Coming Home and Introductions

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"I don't understand why I'm still fat," I grumbled annoyed at the fact that despite giving birth a few days ago, my baby bump was still visible. It hadn't gone down much, and it annoyed me. "I had the twins, I don't want to be fat anymore." I think the main reason for my grumbling was to take my mind off the discomfort and pain I was feeling. It hurt to walk, it hurt to stand, it hurt to sit, it just hurt.

"It'll go away, but not right away," Louis assured me while making faces at Ryker. It was one of the rare moments the baby was actually awake, and Louis was taking full advantage of the opportunity to amuse him. "Just wait till you have that rocking body back, Harry will be begging for more." I felt my cheeks flush before I waddled a little towards Lou and smacked his arm. I was just glad Harry was getting the car and didn't hear Louis' comment.

"There he is," Eleanor said, grabbing the baby stuff we brought along and bringing them to the car before coming back and grabbing the basket Darcy was in and brought her to the car. I was thankful both Eleanor and Louis were here to get everything in the car and situatued; they had been a tremendous help.

"You ready?" Harry asked, taking my arm. I nodded, waddling over to the passenger side of the car, trying my best to find a postition that was slightly comfortable; although that was difficult considering every angle I sat at, I felt extreme discomfort. "Let's take our babies home." I nodded my head in excitement, ready to introduce them to the house we bought just for them. Louis and Eleanor were sat in the backseat with the babies who were in their carseats. It was a beautiful sight; the two adults cooing over the munchkins.

The drive felt excruciatingly long. I was ready to be out of the confined area of the car and in my home. When the house was in sight, I was more than happy that paparazzi hadn't shown up. Not everyone had caught on to where we were living even though it had been well over a few months of us living their; and the few paps that did find out about our house were paid generously by management who believed we needed our privacy with the new born babies. It was quite nice of management to care about our well being when in the long run, it wouldn't affect them what happened to us. But they knew it would be hard to raise two kids in the spotlight like this, so we took the privacy while we could.

"How long have they given you off?" Eleanor asked Harry. We were at home now; everything with the babies were situated and they were in their cribs sleeping away. The baby monitor was sitting on the coffee table in front of me, and although all I wanted to do was to hold the precious munchkins, they needed to sleep.

"Till two weeks after the wedding. They decided that with the new album and everything, we deserved a break. The boys will still do a few miscellanious interviews for the next few months, but nothing major that will need to involve me." Eleanor nodded in response before Louis started talking about something that held little interest in me.

A few minutes later, a knock was at the door and the rest of the family was here. They all greeted us with cheerful hello's before settling in on the couches. I decided to get my babies, letting them socialize; but in all honesty, I was starting to miss them and they had only been out of my sight for a few seconds. It was crazy how much I missed them when I was only away from them for such a small amount of time, but I did carry them in my stomach for ten months.

Niall snatched Ryker up right away, cuddling him close while Perrie took Darcy. It was the most obvious thing in the world that these babies would be spoiled growing up. With the attachment the boys already had towards them, they would get whatever they wanted. It would be bad with Zayn, I could tell. He adored Darcy already--who was holding on to his pointer finger. Her little hand barely wrapped around the whole thing. Ryker would have Niall wrapped around his pinky, that was for sure.

"They've got your nose, Thea," Liam spoke up. I nodded my head, already noticing the subtle way their noses resembled mine.

"I hope they have Harry's bright green eyes instead of my dull brown ones." Harry shot me a look that obviously was supposed to mean my eyes were not dull, but I waved him off and continued to fawn over my darlings.

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