back from our honeymoon, which was absolutely perfect, things were crazy. They boys had to tour around for a little and drop a new album and record music videos and attend award shows and present awards and promote charities. They had finally gotten a break the week before Christmas. It was insane, but Harry managed to be here whenever I needed him to be.

"We fly out to California tomorrow for it. After that, though, we don't have to do anything again until March, so that's a good thing." I nodded my head in agreement, but dreaded having to have the babies on a plane for the plane ride all the way to California to do an interview with Ellen. It was ridiculous.

"I'm going to go pack their bags, okay?" I told Harry who nodded. I went up the stairs and to Darcy's room and grabbed her princess suitcase and piled it with dresses and headbands and cute little socks and cute little shoes and jackets and everything she could possibly need before I went into Ryker's room and packed everything he could possibly need. After I was done with that, I packed a diaper bag and some toys and everything. It took a few hours to pack everything, and I hadn't even started packing for myself or Harry.

"Babe, do you want me to go pick up Darcy and Ryker?" Harry asked, poking his head into our room. I got as far as pulling out a suitcase.

"I'll go with you. We can grab something to eat on the way back."

"You look tired, Thea," Harry mentioned, walking over towards me.

"I am, Harry. I just, everything is so exhausting and then he babies are always up at night." Harry wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I rest my head against his chest and just stood there. I felt Harry kiss the top of my head, calming me just a tad.

"It's okay. After this, we won't have anything to worry about other than our beautiful babies." I nodded my head and looked up at Harry. He was looking down at me, his green eyes staring back at me. I never failed to get lost in them, the color was beautiful.

"Can I just," I said before I stood on my toes and kissed Harry on the lips. A sigh of content came from the both of us as we just kissed slowly, not rushing it at all. My hands slid into his hair as his slid down to cup my thighs and wrap my legs aroud his waist. The kiss grew deeper and I found myself running out of breath quickly, but I was dissapointed when Harry pulled away. "N--" I started, but stopped when his lips landed on my neck and placed small, wet kisses down towards the base. He walked backwards 'till I was placed on the bed and Harry was hovering over me.

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