Nightmares&Midnight Meetings

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As I run, I dodge the trees and boulders, looking over my shoulder as the fire nips at my heels. The smoke is so thick my lungs feel like bursting any moment now. My stomach turns as I smell the stench of burning flesh. I know if I stop now I'm as good as dead. 'What's the point of living if I have nothing to live for?' I ask myself over and over, trying to decide if I should give up and let the flames devour me or try to out run them.

"Danni! Danni!" I look ahead and see my sister Andi. She's screaming but I hear nothing. Andi's face turns pale white as a horrified expression masks her face. I look over my shoulder to see my mother and father's burnt corpse standing in the fire. Their faces distorted, skin melted like heated wax. I turn around to see that the fire has now surrounded me and Andi is gone. I stop running as I realize my fate. My ending is nearing as the fire continues to make the circle it's created smaller. As The fire licks my skin I scream in agony as everything turns to black.

I jolt up, a bead of sweat rolls down the side of my face. I turn to the alarm clock on my nightstand seeing that its two in the morning. Burning up, I throw my covers off as I swing my legs over the side of the bed. I make my way to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

"Another dream?" I spin around and grab my chest.

"Goodness! Todd you scared me! What are you doing up so late?" I questioned while grabbing a cup and turning the tap on.

"What are you doing up so late?" He mimicked while slowly making his way towards me. The dim moonlight from outside allowed me to see his shaggy brown hair which touched his thick eyebrows. His brown eyes turned to a glowing gold, warning me that his wolf was out to play.

"I-I was a bit parched so I came down to get a glass of water." I held the cup up to my lips and took another drink while taking a step back but bumping into cabinets. Todd noticed my mistake and trapped me against the counter by placing one hand on either side of me.

"Do I scare you?" He asked raising one eyebrow and leaned in where his nose touched my cheek. I leaned as far back as I could. He smirked at my reaction. "Good." He inhaled deeply then breathed out. His breath tickled my ear and I shivered out of disgust. Todd must have thought I enjoyed it and repeated his action. "You smell very good, so.. Appetizing."

He stepped back and turned towards the door but stopped after taking three steps. "I'll see you later Danni." He winked and walked out of the kitchen, I assume heading back to his bed. I stood there for a good five minutes in shock of what just happened.

Did Todd Price, the player of the Blue Moon pack, just flirt with me? Don't get me wrong, yes he's a player, but the whole ten years I've been with the Blue Moon pack he's never showed an interest in me, scratch that, he's never even talked to me. I didn't even know that he knew my name and we've lived in the same pack house the whole ten year!

I washed my cup and placed it back in cabinet then headed to my room. "Andi, you know the rules. If you don't obey them I'll just have a little talk with Danni." I stopped in front of a door that smelt of Todd and my sister Andi.

Andi's room is across from mine so this room must be Todd's. I gently placed my ear against the door. "Todd, please I'm tired. Lets do this some other time and no, there's no need to involve Danni. This is between you and me. How about tomorrow night I meet you by the big oak tree by the pond?" I've never heard Andi sound so defeated in my life. Even when we we're nine and we lost our parents she was strong.

I heard Todd sigh. "Fine, but if you don't show up you will regret it. Do you understand?"

"I understand, Todd. I'll see you tomorrow." I heard someone approaching the door and knew that's my cue to leave. I made it back to my room without being detected and laid down praying for a dreamless sleep.



Hey, so this is my first book! I'm nervous and excited about it! I would love feed back from you lovely people :) do I need to make the future chapters longer? I'm doing this off my phone so it's hard to tell how big the chapter is. Vote, comment, and fan me :) if you know of any good books share the love with me!

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