Spilling Secrets

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"I'm coming over," I told Eleanor then hung up, not bothering to wait for a reply. For the past week I've only been able to think about the four stupid words Harry said. They are on repeat in my brain and refuse to stop anytime soon. It's gotten to the point where the words didn't even make sense anymore. 

When I got to Eleanor's, I sat on the couch with a frown. I didn't have a clue how to start, or what to say after I did start. My mouth opened and closed over over, mimicking a fish. 

"You better say something before I kick you out," Eleanor threatened from the opposite side of the couch. I turned to face her, my mouth opening and closing once again. "Five," Eleanor started to count down. 

"Wait! Just give me a minute," I said hastily. Eleanor raised her eyebrow and patiently waited for me to gather myself. Saying it outloud is something I've refused to do, saying it to someone else scared me. "So,you know how my mother is here visiting for a while?" Eleanor nodded her head in response. "Well the first day she got here, I thought it would be funny to throw Harry under the bus and make him talk to her over Skype. I wanted to give them some time because it's the first time they've ever talked, so I went into the kitchen and made dinner for me and my mother." I took a deep breath as I got to the climax of my interesting. "While they were talking, I know I wasn't supposed to hear this, but Harry said, and I quote, 'May I marry Thea?'" I finished off, the last part rushed. Eleanor stared at me with disbelieving eyes. My heart was beating at a much faster pace than usual as I re-lived those few seconds over and over.

"He.. And.. Thea!" Eleanor gushed, unable to form a complete sentence. She wrapped me in a hug, and I couldn't help but the flood gates down and the tears to spill over. 

"I know! I don't know when, but he asked," I managed to choke out through the sobs. When I pulled away, Eleanor was grinning at me.

"I'm happy for you," She hummed softly. "It's about time. It's not like you're having his baby or anything." I couldn't help but chuckle as I wiped away the remaining tears. 

"Am I starting to show yet?" I stood up and pulled my shirt up a little so Eleanor could see. 

"Not yet, you're only barely two months into it. Give it another month or so. Right now you just look like you've gained a little weight. Lay off the chocolate bars." We both burst into a fit of laughter, clutching our stomachs. There wasn't anything too funny about eating chocolate, but being pregnant has my emotions all over the place, and Eleanor just needs to have a good laugh. 

"So tell me about you. How are you and Lou?" I asked after we calmed down. 

"I'm not sure. We have these moments and they're good. We are the perfect couple, and then he's so distant with me. I've tried to talk it out with him, but I never seem to be able to get a real answer out of him. He always claims he's stressed from work, but then if I talk to any of the other boys, they say he's perfectly fine. I don't know what to do anymore. I can't keep having good and bad times with Lou. I love him, but this constant hot and cold with him isn't going to work for me." Eleanor let out a loud huff after she finished. I felt a pang of guilt for sharing my happy news with my relationship when hers is hanging on by a thread. 

I didn't say anything in response. There was nothing too say. I could have told her how everything was going to be okay, or give her false hope, but instead I decided to get actual answers. 

"Eleanor, I want you to go take a nice long and relaxing bath. Don't think about any of your problems with Louis, just relax, okay? When you're done, I'll be here." Eleanor nodded slowly then left the room. I could hear the bathtub fill and the door shut. I waited a few minutes before pulling out my phone and calling Harry. I waited a few minutes, listening to the monotone ring. After the fourth ring, Harry answered out of breath causing butterflies to flit around from just hearing his voice.

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