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Thea's POV
After the call from Eleanor, I immediately went to my own stash of weed I had bought from Jared. I grabbed a dutch I had bought and went out onto my patio. I had a pocket knife sitting on the table and used it to split the dutch down the middle. When it was opened, I got rid of the tobacco inside and swiped it clean. The leaves on the outside came off, as expected, so I licked them all and put them back on. Once I was satisfied with it, I opened my dime of weed and poured it onto the sheet of paper, cracking it into smaller pieces. I dropped the small clumps into the dutch and spread them out to cover the area. Once it was all on, I carefully rolled it into a thick blunt. I eyed it carefully, admiring my handy work before grabbing my lighter and sparking up. The sweet smell infiltrated my senses while I took in a long drag. My mind started to feel light, my body relaxing. All the worry I had about Harry finding the letter and freaking out, slowly seeped out of my body with each long drag. When I was done, I went back into my flat and grabbed my phone. I wanted to talk to Eleanor and maybe Louis.

I listened to the ring, mindlessly twirling my hair around. After the fifth ring, someone finally picked up but all that was heard was yelling and bickering.

"Hello?" I called into the phone. There was shuffling around, a slammed door, and heavy breathing. "Is this Louis?" I asked, but still no one answered. I couldn't help the giggles that escaped my lips. "Oh! We should face time!" I pulled the phone from my ear and pressed the FaceTime button, waiting for Louis' face to fill the screen of my phone. When I saw Harry's flawless face, my breath caught in my throat, my hands becoming shaky.

I watched as Thea's face filled my screen. I was speechless, hearing her voice again filled my eyes with tears, but seeing her made me feel weak to my knees. I took in all her beauty, her wide smile, her perfectly straight hair. When my eyes traveled up to meet hers, I was taken back; they were bloodshot and red. It worried me to no end, and I need to know why.

"H-Harry?" She whispered. Her eyes watering before small tears slipped out of her eyes. "What-why?"

"Thea, please don't hang up on me." I begged, my voice pleading. She seemed hesitant, I knew I fucked up and I knew she hated me, but I needed to talk to her. I needed to hear her beautiful voice. She didn't say anything, just sat there utterly confused. "Are-Are you high?" My voice barely above a whisper.

"N-no.." She avoided my gaze, her eyes fixated on something over the phone. I couldn't help but feel mad that she would lie to me.

"Thea, why?" I asked. I couldn't figure out why she would get high, why she would do such a horrid thing.

"Because I fucking can," she laughed uneasy. "Because I'm a fucking adult and lately, I don't give a fuck. I can make my own damn choices and do whatever the hell I want to." Her voice was laced with venom directed at me. It was obvious I hurt her bad, and it killed me inside. When it happened, and I woke up with another girl in my bed, it ate me alive to know I just lost the best thing in my life. But there was no doubt in my mind that I wouldn't do anything to get her back here in my arms. "Harry," she chuckled, but it wasn't an used chuckle, "Go fuck yourself and whatever girl opens her fucking legs for you." Before I could reply, she hung up. I knew if I called her back, she would just ignore the call. Instead, I stormed out of the bedroom I was in and handed the phone to Eleanor who was standing with Louis.


"I'll talk to you some other time," I spat and stormed out of the small flat. I didn't head back into my flat, instead headed to the lift and out the building. I hauled a cab over and climbed inside.

"Any secluded bar," I told the driver.

I hung up the call and threw my phone. I didn't care what happened to it. My whole body was shaking with anger. Seeing Harry's face again, seeing him judge me broke me. My walls I had built up crashed down and I didn't like the feeling. The high I was feeling was gone now. I needed a stronger release, something other than weed. The only person I knew that could provide me with that was Jared.

I grabbed my cracked phone and sent him a quick text.

Do you have anything stronger than weed?

I waited a minute just staring at the phone in my hands. It seemed like hours before he finally replied.

Yeah, meet me in the usual spot

I grabbed my keys and shoved my phone in my pocket before storming out of my flat and around the corner.

When I saw Jared, my mood slightly shifted. I was still beyond pissed, but now I was nervous. I was never one for drugs and here I was, turning to them when times got hard.

"Are you sure you're up for this?" Jared asked with a sly smirk.

"Just shut the fuck up and give me whatever it is," I snapped. A small chuckle could be heard from Jared before he handed me three white pills. "Is it safe?"

"Don't be a pussy. They're much better than weed." He shoved them closer to my body. I hesitantly looked from
the pills to Jared before throwing them in my mouth and swallowing.

"How long does it take?" I asked, eyeing the boy in front of me carefully. He just smirked at me, but I didn't care. I could feel the drugs start to course through my whole body. My hands started to shake, my body feeling irritable. I was uncomfortable in my own skin, and I didn't like the feeling. "Wh-what is this?" I asked, my throat starting to feel like it was closing.

"OxyContin.. Why?" Jared asked completely confused. My eyes widened as I mentally yelled at myself for not being more responsible.

"Shit.." I muttered, trying to get as much air to my lungs possible. I was highly allergic to OxyContin.

"Thea, what's wrong?" Jared asked. I couldn't speak, my body feeling weak from lack of oxygen. I watched my vision blur, my legs giving out from under me. I could feel my body hit the ground, excruciating pain shooting through my head before everything went black.


Damn . I'm not liking the way this is turning out . I just want Harry to get back and them be okay ... But unfortunately , things aren't that easy .

Hope you liked this chapter . I feel like no one likes this , I mean NO ONE IS COMMENTING ! Someone comment , someone new . I'll dedicate the next chapter to you ... :D

Love you babes ❤❤

-Sierra xx

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