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"When are we telling management?" I asked Harry. We were both in bed after our date and my wonderful bath. I couldn't help but bring up the topic after Louis said something about it.

"Soon, Baby, soon," Harry said through a sigh. It was obvious Harry was worried about it, I was too, but something had to be done about it. We couldn't keep it a secret much longer, my stomach would grow and people would catch on.

"Okay. We need to do it before you go back." I could feel Harry tense up next to me, the fact that he did have to leave again haunting him. It was hard for the both of us, and now I'm pregnant making it that much harder.

"We will." I could hear the strain in Harry's voice as he spoke, but there was nothing else that we could do. Management needed to know, and the fans need to know.

"Tomorrow," I say through a yawn. I could feel my eyes getting heavy, the weight of the conversation at hand taking a toll on me.

"If that's what you want," Harry says. I simply nod my head and snuggle closer to Harry's overly warm body. It doesn't take long before the steady beat of Harry's heart lulls me into a dream-filled state.


I woke up to the soft sound of the shower running.I lazily reached over to the side Harry was on only to find it empty. It took me a minute to connect two and two together, but I finally realized Harry must be in the shower. I quickly got out of the warm confines of my bed and walked to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. It didn't take long before Harry was next to me, a towel wrapped around his waist, his hair dripping wet. We stood in silence, relishing in just having each other near.

"When do you want to go talk to management?" I asked after a while of sipping on tea. Harry replied with a shrug of his shoulders.

"I guess it doesn't matter, whenever you're ready, Babe," he said after another minute. I nodded my head and contemplated whether to make another cup of tea or to get dressed.

"I'll be back," I say before lightly kissing Harry's lips and scampering away. I could hear Harry following behind me, his arms finding my waist and pulling me to his chest. I let out a squeal, a small laugh escaping my lips.

"I'm coming with," Harry whispered before throwing me over his shoulder and walking the rest of the way to the room. "You've got a nice ass, by the way."

"Cheeky," I replied with a roll of the eye, but the smile was clearly evident. When we got in the room, Harry tossed me to the bed and walked to the dresser grabbing the necessary clothes whilst I grabbed mine; a black skater skirt, white crop top, and black vans. I kept my hair down, just slightly curling the ends. "Let's go," I say, pulling Harry up from the bed. We slowly make our way down to Harry's Range Rover and climb in. The ride to Modest! Management is quiet, both of us nervous and anxious to see what they have to say about everything. I can't help my knee from jumping up and down in anticipation as we near the building. I shouldn't be nervous, but I can't help it.

"You ready?" Harry asks from my side with the door open. I nod slightly and and walk up with him, hands linked together. "It'll be fine," Harry whispers right before we enter. I take a deep breath and nod trying to convince myself everything will, indeed be fine.

The woman at the reception desk smiles brightly at Harry and I as we walk in, and gestures towards the elevator, not a word spoken. I have to stifle a laugh at the choice of elevator music they have playing: One Direction.

"They must really adore you," I say to Harry, referring to the choice of music they are playing.

"Can't get enough of us," Harry responds with a wink and a chuckle. The rest of the ride is quiet, waiting till we reach the right floor. My stomach drops when we do. Harry leads me to a door and opens it. Various members of Modest! are sat around, minding their own business; that is until Harry steps in. Everyone shoots up and greets him with a smile. Most leave, a few stray employees stay, most likely the more important ones.

"Yes, Harry?" One says, unsure of what her name is.

Harry and I take a seat in front of the big desk and look at the four who stayed behind. I squeeze his hand for reassurance before he clears his throat to talk.

"Thea and I have to discuss something with you," he says confidently. The four nod their head for Harry to continue, which he does. "As you know, about a month ago, I went to Australia to find Thea," they nod their heads in acknowledgement, "and while we were there, we got back together." I swallow down my nerves as Harry draws out the inevitable. "Shortly afterwards, we had.. taken our relationship a step forward and were irresponsible. As a result, Thea got pregnant." I squint my eyes, ready for management to blow up at us, but they don't. They look at us in shock for a moment before their faces soften the tiniest bit.

"Thank you for telling us, Harry. You as well, Thea. I know it must have taken a lot for you to both come up here and let us know what has happened. You obviously know that sooner or later this will get out, Thea will start to get bigger and the fans are going to catch on. You have one of two options here. You can wait and let the fans discover it for themselves, or we can do an interview and you tell everyone. The only thing I will warn you on, most people are not going to take this easy. A lot of hate is going to be sent to the both of you. Those are the consequences for your actions." I take a minuet to process what they say and look at Harry. I can tell we are thinking the same thing, what will be more beneficial for the both of us, and I nod slightly. It's a leap, a leap that I never thought I would have to take, but I do, and I will.

"We'll do the interview," Harry says. Whatever can allow the bulk of the stress to his now, not when I'm further into the pregnancy.

"We'll have things set up to get an interview before the week is up. I do congratulate the both of you, I just hope you are making all of the right decisions." The man who has not said a word yet says. We both smile and nod before walking out of the door with our dignity and pride still intact.


Awh yay! I'm pretty sure this is the only fanfic that management aren't major douchebags!

So can you all VOTE and COMMENT because I know you all love me. And ASK ME QUESTIONS AND I'LL ANSWER THEM IN A YOUTUBE VIDEO so you can all see how awkward I am :D

How is everyone's week? Good? That's fantastic! Mine is.. Well, I don't think mine could get any better ❤️

Love you, all my Darlin''s

-Sierra xx

P.S. Picture of Ryan Gosling to the side saying 'Yes' because yes, you should COMMENT and VOTE and ASK QUESTIONS!

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