Baby Rooms and Doctor Visits

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I looked up at Harry whose arms were wrapped around my waist behind me. His lips lingered on my forehead for a few seconds before he nodded. I turned the door handle slowly, my stomach erupting with nerves as I slowly walked in.

My breath hitched in the back of my throat as I looked around the room. It was a safari theme; absolutely beautiful from top to bottom. There were zebras and elephants, monkeys and giraffes, lions and tigers. It matched perfect with the furniture Harry bought.

"It's not the best part. Everyone is an animal. Niall is the elephant because he should be that fat," I turned to Niall who nodded in agreement, "Harry is the giraffe because he's tall, Louis is a monkey because he's--well he's just Louis, I'm the zebra because it's covered in stripes and I'm covered in tattoos. Liam is the Lion because he's all authoritative." We all laughed at the explanation of why the animals were who they were. "You're also a giraffe, Thea. I even added Mario and Alex as some of the monkeys, and those birds are Eleanor, Perrie, and Sierra. I think I've added everyone." I felt tears swell in my eyes as I noticed the resemblance in the animals. The fact that everyone that ever made an impact on my life and that I cared about was part of my baby room.

"Thank you," I told Zayn, pulling away from Harry's hold and wrapping Zayn in a hug. "It's absolutely perfect. So much more than I ever expected," I told him. He chuckled slightly before he pulled away.

"You've got one more room to look at." My eyes widened at the realization before I walked out of the one room and into the next, our puppy trotting happily behind me. I didn't take time to open the door instead just burst open, a gasp leaving my mouth at the beauty. It was exquisite, absolutely beautiful. On one wall was a few hills with a castle. There was a king with curly hair and green eyes, and a queen with slightly wavy brown hair and brown eyes. They had two little babies in their arms and throughout the scene were the rest of everyone else just as they were part of the other room.

Everyone else walked in to the room, fully taking in the beauty of the room. Harry wrapped his arms around me in a hug and kissed the top of my head. "It's amazing," he whispered. I nodded in agreement before picking up the puppy that rested at our feet.

"That would make a nice picture so stay there," Liam scolded before leaving the room only to return seconds later with his phone. I lay my head on Harry's shoulder with our puppy in my arms and Harry's hand resting on my bulging stomach. Liam took a few pictures before tapping away on his phone. I smiled up at Harry, just taking in the moment. Here we were, our family, our crazy and weird completely out of place family, in one of my baby rooms; it brought a few tears to my eyes.

We spent the rest of the day talking and gushing over the rooms and the excitement about the house. It was a nice relaxing night after the packing and unpacking. It was nice to relax with the people that mean the most to me.


"Did you like the rooms?" Harry asked. Everyone left a few hours ago leaving me and Harry as well as Chummy here alone in our new house. Our first night in our house.

"They were perfect," I whispered snuggling deeper into Harry's chest. Crazy.Stupid.Love was playing on the flat screen in front of us. Chummy was snuggled in between us with a blanket thrown on top. "Nothing I expected. I knew Zayn was good, but not that good."

"And the house?" Harry questioned further. I looked up at Harry who was peering down at me.

"Even more perfect." I sighed, kissing his chest up to his lips. He grabbed my chin between his fingers, my eyes fluttering closed. An obnoxious barking and frantic licking on my face interrupted our kiss. I looked down at Chummy and giggled quietly wrapping the puppy up in our arms. "You're a fiend, Chummy," I groaned, kissing her head.

"Ready for bed?" Harry asked. I nodded my head before standing up and climbing the stairs to our room. As soon as I hit the soft bed, I felt my eyes droop and the bed dip. Harry wrapped his arms around me and pulled my body closer to him. "Goodnight, Beautiful," Harry whispered before I was swept away into a dreamless night.


"Should we put Chummy out while we're gone? It's sort of cold, but I don't want her to pee inside.." I trailed off looking at the little puppy in my lap.

"Yeah. We shouldn't be gone for long. It's just a short check up, we'll be back in an hour at most." I nodded before putting the tiny pug puppy outside. I walked hand-in-hand with Harry over to the Range Rover. We drove to the doctor's in silence just taking in the scenery to the slightly longer drive.

"Good to see you again," the doctor smiled. I smiled back at her and sat down on the chair. "Just three months to go. Have you decided on names yet?" I looked up at Harry who shook his head.

"Not yet. Still deciding," I commented. Our doctor nodded in understanding, wrapping everything up.

"It looks like your due date will be around the middle or end of January. Three months to go."


Yeah. I hate this chapter with everything in me. I liked it before wattpad decided to be a dick and deleted it. It sucks. Really bad. Also, sorry it took so long to update. I've been.. swamped and not up for updating or writing.. Sorry. Headache to the max right now with everything going on. School sucks. People suck. Alabama sucks. I'll stop complaining now.

I won't be updating for a while. Again. Next weekend I'm moving to my dads. I think. Which means a 16 hour car ride up to New Jersey, then I have to get everything settled it, and then I have to start a new school and it's going to be all awkward because I'm not going to know anyone except my brother and he's not going to want to hang out with his little sister -_- Time to make new friends I guess. But until I'm comfortable with everything, I won't be updating. I'll write periodically, but I'm not promising an update anytime soon. Sorry, Loves. Sorry for the short chapter to. And suckish chapter. Cool.

Peace out girl scouts.

--Sierra xx

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P.S. Go check out my other fanfic? It's Louis and it's a short story and yeah.

P.P.S. Someone make me a new cover? Please? :D

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