Don't Let Me Go

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Thea's POV

"Yes I still want to be with Harry. Is that even a question?" I ask slightly irritated that Sierra would even ask me that. I still love the curly headed boy even after all we've been through.

"Then why'd you tell him no? Why'd you run away from him?" She pestered me, making me wish I never even called her.

"Because he can't come here and apologize and expect me to fall at his knees! He can do something miraculous and amazing and then I might consider taking him back but until then--" I was interrupted by a light tapping on my door. "Hold on, some idiot is knocking on my door. It'll just take a second," I said while walking towards my door. I twisted the doorknob, slowly pulling the door open. My jaw fell as I stared in front of me in complete and utter shock. "Imma have to call you back," I said to Sierra before aimlessly hanging up and throwing my phone on what I hoped was the couch.

Shock was all I could feel throughout my body. It was a surreal moment, just taking in the scene. Harry stood there with a guitar and a dozen red roses-my favorite flower-in hand. I couldn't form words with what I saw in front of me, it was like something out of a romance novel. My mouth opened and closed numerous times, trying to formulate something to squeak out, but Harry beat me to the punch. He set the flowers down and smiled sheepishly before strumming the guitar. I sucked in a sharp breath as his husky voice started singing.

"Now you were standing there right in front of me

I hold on, it's getting harder to breathe

All of a sudden these lights are blinding me

I never noticed how bright they would be" I could feel the lump in the back of my throat form as I listened to the words rolling off Harry's tongue perfectly.

"I saw in the corner there is a photograph

No doubt in my mind it's a picture of you

It lies there alone in its bed of broken glass

This bed was never made for two" the meaning these words held, I knew it must have taken him a while to come up with them.

"I'll keep my eyes wide open

I'll keep my arms wide open" As I prepared myself for the chorus, Harry took a small step closer to me.

"Don't let me

Don't let me

Don't let me go

'Cause I'm tired of feeling alone

Don't let me

Don't let me go

'Cause I'm tired of feeling alone," when realization hit me, when I understood exactly what the words were saying, I couldn't help myself. I launched myself at the curly headed boy. The guitar somewhat in the way, I still managed to maneuver my arms around his waist in a tight hug. I felt him move the guitar so it was on his back and pull me closer. I felt safe, being in his arms which is something I haven't felt in a long time. I wanted to stay like this, in the arms of the person I love. It felt magical, sparks shooting through my body. The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy making it feel like this was the first time we've ever touched.

I pulled away slightly, just enough to look in Harry's emerald green eyes. They were sparkling with love as they stared back into my brown ones. My gaze shifted down to his rosy lips before they trailed back up his face. It seemed almost like a cliché fairy tale, but it was exactly what I wanted. I stood on my toes, just barely having my forehead reach his eyes, my lips right under his chin. I waited for him to bend down, our lips slowly inching towards each other. The anticipation of feeling his lips on mine was killing me.

Finally, Harry's soft lips brushed mine almost scares I would react defiantly, but when I showed no sign of struggle, Harry slotted his velvet lips between mine. My eyes fluttered close as our lips moved in sync, my hand resting at the nape of his neck.

I pulled away again, all the way. Harry looked at me confused, his head tilted to the side a bit, eyebrows scrunched together. I fought to keep the smile from making an appearance on my face as I tried to look mad at him. Truth was, I couldn't be any happier. He made the big gesture I was telling Sierra about, he did everything and more.

"Why'd you pull away?" He asked after a minute. I shrugged my shoulders, a dopey grin breaking its way to my face.

"Seemed like the right thing to do. I feel like I also should have slapped you, but I decided against that one. You're too cute to slap," I said with a wink at the end. Harry smiled, his dimples concaving into his cheeks.

"Oh," he turned around and picked up the roses he put down earlier, "I got you these." I took them out of his hand and held them to my nose taking in the sweet scent.

"They're beautiful," I whispered. I ushered Harry in the house and shut the door behind him before walking into the kitchen in search for a vase. After checking every cabinet, I found it all the way at the top of the last one. I groaned before reaching up to grab it, my fingertips barely grazing it.

"Ha--" I turned around in search for Harry only for him to be right behind me. "Can you get that for me?" I asked, peering in his bright green eyes that were filled with amusement.

"I can," he chuckled, pecking my nose before reaching up. His shirt rose up on his long torso granting me view of his v-line. "If you're going to keep checking me out, I'll happily take the shirt off." I playfully slapped his chest causing him to chuckle.

"You know," I pondered, "you should just take it off." Harry grinned before placing the vase on the counter behind me and slowly easing his shirt up his body and over his head. "These," I traced the outline of the two birds along Harry's chest, noting the goose bumps that raised everywhere my fingers touched, "will always be my favorite."


Can I have a round of applause please ? Like two updates almost back to back ! This is a miraculous miracle and I should be praised with at LEAST 15 VOTES !

So , I'm going to take a moment to discuss the 9/11 attacks . I was only four so I don't remember much , but I do remember my mother and dad telling me something bad happened . Of course I didn't understand exactly what was going on , just that something bad happened . Being older and looking back on it makes me realize how precious every moment of our life is and we shouldn't take things for granted. In February , I went to New York and I visited the memorial where they've made the two fountains where the twin towers were , and it was heart breaking . Looking at the amount of names of the people lost in the attack almost brought me to tears . What did make me cry was the first time I read '____ and unborn baby' . 9/11 was truly a hard time for the country and is still a hard time now . My thoughts are out there for those who lost someone during 9/11 .

Now that's been said , I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and don't worry , it's not even almost over yet , so don't worry about that . Please VOTE and COMMENT 😍😍😍

I love you darlings ❤❤❤

-Sierra xx

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