Everything is okay, or is it?

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When I woke up, my vision was cloudy. All I could see was blurry white. When I tried to lift up my arm, pain shot through it making me wince.

"Thea, just don't move. I'll go get your doctor," I heard a familiar voice say. I closed my eyes again and just listened. I could hear multiple footsteps and hushed voices. They weren't loud enough for me to make out what they were saying, but I could tell there was a guy and a girl; probably my doctor and Juliet or something.

"Good morning," the male voice spoke up. I peeled my eyes open and saw a tall man with gray hair. He wore a sad smile on his face and it worried me.

"Hi," I croaked out, my voice hoarse. "Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Everything seems perfectly fine. You had an allergic reaction to the OxyContin. The medicine is out of your system now and you should be fine." I nodded my head in understanding. It wasn't that bad. "The nurse will be here in a minute to check everything one more time then you can leave," he said with another sad smile. "Oh, there's a girl outside for you. She said she urgently needed to talk to you. Is it fine if she comes in?" He asked. I nodded my head and watched as he walked out of the door. A few seconds later, a familiar petite brunette walked in. A massive smile broke out on my face.

"Eleanor!" I squealed. My best friend came and tackled me in a hug. I pulled away and frowned. "How'd you get here? Why are you here?" I asked.

"Well.. I'm here because I found out you were put in the hospital. A girl named Juliet told Niall who told Louis who told me.." She trailed off, taking her lip in between her teeth.

"There's something you aren't telling me.. What is it?" I eyed the girl skeptically.

"Don't get mad." I rolled my eyes. It couldn't be that bad. "Well.. You know how none of the boys can keep?"

"Yes..?" I felt the nerves in my stomach suddenly regretting asking her what she was hiding.

"Niall might have let it slip to Harry that you were here.. In Australia." I felt my heart sink to my stomach which was currently doing somersaults. "That's not all.. He's here, at the hospital." I felt panic set in my body. Harry was here, at the hospital. I couldn't take seeing him, he's the reason I'm here.

"You have to make him leave, El. I can't see him, not now, not ever. Please, make him leave!" I pleaded. Just the thought of seeing him made me on edge, who knows what actually seeing him would do to me.

"How am I supposed to do that?" Eleanor asked exasperated. I thought for a second.

"Tell him they already released me." Eleanor seemed hesitant for a minute before she stood up and left me alone in the small room again. The nurse who was supposed to check everything and make sure I was okay had already come and gone, so I was clear to go. I pulled on my clothes since I was dressed in one of those ridiculous paper gowns and slowly made my way out of the room. I spotted the elevators and practically ran to them. I pressed the down button and waited impatiently. Right as the doors opened I could hear yelling coming from further down the hall. When I turned to my left, chocolate curls could be seen; Harry. I ran into the lift and pressed the ground floor before anyone could notice. The yells were getting closer, nerves were getting the best of me. My hands started to become clammy and my throat felt like it was closing up on me.

When the doors started to close, Harry was in sight, but he didn't notice me. He was stood there clad in skinny jeans and a band tshirt, looking more fit that ever. His hair lay on top of his head in a mess, a tell tale sign he had ran his fingers through it multiple times. Even though it was quite obvious he was distressed, he managed to take my breath away. The last second before the doors closed, his dull and sad green eyes met mine. Words couldn't explain how I felt at that moment in time. My heart stopped, my brain stopped, time stopped as we just stared at each other. When the doors finally closed, I couldn't help the tears that fell down my eyes. I needed my release, I needed to relax before I had a full blown panic attack.

I ran out of the elevator doors and didn't stop until I was back at my flat. I grabbed a little baggy in the back of my drawer and a dutch before going out onto the porch and repeating the same steps I've done once before. When the blunt was rolled to perfection, I quickly sparked it up and took a long drag from it. My body seemed to relax, but my mind was going on over drive. Even after I had smoked the whole blunt, I still felt on edge. The only solution I had was sleep, so I trudged into my room and slipped out of my clothes then climbed into bed.


I woke up feeling slightly better than before. I didn't have work today, so it was my day to relax and do what I wanted, and what I wanted was to be completely serene. I grabbed the last baggy and the last dutch before leaving my flat. I walked to the near by park and started doing the familiar steps to roll my blunt. There weren't many people around, just me and a couple other people. They were too far away to realize what I was doing, so I didn't worry about them.

Once the blunt was rolled, I took in a deep breath before lighting it up and taking a drag out of it. The familiar feeling instantly coursed through my body, making a smile appear on my face. I took a glance up and noticed the group I saw earlier was walking towards me.


Me, Louis, and Eleanor walked aimlessly around some park. I kept running my hands through my hair out of frustration. Seeing Thea at the hospital broke down all my walls I had barely built up. She looked different. Her eyes didn't shine, she was skinnier. When Niall told Louis about Thea, it felt like my whole world dropped. The girl he described wasn't the Thea I knew. She would never smoke or do drugs, it wasn't in her nature. She never would have done anything so drastic if it wasn't for me. If I wouldn't have fucked up, we would be back in London at my flat cuddling and watching tv. We would be sharing sweet kisses and holding hands. I sighed and ran my fingers through my head again.

"Harry, you need to calm down. I'm sure we'll find her sooner or later, and if worse comes down to worse, we'll have Niall call up his not-girlfriend and ask her." Louis tried to reassure me, resting a hand on my shoulder. I closed my eyes for a minute, pinching the bridge of my nose while taking deep breaths. When I looked up, a figure caught my eye. I could tell it was a girl from her long brown hair. I couldn't make out what she was doing, but it made me curious. As we slowly inched closer, I could make out more features. Features I could never forget.


Well damn . Give me a fucking round of applause ! Got this chapter up pretty quick !

So , my birthday is in 20 days ... So fucking excited . If you want to get me anything , go ahead and ship it to hell . I'll gladly accept it . I'm kidding . You guys reading this story is incredible , and good enough for me 😁 but .. If you really wanted to do something for me for my birthday ... You could maybe check out my original story ? I will love you forever ! Even though I all ready love you all .

I have to stop . I'm supposed to be writing an essay on rhetorical strategies used in this little snippet from a book ... But I DON'T FUCKING WANT TO ! If you don't like to write , don't take AP Lang ! Just throwing that out there ..

Okay . Love you all my Babes .

[smile , it's good for you]

-Sierra xx

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