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"I'm pregnant," I announced. I could feel the weight of worry and nervousness lift off my chest as those words fell from my mouth. Everyone stared for a minute, soaking in the news that was just dropped. I didn't blame them though, I would be shocked too. We were still young, and to some it seemed like a mistake. Hell, it was a mistake, a beautiful mistake.

"How long?" Eleanor asked, the only one able to form words. I looked up at Harry and waited for him to answer.

"Two weeks at the most," he answered after contemplating how long. Everyone nodded their heads before shit-eating smiles broke out on each face. Within seconds cheers and 'congratulations' were being thrown around. At one point Louis declared we should go out and drink which was quickly followed by Eleanor slapping his head and saying something along the lines of 'she's pregnant, idiot'. It was quite a numerous scene to see everyone so supportive and happy for us. Any worry or fear I had before was completely washed away just by their reactions. After a while, I quietly excused myself and went to my room with my laptop. Skype was opened and I waited for the green 'online' symbol to pop up. The second it did, I pressed the 'call' button and waited. A few rings later my screen was filled with the face of my best friend.

"I have some news!" Was the first thing out of my mouth. Sierra looked slightly taken aback from the sudden outburst, but smiled none the less.

"Well don't just sit there and tell me you have news, tell me the news!" I let out a small laugh as I prepared myself to tell her. It was different than everyone here, I've known Sierra all my life.

"I'm pregnant," I whispered. It took a second for Sierra to register the words I said, but when she did a squeal escaped her lips and she started congratulating me, much like everyone else has.

"How long?" She asked excited.

"Two weeks at the most. I've got a doctors visit tomorrow and we are getting everything checked out." A smile crept onto Sierra's lips as she looked at something behind me for a brief moment then back at me.

"Well, I'll let you go so you can have some quality time with Mr. Perfect." I rolled my eyes at her new nickname for Harry. We said our goodbye's and I closed my laptop in content. Everyone seemed to be happy about Harry and I having a baby, well everyone we knew. I didn't want to see how the fans would react to this, or management. They've never done anything too extreme, they let Zayn and Perrie get married, but a baby was different. A baby was a whole new responsibility to take care of, something a twenty year old boy in a band shouldn't have.

"I think Louis is the most excited about this." I jumped in my spot and quickly turned around, my hand over my heart in an effort to calm me. Harry was leaning on the door, his arms crossed and hair disheveled. I scowled at him before quickly standing up and slapping his arm.

"Don't scare me like that!" I pouted, my arms crossed much like a two year old. After a few minutes of my pouting and Harry grinning, I processed what he had told me earlier when he scared me. "Why do you think Louis is the most excited?"

"Well, he just asked if he could be the godfather," Harry said with a wide grin. I couldn't help the smile that crept on my face as well, just thinking about Louis, Harry's absolute best friend, was completely supportive of this made relief flood my body.

"That's a very good sign indeed," I said through a breathy laugh. Harry quickly nodded his head and pulled me out to the living room where everyone else was. Louis quickly stood up, Eleanor following closely behind, and pulled me into the kitchen. They both looked antsy about something, probably something I already knew.

Louis quickly cleared his throat and glanced down at Eleanor who gave a quick, subtle nod and a smile. "We, uh, we wanted to ask you something," Louis stuttered nervously. I gave him a small smile to encourage him to continue on. "Obviously you have a lot of choices, and it is only the beginning, but you should really consider me and--"

"Yes," I cut Louis off without even letting him finish. I already knew what he was going to ask, and it was pointless to make him continue on stumbling over his words. "Of all the people here, you two are the ones I trust the most. I've known you both the longest and I wouldn't have it any other way," I said, finishing off with wrapping my arms around them in a hug.


"Grab the keys," I called out to Harry. We had ten minutes to get to my doctors appointment, and I didn't want to be late. I could barely see him nod his head before I left my flat and walked out to the car. Seconds later, Harry was unlocking it and opening my door for me. I thanked him with a kiss on the cheek before shutting the door. Harry rolled his eyes and jogged to the other side of the black car. When he was finally settled in the car, he blasted the heat started to drive. It was a quiet drive, the anticipation of this doctors appointment eating at the both of us. Within minutes, Harry was parking, and we were walking hand-in-hand to the desk to sign in. My name was sloppily written in cursive before I have the lady a smile and took the papers she handed me. Sighing, I grabbed a pen and walked towards a seat and started filling out every sheet of paper with the information required. After ten minutes of repeating myself on different sheets, I was finally finished and called to the back to where the doctor was, and before I knew it, we were leaving the office and back to the flat.

What is life? Another update in one week? How amazing! I seriously must love you guys a lot. No promises on when the next update will be, I've got a busy week.. Well rest of the week. Essay everyday and a multiple choice in AP Lang.. That's the shit I don't like. Anyways, I'll write a little when I can.

Question: What does everyone want for Christmas? I mean it's only like 48 days away... And before anyone asks, I am counting down because Christmas means I get to leave Alabama and go to New Jersey (unless I can convince my parents to buy me a plane ticket to France, then I'm going there. It's still a shaky debate because I'm "only 16" and they "don't want anything to happen" to me. Silly parents. It's not like I'm going to run away with the first French guy I see. That would just be absurd.

Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!

-Sierra xx

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