Date Night In

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So there's an important authors note at the bottom. Read it, please? It's about a potential YouTube video from yours truly


"Harry, I swear if you do not tell me what's going on, I'm.." I paused to think of what I could possibly do to the boy in front of me. He was currently kicking me out of the house for the next three hours for some unknown reason. It was a month after I found out I was pregnant. The boys had a week off from their tour and we have done nothing but hang around for two days, not the best two days considering my emotions were on high and morning sickness was getting the best of me. "I'm going to make you sleep on the couch!" I finally come up with. Harry chuckled and shook his head.

"Come on, Babe. Three hours is all I'm asking for. You can just go to Lou's and Eleanor's, they would be more than happy to catch up with you," Harry said softly. I could feel the tears in my arms start to form; I didn't want to leave Harry for three hours, but it wasn't a reason to cry. "Baby, don't cry." Harry lightly kissed my lips and smiled at me. I nodded my head and sighed in frustration.

"I'll go over there, but if you I can come back in less than three hours, promise I can come back early?" I asked, my voice full of vulnerability. Harry nodded again before I reluctantly left my flat and padded towards Louis'. I tapped on the door and waited patiently for Louis to answer. Not even thirty seconds later, Louis' bright face was in the doorway. He greeted me and pulled me in where Eleanor was sat on the couch with my favorite snacks. My subconscious told me this was all planned for me to come here, but I chose to ignore it and be happy I have food to grub on.

"How are you?" Eleanor asked with a smile which made me smile as well, the sadness from leaving Harry completely washed away.

"I'm fantastic, but these mood swings are going to get the best of me," I joked. Eleanor giggled before patting the spot on the couch next to her. I quickly obliged and sat down, my feet underneath me. I spotted an apple in the pile of food and immediately grabbed it. I sighed in content as I took a bite of the delicious fruit, Louis chuckled from where he was putting in a movie. "What is so funny, Tomlinson?" I questioned before taking another bite.

"I just don't get what is so good about apples. You always seem to have one." It was true, I made everyone keep apples in their flats for me to eat whenever I wanted.

"I don't know, they are just good," I mumble before turning my attention to the t.v. I had to suppress a laugh at the movie choice, Crazy. Stupid. Love., which only furthered my hypothesis that they already knew I would be here today.

"So, have you guys told management?" Louis asked quietly. I cringed at the question, Harry and I had yet to discuss it. We were both weary what management would say.

"Not yet, no. We're just worried is all," I say back just as quietly. I could see Louis was about to question it further, but Eleanor jabbed him in his ribs to shut him up. The movies started right after and sucked me in. All my thoughts were consumed by Ryan Gosling and anticipating the moment he took his shirt off when Emma Stone went to his house after she stormed into the bar. It always made me giggle when she says he's photoshopped. That whole scene never fails to make me laugh, honestly. Right as the scene comes on, my phone starts buzzing. I ignore it the first time, but it buzzes again. I let out a frustrated groan and grab it, sliding my thumb across the screen to answer it.

"Hello?" I say into the phone, clearly annoyed.

"Well hello to you too," Harry says in a joking matter that makes my heart race.

"I'm sorry. I'm watching Crazy. Stupid. Love. and my favorite part is on." I say quietly, my attention still fully on the currently shirtless Ryan Gosling.

"Oh," is all Harry says. He stays quiet throughout the whole scene, but still on the phone. I can't help the smile that forms as I realize he is quite so I can watch it. After it's over, I stand up and walk into the kitchen with the phone pressed between my shoulder and ear so I can play with my fingers in nervous anticipation.

"It's over now," I say.

"You can come back now," Harry says. I feel my heart jump as I quickly leave Louis' flat with a wave goodbye. In less than a minute I'm standing at my door. I quickly knock and wait for the curly headed boy to answer. When he did, I couldn't help but quickly pull him down and leave a small kiss on his lips before walking in. I was in awe when I saw my flat decorated in candle light, what smelled like a homemade dinner, and a beautiful table set up.

"What's all of this?" I breathed out, turning to face Harry. He had a small, shy smile playing on his lips.

"Thought it was a good time to have a nice, thought out date." He responded, leading me to a chair and pulling it out for me. I sat down and silently thanked Harry who walked over to the counter and came back with two plates.

"You made this yourself?" I asked. My plate was neatly decorated with a beautiful meal; chicken, mashed potatoes, and various vegetables. It actually looked so good.

"I did," Harry grinned. He poured me a glass of wine, as well as for himself, and sat down at the other end of the table. Right away we dug in; the food delectable, the heart-felt chatter warming, the loving glances noticed. Of all the dates I've had with Harry, this was the best, hands down. "There's one more thing," Harry said and quickly stood up. I looked at him confused, but he shot me a reassuring smile. "Stay here." I did just as he said and stayed in my seat, sipping on my wine. A few minutes later, Harry came back and gestured me to follow him. We made our way to the bathroom which was decorated like the rest of my flat. The tub was full of bubbles and rose petals; romantic was one way to describe it.

"Harry, this is beautiful," I tell him. "It's perfect," I whisper before kissing his lips.


First things first, hope you liked this. If you did, please COMMENT and VOTE so I know.

Second, so I randomly got the idea. If you wanted to ask a question, I don't know, about this fanfic or me or life or whatever, I'll answer them in a YouTube video.. Yes? I don't know. Just my creative brain being bored and I want to know what you guys want to know! Yeah.. But if you think that's a good idea, ask me some questions and I'll answer them by like this weekend, so that gives you about 5ish days. Yup. Ask away! :D (ask however many questions that please you. Best question will get a dedication.)

Video to the side of the Crazy. Stupid. Love. scene I was talking about. It's literally my favorite scene and not just because Ryan Gosling is hell fine, but also because it genuinely cracks me up.

-Sierra xx

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