Late Night McDonalds

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"Can we get some maccas?" Juliet asked again. After smoking with Jared, me and Juliet decided to get some food to satisfy our aching stomachs.

"Yes!" I cheered followed by a giggle. We were aimlessly walking around town, looking for a McDonalds. After taking a few more steps I stopped and bursted into laughter causing Juliet and any on-lookers to stare at me.

"What's so funny?" She asked, amusement clear in her voice. I couldn't say anything, just pointed to the lady walking in front of us. The way she swiveled her hips and the hop she had in her walk reminded me of a retarded, dancing bunny.

"L-l-look," I choked out through my laughter. Juliet took a glance and fell on the floor laughing. Tears were falling from both our eyes as we shamelessly made fun of the old woman.

I turned my head to the right and saw the big, golden 'M' above me, immediately reminding me of how hungry I was. "Juliet, I found it!" I exclaimed, making wide ha d movements at the building. We both calmly walked inside and ordered two ten piece nugget meals, two Big Macs, and two large fries.

"Is this for here?" The women behind the counter asked. She had a look of disgust on her face, most likely from the amount of food we ordered.

"No, we want it to go, please," I said kindly. She not-so-subtly rolled her eyes and typed in the order. I gave her my money and walked to the side with Juliet. What felt like three hours later, though it was probably only three minutes, they called our order. I hastily grabbed it, listening to my stomach grumble causing me to curl over in laughter. A few people have me weird looks, but I simply brushed them off.

"Come on," Juliet said before walking out the door. I had recovered from my laughing fit and followed the same way Juliet left.

"Maybe, we can Skype Niall after this," I mentioned nonchalantly. Juliet's eyes widened as she nodded quickly.

"Yes! And then he will fall in love with me and he will have my babies," She said calmly. It made me chuckle how nonchalant she was about everything.

After a few more minutes of walking, we finally made it to my flat. We sat around the coffee table, our food spread across the length of it. My laptop was conveniently placed in the middle, so I didn't have to go far for it.

"Alright, be quiet while I Skype him. Okay?" I looked over at Juliet who had fries overflowing from her mouth. She simply nodded her head before taking a sip of her coke.

I turned the device on and waited for the page to load. It took all of two seconds, enough time for me to devour half of my fries. I saw Niall was online and quickly pressed the video call and listened to the monotone ring. After the fifth buzz, a blonde haired Irish boy graced my screen.

"Hi!" I gushed. I felt a tightening feeling in the pit of my stomach, a feeling I didn't like all too much. I turned to Juliet who was frozen. "I'm going to sleep, I feel like I'm going to be sick." I told her before getting up and leaving the two by themselves. I had my doubts, but ultimately knew they would be okay.

I climbed in bed, the high feeling completely drained from my body. I needed to talk to someone, someone who I could trust.

After listening to the phone ring umpteen times, she finally answered. "Hello?"

"Hey, El." I felt a smile creep on my face. I hadn't talked to Eleanor since I moved, so it was nice to be able to hear her voice.

"Thea! How is everything?" She asked the excitement clear in her voice.

"Pretty good. Just been working." I shrugged my shoulders even though she couldn't see me.

"Two days and you've already got a job, I'd say that's a new record," she giggled, fidgeting around a little.

"El, what's wrong?" I asked.

"The boys have a three day break and they're coming here earlier than expected... Which means Harry is going to find out you're gone sooner." She sounded so nervous telling me.

"Okay..?" I was confused how this could possibly be a problem.

"Thea, when he finds out you're gone... He's going to flip out. He's going to try to look for you and he won't stop." I knew she was worried about how he would react, but it couldn't be that bad.. could it?

"As long as you and Perrie don't tell anyone, then he physically won't be able to find me. It's nothing to worry about." I couldn't figure out if I was trying to convince her, or myself.

"If you say so, Babe." Eleanor responded unsure.

"Well I do.." We sat in silence for a minute, no one knowing exactly what to say. "I'm going to go to sleep. Goodnight." I didn't wait for an answer, instead I hung up. I didn't even get to the reason why I called. I wanted to tell Eleanor everything. I wanted to tell her about Juliet and being in Australia.. I wanted to tell Eleanor about what I've started up, about the weed, but I couldn't find it in me to tell her. I was afraid she would judge me, tell me I was fucking up my life. That was something I didn't need, I needed someone who would be there for me and tell me it's my life to what I want to.


I'm not happy with what this chapter turned out to be , but it'll have to do . I don't know when I'll be able to update again .. I might be grounded soon . I was supposed to write an essay on a book I didn't read and I think I'm good to make a 1/9 on it ... Which is a 55/100 I think . When my mother finds out , she's going to be pissed and I don't know how she'll retaliate .

So with that being said , I have come up with this shitty ass chapter , and you'll just have to suck it up .

I love you guys so much though . No one ever demands updates , and not one person has told me this fanfic sucks , so I'm pretty happy ! Not to mention as of right now this is ranked !!! How awesome is that !? It's like number 680 in fanfic , but I mean ... Better than nothing right !? Not to mention it only has a few parts .

Alright , I have to go sleep ! School in the morning D:

-Sierra xx

P.S. Please don't make me start asking for a certain amount of votes , I really don't want to start all of that nonsense ! Just press the little button and everything will be absolutely lovely

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