Happy Tears and Cupcakes

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Once we got to the restaurant, I noticed something was a little off. Harry was fidgety and seemed almost nervous. I couldn't put my finger on why, but decided I would ask when we got back to the hotel. If it was serious, I didn't want to ruin this time with both our families.

"Thea!" Eleanor squealed. I sat in the spot next to her and gave her a quick hug. 

"How are you and Louis?" I asked. I glanced next to me when I felt Harry set his hand on my thigh, giving it a tight squeeze, a smile forming on my lips. 

"Perfect. Perfectly perfect," Eleanor sighed with content and love. Her eyes danced with delight when she looked at Louis, who smiled brightly at her. "I feel like it's the first few months all over again. We've been so distant lately; I've realized how much we've missed out on. I feel like I'm getting to know him all over. Those old feelings being rekindled. Its weird how just a week ago, I wouldn't get that tingling feeling whenever Louis would talk to me or touch me or just be near me; now it's even worse. Just thinking about him causes my heart to race and my stomach to flip." Eleanor blushed lightly as she spoke. The adoration in her eyes struck me awe. Even though I felt all of those with Harry, and I knew exactly what she meant, it brought a whole new meaning to love. 

"That's sweet. I know what you mean though." We continued to talk for a while, ordering our food and laughing. Everyone was going on their second glass of wine as Anne was telling a story about Harry.

"-so we went to the park after Harry begged, literally, for hours, to take him. He was on the slide when we all smelled it. I--" everyone was already laughing from, knowing exactly how the story would end. Harry's cheeks were a fiery red, only making him appear more adorable than ever.

"Hey, I have something to say." Everyone quieted down and turned towards Harry who looked like a nervous wreck. His eyes met everyone's before they landed on mine. I offered him a small smile and waited for him to continue. "Everyone around this table has told me just how much they can see the love I have for you...” I stared at Harry in disbelief. Complete and utter shock ran through my body as he continued to make his great speech. I knew this was coming, but I didn't expect it to come so quick. Not here, not in front of his whole family. I couldn't seem to tear my eyes away as Harry's words molded into my mind, a smile growing on my face. He slid out of his seat, a small box in his hand. "I love you, Thea..." My breath hitched in my throat as he opened the small box and the most beautiful ring I have ever seen lay right in the middle. "Thea Caverly, will you do the honor of making me the happiest person on life and marrying me?" 

My mouth fell slightly open, my heart beating erratically. I tried to speak, but my mouth was so dry words wouldn't form. I tried to move, but I was in so much shock I couldn't bring myself to do it. The boy I was never supposed to meet, the boy who has been through hell and back with me, the boy who had made me doubt so much in my life but had so effortlessly made me fall in love with him, was on one knee in front of me. Asking me to marry him. Me, a broken girl with a broken past. 

"Yes," I croaked out, tears falling down my face. Harry slid the ring on my left hand; a perfect fit. "A thousand times yes," I repeated, wrapping my arms around Harry's neck and enveloping him in a hug. We stayed like that for a few minutes, enjoying being held in each other's arms. "I don't need the moon, Harry. All I've ever needed was you," I whispered before pulling away and leaving a soft, tender kiss on his lips. 

When I pulled away, I could feel all eyes on us. Everyone was finally coming back into reality. Glancing around, I could see the tears rolling down the cheeks of almost everyone. Each member of our oddly perfect family smiling fondly at me and Harry. It was a moment of pure bliss; being here with the closest people I've ever had in my life and sharing this heartwarming experience with.

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