Oompa Loompas and Problems

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"Babe, we're having twins!" Harry exclaimed for the hundredth time since the doctor told us. I had already driven back home and changed into something more comfortable.

"Yes, Harry, we are. Now, I'm going to go tell Eleanor. Let the boys know. I'll text you before I go to bed." Harry nodded with a grin. He has been glowing since we found out I didn't have one, but two buns in the oven. "I love you."

"I love you, too, baby," Harry mumbled before finally ending the Facetime call. I looked down at my stomach, placing a hand on top of it. A faint smile played on my lips; only five-ish more months 'till these little peanuts were due. 

After a while, I finally pulled on my TOMS and walked over to Eleanor's flat. I knocked on the door twice before Eleanor popped her head out.

"Thea!" She cheered, pulling me in. "Did you find out what the baby is? A boy or a girl?" I grinned sheepishly, glancing at my stomach then back up to El.

"Both." Eleanor stared at me confused. The gears in her head were spinning, the puzzle slowly clicking together.

"You're having twins?!" Eleanor squealed. Before I could even stutter a word out, Eleanor wrapped me in a bone crushing hug. "This is so exciting! You're not having one, but two little babies." I nodded my head in agreement, pulling away. "Who else knows?"

"Harry is supposed to be telling the boys, but other than them, no one. I'm going to call  my mother then Anne and Gemma. I also have to call Alex and Mario. I can only imagine how excited they'll be." I pulled out my phone to call everyone that needed to know about the twins. Everyone had the same reaction, squeals of delight and a congratulation. 

"Are you telling the fans, or let them find out on their own?" Eleanor asked after the many phone calls I made. 

"I think we're just going to let them find out on their own. Same as with our engagement. It's our private life, and we don't want to share it with anyone voluntarily." I shrugged, twirling the ring on my finger. 


18 weeks pregnant

"But I look so fat," I whined into the phone. I could hear Harry's deep chuckle as I vented to him. In the past four weeks, I had grown an unbelieveable amount. 

"I'm sure you look absolutely perfect, Babe." I groaned in frustration which only caused Harry to laugh even more. 

"It's not funny! I look like a damn oompa loompa." As Harry kept laughing and reassuring me I didn't look like an oompa loompa, I rolled off the bed and into the kitchen. I searched for something to eat, something that actually looked appealing, but couldn't find anything. 

"Baby, I have to go. Apparently we have an interviem to do. I'll call you in a few hours when we're done. If you're not asleep yet."

"Alright, Harry. I love you," I sighed into the phone. Too long Harry's been away. I missed him more than I ever thought possible.

"I love you, too, Thea." After that, Harry hung up the phone leaving me to continue my search for food. After minutes of searching with no luck, and not finding any, I let out a huff before walking to the bedroom and slipping on a pair of shoes and a small jacket. When I get outside, I was surprised to see the large crowd of paps and fans yelling and screaming at me. Flashes blinded me and teenagers pushed to get closer. I felt clausterphobic and could feel the stress building. It wasn't common for paps or fans to bombard me, but when it did it was never this bad. At the most there was only a few paps and a few fans. 

Are the rumors true?

Is it all for publicity?

Is management making you do it?

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