Books or Movies

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"Are you sure you still want her to come? Don't feel like you have to," Harry quiestioned for what had to be the tenth time since the beginning of the Skype call we started over an hour. It was cute that he was so worried about me, but I had already made up my mind. In two days my mother would be here, in the flesh. I wasn't sure how I would feel after she got here, it all could have been a facade, but I was willing to figure it out when the time came.

"Positive, Harry. I want to have that relationship I was never allowed to have growing up. I want someone to be there for me during this pregnancy, not just you and my friends." I tell him honestly. As great as it is having everyone for moral support, it would be different having my mother here, someone who has been through all of this once before. 

"If anything goes wrong, you'll tell me, right?" He asked with worry in his eyes, like he actually believed I wouldn't tell him about any mishaps that happen while he was away.

"What makes you think I wouldn't tell you?" I question, pure curiosity getting the best of me. 

"I don't know. I'm just stressed with the tour and interviews and fans and you and the upcoming baby. It's a lot to take in and worry about all at once. I just wish I could be there with you, right now. I want to hold you and sing softly till you fall asleep," He mumbles the last part, but I can't help and smile. The reason for the call was because I couldn't sleep.

"I wish you could be here, too, but you can't. Just focus on making the fans happy, and don't worry about me. I'm fine. Eleanor know's how to keep me distracted," I said with a light laugh towards the end. For the past week all we had done is shop and watch an endless amount of movies. 

"I love you."

"I love you, too." I ended the call after a long, drawn out goodbye, and thought of what to do to keep me busy until I was due to go to Eleanor's for chinese take out and movies. Deciding there was nothing else to do, I grabbed  The Looking Glass Wars and made myself a cup of tea before sitting on the couch with my feet curled under me. The moment I opened the pages, I felt like I was transpoted to another world. A wold with Hatter Madigan instead of the Mad Hatter and Bibwit Harte instead of the White Rabbit; the truth behind what I thought I knew of Alice in Wonderland. Before I knew it, I was interrupted with a knock at the door. I checked the time and saw that I was supposed to be at Eleanor's over an hour ago, but I was so caught up in the topsey turvey world Alyss Heart entered and the never ending search Hatter Madigan went on to find the lost princess that time slipped from me. 

"I'm coming!" I called, setting my book down and running to open the door. Eleanor stood there with a deep, playful scowl on her face. "I'm actually so sorry! I was reading this book, and it was so good that time just dwindled away," I gushed frantically. Eleanor burst into laughter and shook her head. 

"It's fine. I was out anyway, I actually just got back. I tried to call you thinking you were waiting for me, but you didn't answer. I figured you figured it out and came back here. Do you still want to get Chinese and watch movies, or would you rather stay here and read?" She asked, not in a mocking way, but genuine wonder.

I weighed my options: continue to read and find out if Alyss ever gets back to Wondertropolis and defeats Redd, or watch a romantic comedy with Eleanor. "I think I'm going to stay here. Not in the mood to watch a movie tonight."

"That's fine. I'll just have a little Skype call with Louis. Haven't talked to him much since he left." She frowned deeply. 

"I bet he'll love that," I said with a big smile. Eleanor nodded before skipping off. I closed the door quickly and went to the kitchen where I left my phone. Three missed calls from Eleanor, a text from Eleanor, two missed calls from Harry, as well as a text telling me he loved me and wanted to make sure everything was fine. I responded with a quick I love you too, and everything is fine. Just reading xx before setting it back down and grabbing my book again. 

I woke up the next morning with the book on my stomach, curled up on the couch. My neck was sore from the awkward position I slept in, but after rubbing over it for a few minutes it felt much better. Stiffling a yawn, I trudged into the room and grabbed some clothes to slip on. I pulled my hair into a bun, too lazy to actually take my time to style it, and grabbed my laptop. I did a few of my assignments for class and turned them in so I could be ahead of everything, something I'm usually not. By the time I was finshed, it was time for dinner. I made a small salad, nothing too strenuous and grabbed my book to read while I ate. By the time I was done with my salad, I had fifty pages in my book left. I silently debated whether I should finish it now, or wait until tomorrow. The nagging part of my brain told me to finish it, to find out what happens to Alyss and Redd and Seergent Doppleganger. My mind made up, I walked to my room with the book in my hand and lay in bed. Quickly I turned to the last page I stopped on and read the words, the world of White Imagination and card soliders invaded my brain. 

The second I finished, I regretted wanting to read it tonight. My mind was swimming with different thoughts of the book. I wanted to read the next one, Seeind Redd, but I couldn't. All the stores were closed, and I needed to sleep. I let out a frustrated groan for listening to my nagging brain and switched off the lights. My mind was still racing with thoughts from the book, trying to replay every battle seen, picture what the characters looked like, what would have happened if things played out differently, what is to come in the next book. I couldn't stop thinking of everything. 

With a huff, I climbed out of my bed and to the kitchen for another cup of tea. Once it was made, I walked into the living room and popped in a movie. I didn't pay much attention to the movie I put in, so I was pleasantly surprised to see Batman fill the screen. It was the first one, not my favorite, but it was still amazing. 

Half way through I grabbed my Batman blanket and pillow and popped some popcorn and continued to watch it. When the first one was over, I put the second one in. My favorite, mainly because it had my favorite super villian in it. I continued to watch the Batman triliogy as the sun came up, creating a swirl of blue's, pink's, and orange's. As the credits to the last movie rolled across the screen, I decided I would take a shower and get ready for the day. I threw on a pair of black skinny jeans and a loose white long sleeve shirt. I pulled on my maroon Vans and fishtailed my hair to the side. Soon after, I checked the time and figured I would go ahead and make my way to the airport to pick up my mother. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. It occured to me that she could have been lying the whole time about being sorry. For all I know this is just a mad plan to hurt me even further than she already has. I tried to think of the positives of the situation, which worked up until I pulled up to the 'arriving flights' area.

I searched the crowd for the woman I've known all my life. When I spotted her, I wasn't sure if I should get out and greet her with a hug, or if I should stay in the car, honk, and wave her over. I decided to stick with the latter and watched as she looked around before spotting me in the large, black Range Rover. She quickly walked to the car and opened the back seat to put her bag in then climbed into the passenger side. 

"Hi, Honey."


Can we just get over the fact that I cannot write long chapters? I try and it just doesn't work -_- 

In lighter news, the book I talked about is a real  book and OH MY GOD it is so good. It's literally all I've been talking about. I didn't give any crucial parts away, but maybe sparked your interest and now you want to read it? I definitely suggest it. It's one of my new favorites. I am completely in love with it. I'm waiting to get the next one D: 

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--Sierra xx

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