The Interview

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"Are you sure you're okay to do this? It isn't too late. I'll buy you an island and we can live there.. Alone," Harry joked as we got ready for the interview. I rolled my eyes before swiping mascara on my lashes. We were on in ten minutes and I had to do last minute touches.

"I'm okay. Everyone needs to know, and it's better they find out now than later." I could see Harry nod from the corner of my eye before he dissapeared out of the little room we were in. I took the time alone to asses myself and the situation I threw myself in. I could feel the nerves in my stomach floating around making me feel like the bagel I ate for breakfast was a bad idea. As much as everyone needed to know and against what I had been telling everyone, I didn't want the fans to know about the intimacy of mine and Harry's relationship. It was none of their business, but they needed to know. The hate would be magnified, but I wouldn't let it get to me. 

"Are you ready? We're going on in five minutes," Harry said, sticking his head through the door. I groaned before standing up and walking over to Harry. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a swift kiss before tugging me out and towards the set. The interviewer was wrapping up whatever celebrity gossip she scrounged up and got ready to intoduce us. The anticipation was building up as she talked about 'World's most known boyband member'. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before mustering up the biggest smile I could manage and held Harry's hand tighter. We both walked out with smiles on our faces and acted as if everything was perfectly fine, like we weren't about to announce I was pregnant to the world.

"How are you today?" The interviewer asked with a bright smile on her face, I had never cared to learn her name, and it did't seem to matter now. 

"We are actually pretty good, just been relaxing on my week off," Harry answered smoothly. The woman nodded her head slightly, thinking of ways to stall the inevitable. Before hand, we had discussed when she would bring it up and decided not to till later in the interview, so I could be more comfortable under the spot light.

"How has the tour been going? Biggest crowds you've had yet, right?" She asked with that fake smile. 

"It's great so far, really enjoying it. The crowds are absolutely mental, I love it," Harry's eyes lit up even brighter with each word he spoke. To anyone, it was clear he loved what he did, but he loved his fans even more. 

"It's been a pretty busy year, hasn't it?" She asked. I knew exactly where she was going with this. In a matter of minutes everyone across the globe would know about mine and Harry's wonderful mistake.

"Lots of up's and down's for sure, but I think it has been pretty amazing," I answered instead of Harry which seemed to surprise the interviewer. I hadn't really expected to say much myself, but I couldn't be known as the girl who didn't like to talk about her life. 

"Anything big happen recently?" She asked, the question directed towards Harry. I could see the hesitation behind his eyes as he looked at me questionable. This was the last time to back out, after this, there was no taking it back. It would be out and there was no stopping the world from knowing. I could see the headlines now, "Harry Styles knocks up girlfriend". Everyone would be talking about it.

"Actually, yes. As you all know, a little over a month ago I went to Australia with Thea. While we were there, something quite wonderful happened," Harry paused. I could tell he was internally battling himself, his thoughts and fears were at war with one another. I squeezed his hand, urging him to continue, or else I would. "Thea found out she was pregnant." Gasps were heard from the audience and everyone began to talk amungst themselves. The nerves I was feeling before came back full on. "And I'm the dad." Harry added quickly which only caused an uproar. The audience started to get rowdy and overwhelming. 

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