Phone Calls

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"Okay, so all you need to do is wait the tables. When someone orders something, put the slip over here. When the bell rings that means the order is ready," Juliet told me. I nodded my head, repeating in my head what she said. "Do you think you have it?" She asked with a raised eyebrow and an amused look on her face.

"I think so," I stated hesitantly.

"Come on, you can wait tables with me till you catch on." She started to walk towards a table with an older couple. I watched as she introduced herself and asked for their drink orders, it seemed simple enough.

"It's not really that hard is it?" I asked rhetorically. She shook her head and smiled before going back with their drinks. I, went to a different table and started serving them. I was a little nervous, scared I'd mess up big time, but after time passed and I started to wait more tables everything made sense and it was easier.

"Got the hang of it already?" Juliet asked. We were at our dinner break since the place had died down considerably.

"Yeah, it seems pretty easy. Just have to get into the routine of it all." I replied nonchalantly. We talked for a few minutes longer before returning back to our shift at work.

The hours passed slowly, less and less people coming in towards the end of the day. Everything seemed to die down as the sun sank into the earth.

"You ladies go out, have some fun. I'll take care of the rest," Mrs. Jill said coming out of the back room. I wanted to protest, but Mrs. Jill was adamant on us leaving.

I let out a sigh, but nodded anyways and followed Juliet to the back room to put my things away. I couldn't help but notice the wallpaper on Juliet's phone: One Direction.

"You're a fan?" I asked pointing to the five boys on the screen, adverting my eyes from Him.

Juliet grinned and nodded her head quickly. "Massive, but Niall... The things I would do with that Irish man.." She trailed off with a mischievous glint in her eyes that made me not want to know. "Why?" She asked after a moment of her daydreaming about all the things she would do to Niall.

"I might know them.." I trailed off, waiting for the recognition to cross her features. It was coming, I could tell.

"You're... Holy shit! You're Thea, as in Harry's Thea! Oh my god!" She squealed having a moment. I waited patiently with a small grin spread across my features. "I can't believe you dated Harry, I mean I'm sorry if this is a touchy subject for you, you know with the whole break up thing..." She trailed off somberly. I gave her a reassuring grin even though every part of me wanted to break down and cry right here. "I'm just awe struck.. I shipper Hea with my life and it hurt me when you both broke up.. Why did you break up?" She asked in pure curiosity. I took in a deep breath and swallowed before opening my mouth only to close it a few seconds later. I didn't know what to say, especially not what to say so I didn't break down.

"It just didn't work out," I choked through my lips that were now pressed in a firm line to hold back the sobs that wanted to escape my them. I couldn't let anyone know it still hurt.

"I'm sorry to hear that.." An awkward silence enveloped over us, it was almost suffocating.

"It's fine, but back to what I was saying before you had a total fangirl moment, I can possibly Skype Niall?" I said as a question instead of a statement. Juliet's eyes grew huge, her jaw dropping what seemed like the floor.

"Isn't he busy with pop star stuff?" She asked, and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Come on, you can come over to my flat and we'll give him a call." I gestured in the direction of my apartment building and started walking with Juliet.

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