Early Planning and a Baby Bump

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"Can't I just stay here? I don't want to go back home," I mumbled sadly. Me, Eleanor, Anne, and Gemma were all heading back to London today much to my dissapointment. A week wasn't nearly enough. 

"I wish you could, but you have an appointment at the doctor's and you can't be traveling around with us." I frowned at Harry's words, but nodded my head. "I love you so much." 

I could feel the tears start to prick my eyes as I choked out, "I love you, too." Everytime I had to say goodbye to Harry, I would always end up in a puddle of tears. I wanted to blame it on the hormones from being pregnant, but it's not. "I'll see you in two weeks, right? That's when you have another break?"

Harry nodded his head, before leaving a lingering kiss on mine. We stood in each others arms until my flight was called and I was forced to leave. Despite my pleas to stay, I boarded the plane and took my seat next to Eleanor. Gemma and Anne caught another flight back to Holmes Chapel, but insisted they would be visiting soon to help plan the wedding. 

"We can plan things on the flight," Eleanor stated excitedly. I nodded my head, wiping the last few stubborn tears away. 

"I know I want it to be on the beach.." The whole flight, we discussed every aspect of the wedding. We decided on the color scheme to be blues and purples-seeing as those were mine and Harry's favotite colors-but would have beauiful osiria roses in my bouquet. It was actually quite interesting planning a wedding. I neved realized just how much went into it. I also didn't realize that I wouldn't be able to go dress shopping until after I had my baby. 

I looked down at my ever growing stomach, a faint smile playing on my face. I couldn't wait until the little peanut was born. As nervous as I was in the beginning of finding out, I was quite anxious to have him or her.

"What are you hoping for?" Eleanor asked. We were on our way home from the airport. I was in the passenger seat, Eleanor driving. We had been quiet most of the ride, our thoughts consuming ourselves.

"I don't know. I've always wanted a boy first, but now that I'm having the baby, I kind of want it to be a girl. That way  I can dress her up in cute little dresses and put little bows in her hair." Eleanor nodded her head in agreement. 

"Harry would love a little girl." I nodded my head in agreement and imagined Harry with a daughter. She would be spoiled, that's for sure. With the boys being her uncles, she would have anything she ever wanted. 

"I think Harry is going to ask Lou to be his best man," I mentioned. "And I think I want you to be my maid of honor." I could see Eleanor's face brighten up and a smile form. They were already the baby's god parents, and now they would be the most important people in the bridal party. "I know it's a lot, but I'm going to need help with this whole wedding planning thing. I don't even almost know what I'm doing, and you're my closest friend. I wouldn't want anyone else." Eleanor let out a loud squeal that made me laugh quietly.

"Oh my god! Thea, this is so exciting," Eleanor exclaimed. For the rest of the car ride we talked about the wedding, the baby, her and Louis-who seemed to be much better since they've worked everything out-and, of course, Harry and I. 


14 weeks along.

The weeks all started to blend together. It went from Monday to Friday before I even had time to process the rest of the week. I was always so busy with planning, the baby growing inside of me, and my online classes. Before I knew it, I was headed to the doctor to finally find out what the baby was. I was nervous and excited all at once. The only thing I would change would be having Harry here, next to me. 

I'm at the doctor. Facetime?

I sent to Harry. I was sat in the waiting room, my knee bouncing up and down quickly. Instead of a reply, Harry immidiately Facetimed me. I coudn't help the grin that was etched on my face as I saw him. He looked as if he had just woken up; his hair was an unruly mess and his eyes looked tired.

"G'morning." I chirped. Harry simply smiled in return. I could see him roll out of bed, confiming he had just woken, and walk to what I assume would be the kitchen. 

"Thea," one of the nurses called. I stood from my seat and followed her to another room. Harry stayed quiet as I walked with my phone in my hand. I kept making faces at him to calm my nerves. "The doctor will be with you shortly." I nodded my head and sat down on the chair. 

"Are you nervous?" Harry asked. I nodded my head quickly.

"Very much. I don't know why, though. I'm only finding out the gender." I sighed. "It's a little early, so I'm not sure if they'll be able to tell yet," I informed Harry who was eating an apple.

"Hello, Thea." Doctor Menken said with a smile. 

"Hi," I grinned back sheepishly. 

"Are you excited? Finally finding out what that baby of yours is," I nodded my head quickly while Harry shouted a yes, startling Doctor Menken. 

"Sorry." I said sheepishly. "Harry is in America, but he wanted to know the same time I did, so we are Facetiming," I trailed off at the end. It sounded crazy when said out loud.

Dr. Menken replied with an adoring smile before lifting my shirt to right under my bra. My baby bump had grown quite a bit in the past few weeks. It was more noticeable, and I had to go shopping for maternity clothes. 

"This is going to be cold," Dr. Meneken informed me. She put the gel on my stomach making a shiver shoot through my spine and goose bumps to form in my arms. "I told you it was going to be cold," She said through a chuckle. 

"Yeah," I muttered. I stared at the screen as Dr. Meneken did what she knew to do. A few seconds later, I turned my head to look up at her.

"The baby's healthy, that's a good sign." She stared at the screen for a minute longer, her eyes squinting. She seemed confused for a second before an wide smile broke out on her face. "I don't see how I didn't notice this during your first ultrasound, but it appears that you are having twins." I stared at her in complete astonishment. 

"Twins? As in two babys?" I asked baffled. She nodded her head, still grinning. I let the new information sink in before looking at my phone. Harry sat there, a shit eating grin on his face. I couldn't fight the one that was creeping its way up either. 

"A healthy baby boy, and a healthy baby girl." I smiled like crazy. Not only was I having twins, but a boy and a girl. 


Awh yay. Twins! How exciting!

I'm sorry if this chapter absolutely sucked. To be honest, I don't even know what I just wrote. My mind is corrupted with the fact that I made an 81 on my AP Lang midterm. Which means I'll have a B in there this semeaster and I won't get in trouble! :D AND I may have a new fanfic/short story coming up after the New Year. If you want me to put it up earlier, leave a comment and let me know. 

This is sad though. There was once a time that I was like three chapters ahead of myself. Literally, I would have three chapters already written before updating.. Now I don't even have one word of a new chapter written before I update. Heck, I don't even know what the chapter is going to be about until I actually write it. I'm a slacker, I know. 

COMMENT and VOTE if you love me or One Direction or CHRISTMAS! :D

--Sierra xx

P.S. I'm going blind D: Not forreal, but I do think I'll need glasses soon DDD:

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