Moving In and House Warming Gifts

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"Can we be done yet?" I groaned, closing yet another box and labeling it my stuff in black sharpie. We had been packing since we woke up and I was utterly tired, my back hurt, and my neck hurt. I was just about done.

"I think we're almost done. Just a few more things, but let me and the boys take care of it. You look like you're about to pass out, and you know it's not good to over work yourself," Harry scolded, walking over to where I was leaning against the wall. "Just think, in just a few hours we'll be in our house," Harry said putting an extra emphasis on our.

"Where we will have to unpack everything and get settled in and such a head ache. I don't want to move again after this," I mumbled, resting my head on Harry's chest.

"Don't worry about anything else, okay? Me and the boys will take care of it. On the bright side, I already bought furniture for our house, and that's already there," Harry reassured me. I nodded into his shirt, breathing in his calming scent.

"I guess," I sighed. Harry slowly pulled away to help the rest of the boys pack our never ending items. It was convenient that Harry had slowly brought all of his stuff over here, his flat being practically empty now. 

I walked over to my small pile of books that I refused to let Harry and the others pack and grabbed The Book Thief. It was my second time reading it; I absolutely adored the book. The raw emotion that came stored in every chapter made me so intrigued. I was just getting to the part where the Nazi soldiers ordered for all books in every home be burned. Liesel didn't like that too much, a certain book catching her eye in the blazing fire. She watched, as did everyone else, as the books burned and became nothing more than a pile of ash, except for the one book. It was burnt on the edges, but that was is. Liesel, thinking no one was looking, grabbed the book from the pile and made mad dash for it-only to be stopped by her foster dad. I was so engrossed in the book, that I didn't see Harry and the boys take the boxes out of my flat until it was completely empty.

"Ready to go, Babe?" Harry asked, pulling me out of the book. I nodded my head and grabbed my books before following him to the car. I squeezed Harry's hand when the paparazzi bombarded us with questions about why we were moving and where we were moving to. I did my best to block them out, but the anxiety was building up. The familiar head aches and film of sweat forming. My mind was starting to get frazzled, and no matter how deep of a breath I took, it felt like I couldn't breath. "It's fine, Babe. Deep breaths. In through your nose, and out through your mouth. Just a few more steps, Baby," Harry whispered in my ear. I nodded my head and did as I was told. The car door was opened and I stepped in; taking a seat and letting my head rest against the dashboard in front of me. The driver side door opened and closed before the car roared to life and we were driving down the road. We made extra precautions to make sure no one followed us before we headed to our home.

The other boys were there when we arrived, unloading their cars and placing boxes inside. I offered to help, but Harry insisted I relax, so I did just that. With my book, I sat down on the black suede couch Harry already bought and opened it to where I left off. I let the words envelop me, everything around me disappearing. I could faintly here footsteps and boxes opening, but I none of it registered as I read the small black words. When I got to the end, I wiped away the tears that leaked from my eyes, the emotions too much for me to handle. Even though I already knew the outcome of the book, it still managed to tug at my heart and let sobs fall from my mouth.

"What's wrong?" I looked up to see a worried looking Louis next to me on the couch. I pointed towards the book that I had managed to set down at some point. "What about it, Love?"

"They just--and they didn't let her kiss him, but that's all he ever wanted, but then--why?" I cried, not able to form a coherent sentence about the book and what had me in tears.

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