A Simple Text

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As soon as we got in my flat, I went straight to the bathroom and started the shower. As I let the water warm up, I stripped from the clothes I had carelessly thrown on, setting them in the laundry bin. I quickly stepped into the waiting shower and let the water fall over me. I lathered my hair in the coconut smelling suds and washed my body before stepping out with a towel wrapped around my body. I could hear the t.v playing in the living room, so I quickly got dressed in the clothes I needed for work. My hair was thrown up in a tight bun to keep it from my face, and my make up was at a complete minimum. By the time I was finished with everything, it was almost twelve.

"I have work in a bit," I told Harry when I walked into the living room. He turned his head enough to plant a small kiss on my cheek before returning his attention to the television. It was some entertainment news talking about One Direction. I sat down beside Harry and watched with him, his arm around my waist to hold me close. They were talking about their tour and how it was out on hold for reasons unknown.

"Management kept it from getting out to the press," Harry told me, answering what I had yet to ask. "They were quite pissed off."

We sat in a comfortable silence, listening to the women talk about any gossip she could. It was peaceful, being able to just sit there in Harry's arms and watch a show without having to worry about petty drama of any sort, something we haven't been able to do. It felt like something new, something better was starting, and I didn't want to give it up for any reason.


"Pick me up after work," I told Harry, he was stood in front of the small café begging me to skip.

"Just say you're sick," he pouted, his bottom lip jutting out and his eyes wide. I left a swift kiss on his cheek and skipped inside the shop. It was clear that we had few customers today by the way everyone was taking their time. I searched the shop with one person in mind, it was time for a talk.

"Juliet," I called, walking into the back room. I caught a glimpse of her blonde hair and made my way over to where she was. I could see her quickly typing on her phone and smiling wide. "What's got you all smiley?" I asked, tapping her shoulder. Juliet jumped, abruptly turning around to scold me.

"You almost gave me a heart attack!" She exclaimed with wide eyes. I couldn't help but giggle at the fact that she looked like a deer caught in headlights. "It isn't funny," she mumbled under her breath before replying to whatever she was looking at.

"Who's that?" I questioned after a moment of her furiously typing on her little white phone. I caught a sight of the name on the top written in small black letters. There seemed to be never ending blue and grey speech bubbles back and forth between the two. I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face as I thought about Niall and Juliet together.

"Niall," she admitted quietly. I could see the red blush creep up her neck and land on her cheeks. It made me think back to when I realized I liked Harry, how my cheeks would grow bright red just by the thought of him, and how they still do. "We've been causally talking," Juliet added after a minute or so.

"Casual? I don't think there is anything casual about this. I think, I think you like him and he likes you," I retorted. It was funny how easily people down play their feelings for each other. It was almost as if they were ashamed of liking each other, like it was forbidden.

"It's not like it would ever work out. I live here in Australia and he lives in London. It's doomed from the start, Thea," Juliet admitted quietly. I quickly frowned at the lack of faith she had in holding a long distance relationship.

"You, my dear, need to have a little faith and think positive. It's obvious you like him, and I'm almost 100 percent positive he likes you, that's all it takes. That and trust," I smiled at my oh-so-smart advice. A little love and trust was all that was needed in a relationship to workout. Distance, or any disability really, shouldn't affect two people from being with each other.

"Stop being reasonable," Juliet said feigning annoyance. I rolled my eyes before walking away and grabbing my apron to start making pastries.


"Did you get my letter of resignation?" I asked my boss. Since I planned on going back to London with Harry in a week, it was pointless to stay at the small café any longer.

"I did," she said with a sad smile. We said a quick goodbye, as well as all my co-workers, before I walked out into the hot Australian heat. Harry was stood at the corner with his phone in his hand smiling wide at it. I couldn't help but wonder what had him smiling so brightly, but my attention was stolen away from the beautiful boy smiling at his phone, to my phone that was vibrating in my pocket. I grinned when I saw it was a text from Harry.


I just wanted to let you know I think you're absolutely beautiful and amazing and everything I ever wanted in a girl. You are my light at the end of the tunnel. I'm completely in love with you, and I wanted you to know.

My heart raced as I read and re-read the words over and over until they were permanently glued in my mind. I stopped where I stood to calm my fast-beating heart. Something so simple, yet so affective. I glanced up at Harry who was smiling and staring right at me. I was already half way towards him, only a few more steps until I was met with his tall, lanky body. I quickly ran to him, like you would see in a cliché romance film. I jumped into his arms and lightly kissed his lips, just enough to show how much that simple text meant to me, but not enough to where it was not appropriate for public viewing.

"I love you," I whispered before pulling him with my to my flat.


I can officially be deemed as the worse updater ever . I mean , this is just sad. But I guess you'll get over it. You know, I'll probably update faster if some people commented a lot more ... Just saying ... Comments motivate me *cough* hint *cough*

The irony of this chapter is quite funny though ... Too bad I'm the only one that gets why it's ironic . Oh whale 🐳

Does it make me a nerd that I'm in a math club at school ? 😳

Alright , enough of this authors note . I'm sorry if it's not long , I'm seriously so over-whelmed with school it's not even funny . [If anyone was wondering , that D I had in AP Lang ... It's now a B because I'm a mad nerd and strive to make A's ☺️] alright , peace out ✌️

-Sierra xx

P.S. The dedication is to my absolute best friend Xenia . She'll probably understand the irony in this chapter ... You should go check out her stories though , she's an absolutely phenomenal writer and deserves more reads ! 😁

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