The Morning After

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I woke up entangled in naked limbs. The events of the night playing before my mind, and I couldn't help but smile. I opened my eyes only to be graced with the face of an angel. I leaned up and softly kissed his heart shaped lips before snuggling deeper into his warm body. We were still in the boot of the range rover, the early morning sky seeping through the windows. It was a perfect moment, something I'll remember forever.

"Good morning," Harry's gravely voice whispered, full of sleep. I kissed his neck in response earning a hum of appreciation. I traced small shapes into his chest, his breathing steadying.

"We should probably get back," I whispered even though I could stay like this forever.

"Five more minutes," Harry groaned before tightening his grip on my waist and closing his eyes again. I silently agreed with him, my eyes fluttering as well. My head rose up and down along with Harry's chest, his heartbeat sounding in my ear. I let my fingers trace patterns across his chest, noticing how as my fingers got lower on his abdomen, his muscles tensed and his heartbeat picked up. I smiled to myself, leaving a small kiss on his chest. Reluctantly, I got out of the comfort of Harry's arms and grabbed my clothes, well Harry's too-big t-shirt, and threw it on over my head after putting on my bra and underwear.

"Before someone finds us," I quietly cooed, hoping it would entice Harry to get out of bed, with no avail. I thought for a second, a good reason for Harry to get up and grinned when I figured it out. I opened the boot of the car and leaned over Harry's lanky body and left a chaste kiss on his lips before running out of the car. I could hear Harry hot on my heels, but kept running none-the-less. By the time I got to the edge of the water, Harry was right behind me, an arm slithering around my waist hoisting me up and over his shoulder.

"This is completely unnecessary." I groaned, laying limp in his tight hold. He let out a deep chuckle before I was thrown into the passenger seat of his car. "So now you want to go," I mumbled after Harry shut my door and walked around to the other side. As we started driving down the road, neither of us said anything. The thirty minute ride home consisted of light-hearted jokes and playful banter. We didn't dwell on our mistakes, we didn't let it control our actions.

"Thea," Harry whispered, his eyes falling on me before staring back at the road. I gave him a pointed look, waiting for him to continue. His face softened even more, "I love you." My heart fluttered before it felt like it literally stopped. Hearing those three over-used words slip from his lips with so much emotion and power elicited over them brought a whole new meaning. It wasn't something people threw around when he spoke them, Harry actually meant them.

"I love you too." My voice was barely audible, but I knew Harry heard me by the way his lips curled up slightly, and his dimples carved his cheeks almost unnoticeable.

Before either of us new it, we were pulling up to the small flat I rented over two weeks ago. We sat in the car, stealing glances at one another like we were forbidden to make eye contact. When our eyes did connect, we would both look away quickly with bright red cheeks. I felt like a school girl again, falling in love with her first crush.

"Do you want to come in?" I asked Harry quickly. He grinned a full smile before hoping out of the car and running to my side, opening the door like the true gentleman he is. "Thank you," I winked at him, leaving a kiss on his left cheek before racing up to my flat.


Fucking hell . Took me forever to update ! I am SO sorry . It's just we got progress reports and I have a few B's that need to be brought up , so I've been studying a lot , and AP Lang is relentless in essays , I pretty much write one every night . But here's the update , which is hella short but I can't help that . It's either this , or nothing . I'll update again this weekend for sure , on the way home from my meet I'll write xD

Oh ... You can thank a certain kid ... Who I will not name , though he's the opposite of Luigi . You can thank him for making me update . He's aslo definitely not the one I dedicated this to ... xD

Love you guys ❤️❤️

-Sierra xx

A.K.A Squishy

A.K.A Nemo

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