Over Due Introductions and Unexpected Surprises

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Let me set a few things straight.

I don't exactly remember if I gave Thea's mom a name, so I am going to name her Grace. Also, I'm not quite sure what month it is, so it's now July. And Thea is three months pregnant. Yeah.. I feel like a horrible writer for not knowing any of this, but there are so many things going on up in my brain, I can hardly remember what I did this morning. (How ironic, I'm listening to Alley Way by The Neighbourhood, and they are talking about remembering. The irony.) Anyways, there's that, and I promise I'll stay on track with all of this from now on. Cut me some slack. 

Have a wonderful time reading this chapter, and if you enjoy it, feel free to slip in a comment or a vote. Those are highly appreciated. c:


"It's nice to officially meet you, Harry," Mother said with a proud smile. Harry grinned back, his arm still wrapped around my waist keeping me close.

"You too, Grace." He turned to Eleanor and motioned behind him. We all turned to see what he was gesturing to and saw Louis, standing there waiting to be noticed. Eleanor's eyes lit up as she walked over to Louis. They pulled each other close with wide smiles.

"When are your mom and sister arriving?" I asked hesitantly. As much as I wanted to meet them, it scared me thinking about it.

"They should be here soon. I planned for you all to land around the same time. They're arriving at the gate over. I nodded my head and leaned my head on Harry's shoulder. I couldn't help but bite my lip in nervous anticipation. "When do you go back to the doctor?" Harry asked after a few moments of silence.

"I go once I get back to London. It's the visit I find out whether it's a boy or girl." Harry slightly frowned, most likely dissapointed that he wouldn't be there. 

"Call me the minute you get to the doctor's?" Harry asked. I nodded my head in hopes to end the conversation. As much as I wanted to talk about it, I knew it hurt Harry deep down. 

"Haz!" I heard a voice call. We turned to see Gemma and Anne smiling like crazy at us. Harry unwrapped his arm and hugged the two women he adored most in his life. "I missed you," Gemma whispered even though I could still hear her. 

"And this must be the infamous Thea Harry speaks so fondly of," Anne teased. I let out a small laugh and nodded.

"That would be me. It's nice to put a face to the voice I've heard so much," I joked, pulling Anne then Gemma in for a hug. The nerves I had of meeting them before slowly slipped away. We all stayed in our small circle, Eleanor and Louis joining us, to get aquainted. It was nice to have my mother and Harry's family all here at once. A family. 

"We should go. Before too many fans find out where we are and bombard us," Louis piped up. We nodded in response and started for the cars. I kept my head down, my hand in Harry's bigger one. I watched my feet slap against the off-white tiles avoiding the cracks in them, much like I did when I was a little kid. I could hear conversation floating above me, but avoided talking. Fatigue hit me like a bus as I was suddenly exhausted.

"How long of a car ride is it?" I asked Harry when we made it into one of the two black Range Rovers. The boys were fond of the SUV.

"About five minutes. Not very long. Why?" He asked. I lay my head down on his lap and stifled a yawn.

"I'm just really tired," I replied simply. I heard the car start up before we started driving down the road. I fought to keep my eyes open, but inevitably failing. "I think I'll take a short nap," I mumbled before slipping out of unconsciousness. 

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