Three Tests

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Pre-Authors note: So I just wanted to say a couple things. One, I'm sorry updates are taking me so long nowadays . I don't mean them to, it's just see ... I've kinda been really busy. Most of my time is taken up by school and when I'm not at school I'm at cross country, and when I'm not at cross country well .. I have a life and I talk to people and talking to them manages to take up all my free time. That's really not a good excuse , but school and cross country is. I'm in all honors classes and an AP class ... It's some hard shit to do ! I mean Jesus , I can't keep up ! So, I am truly sorry and I'm trying to do better ! Number 2, I feel like ... You guys don't like this as much at Dear Darlin' ... I don't know , more people were commenting on Dear Darlin' and what not ... So if you guys truly liked this , you would VOTE ! Yay for votes ! Votes make for a happy Sierra , and a happy Sierra makes for quicker updates ! Number three , my hip hurts ... I really don't have a third point , I thought I would just share the status of my hip [ive been having issues with it] ... And I really need to have three points or it will drive me crazy .



"Come help me pack," I whined while aimlessly throwing clothes in my suitcase. Harry chuckled lightly before getting up from his spot on the bed and walking over to my pile of clothes. He started to fold them and set them neatly in the suitcase, a noticeable contrast to when I was putting them there.

"Thea," Harry started with his lips pursed and brows furrowed, "have you talked to your mum lately, or Sierra?" My chest tightened at the mention of my mother. The last thing she did was defend her rotting husband instead of her broken daughter.

"I talked to Sierra a little while ago. I'll ask her about my mother the next time we talk," I mumbled quietly even though my mother was something I never wanted to talk about, not after how we left off. She wasn't even my mom anymore, she was a product of the devil himself.

"You don't have to, I was just wondering. I know things were.. wrong the last time you saw her, and I wanted to know if she apologized for the way she treated you," Harry said quietly, grabbing my hands in his and softly kissing my cheek. I pulled my hands away and continued to fill my suitcase with clothes. We had one more day left in Australia before heading back to London. I was nervous and excited; nervous things would be different between me and the rest of the boys and excited to see all of them again, as well as Cade, Chloe, Alex, and Mario.

"What time is our flight tomorrow?" I asked trying to change the subject off of my mother. While Harry pondered over the answer, I finished packing my clothes leaving out pajamas and clothes to travel in.

"I think it's at twelve," Harry said. I mentally did the math in my head to get an idea of what time we would get back in London which seemed to be four in the morning or something like that, math was never my thing. After everything was packed except for the things I would need to use in the morning, Harry took my bags and dragged them towards the door with his small one. It was weird to think it was my last night in Australia. I had only just got here, and although I absolutely adored the small country, it was nothing compared to England. England was my home, more of a home than America ever was, and more of a home than Australia ever could be.

"I'll be right back, go start the movie," I told Harry, gesturing to the movie sitting on my bed we planned to watch: Crazy, Stupid, Love. It was probably one of my favorite movies, and just admit it, Ryan Gosling is hella fine. [A/N if any of you disagree with me, I will be tempted to push you off a cliff] Harry nodded his head and walked off to the living room while I walked into the bathroom. I was looking for a towel when I saw a box, a box I didn't want to see, not now. I ran to my phone and checked the day, hoping, praying, I had my days confused. Fuck I cursed in my head. Five days, I was late five days.

"Harry!" I called, my hands were shaking as the reality started to set in. I wasn't sure, would definitely need to take a test, but it was a scary thought to possibly be pregnant. I couldn't even imagine having a kid, I was eighteen for fucks sake.

"What, what's wrong?" Harry asked the second he walked into the room and saw my shocked demeanor.

"I need to go to the store," I whispered. If I spoke any louder, my voice would crack and tears would fall. Harry quickly ran over to me and wrapped his arms around me, a sense of comfort coming from the gesture.

"Why, what happened?" He asked into my hair. His hand was rubbing small circles in my back to help my breathing become regular again.

"I-I just need to go," I said, my voice cracking in the beginning. I didn't want to tell him even though he would find out when I grabbed the test. I physically couldn't get the words out of my mouth. I felt Harry nod his head before he pulled me out of his arms and to his car. He knew not to ask any questions by the way my leg was bouncing up and down in my seat, my thumbs twiddling together in my lap. My mind was swimming with thoughts, the more prominent one being how we could both be as irresponsible to not use any protection of any sort. It was my fault as much as it was Harry's, we both should have taken better precautions.

"Babe, you coming?" Harry asked, he was standing at my door which was now opened. I hadn't even realized we were at the store, or the fact that Harry opened my door and was standing there, my thoughts were eating at me, the worse of them making me want to break down in tears: Harry leaving me.

"Yeah," I spoke quietly, then climbed out of the black car. We walked into the shore hand-in-hand, mine shaking and sweaty. I silently praised the gods there was no one here but us, and the women behind the counter was elderly. No worries of this getting out in public. I walked over to the designated isle, getting worried glances from Harry in the process. I took a deep breath, reading each of the boxes to see which one would give the most accurate results. After becoming over-whelmed and frustrated, I grabbed three different kinds and practically running to the counter to check out as quick as possible.

"If you're worried he'll leave you, the way that boy looked at you when you walked in here tells me he is completely head over heels for you. You've got yourself a keeper there," she winked before scanning the three tests and placing them in a paper bag, usually only used for wine, and handing it to me.

"How does he look at me?" I asked, my cheeks heating up at the small comment the women gave me. People have mentioned many times about the way Harry looked at me, but would never give me a straight answer.

"He looks at you with so much love it probably hurts him, like if you were to get hurt, it would tear his heart out until he knew you were okey again. He looks at you like it was the first time you met him, and he knew you would be his forever, like someone who is truly, madly, in love." As cliché as it sounded it made my heart flutter and my cheeks turn deep red. I silently thanked the women before walking back to Harry who had a hint of worry in his eyes. It was evident he knew, there was that look on his carefully sculpted face that yelled he knew very well, but wouldn't say anything until I did.

We drove back in silence, my fingers drumming against my knee in anticipation. I felt the nerves swim around in my stomach, unsure if they were good or bad. When we got back to my flat, I quickly ran to my bathroom and took the test, my phone timer set for five minutes. They were the most excruciating five minutes of my life, Harry ended up coming into the bathroom three minutes into it. My face was buried in his chest as we waited together. When the timer went off, I felt my heart stop. I couldn't look, but I had to. I need to know what the future held for me and Harry, what this all meant for our relationship.

"No matter what, Baby, I'm here to stay," Harry whispered before I grabbed the three sticks and reading them. Two red lines, pregnant, two red lines. Three for three.


Honestly, who expected that? I want honest opinions about it!

You should really be happy I updated, I am supposed to be studying for some tests and writing a paper for AP Lang, but I decided I love you all too much to not update ... I would have updated this weekend, but let me tell you about not having a life. Friday I have to volunteer at some school fun day for my clubs, and Saturday from 8:30-2:30 I'll be at school in an AP study session which is required 😑 like what ? I have a life, you know ? I have things to do, much better things than sitting at a school all day. Ugh. The life of a high school student is a struggle.

Please VOTE and COMMENT . Please ? I'll give you a cookie .. 

-Sierra xx

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