Running into Him

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I looked over at the alarm clock seeing that its already two in the morning. I groaned and began to toss and turn. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't fall asleep and to make matters worse I'm starving!

After the meeting tonight I was so angry I skipped dinner and went straight to my room, now I'm paying for it. My stomach is constantly growling which is keeping me from getting any sleeping and I'm still fuming. There's option one, eat to feed my growling belly, or option two, eat my anger away. Either way I look at it I need to eat.

Finally realizing that my stomach isn't going to shut up anytime soon, I crawl out of my warm sheets. Noticing how cold it is and how inappropriate it would be to go down to the kitchen in just underwear and a tank, I tug on some sweats and throw a hoodie on. Entering the kitchen I notice someone is already occupying it and decide to go with option number three, run.

Exiting through the back door I sniff the fresh air. 'Hmmm nothing like a late night run!' Not only was I excited but my wolf was too. I could feel her roaming around in my head waiting for her release. I walked over to a hollow tree that we like to keep our clothes in while in human form. I undressed sitting my clothes inside. Instantly I shifted afraid that someone might see my naked body. I'm not shy about my body but I feel that only your mate should see you like that.

I started off in a slow jog then proceeded till I was full out running. When I ran in wolf form I felt free, like nothing could hold me down, like nothing could stop me. I felt invincible. As I ran I checked out the beautiful scenery, I was so immersed in it that I forgot to watch where I was going. All of a sudden that invincibility came crashing down as I ran head first into a tree. The collision hurt like crap. I whimpered and rubbed my muzzle with my paw. I heard a huff that sounded like laughter in wolf form and froze immediately. I nonchalantly sniffed the air searching for a scent that didn't belong but found nothing. I decided to continue my run but keep my senses sharp and alert.

It took a good twenty minutes but finally I heard a twig snap and knew the location of my stalker, if that's what you'd call it, I mean it has been following me for the last twenty minutes. Whoever or whatever it was, was to my left flanking me by about fifteen feet. As quickly as possible I halted coming to a stop and noticed a black shadow fly past me. I froze and searched the forest in front of me for any signs of the black creature.

I felt like I was being watched yet I never felt a presence. Once again I tested the air to see if I could catch a scent which to my disappointment I couldn't. Then I remembered the story of the rogue that was bigger than the king himself who was spotted just outside our borders not even a day ago. I started to panic, I might be able to take down a female rogue but a male?

No, I'm defiantly dead, unless I could outrun him. What I didn't have in size and strength I made up in the running and tracking area. Being such a small wolf and light in weight lets me run faster and maneuver a lot easier than other wolfs. After coming to a conclusion that I would try to outrun this rogue or whatever it was, I turned on my heels to head back to the house but ran into something hard, harder than the tree. I shook my head feeling tingles all over. I looked up to see what I ran into and stared strait into the bluest eyes Ive ever seen.

Those icy blue eyes belonged to the biggest wolf I've ever seen, while my wolf was a little bigger than a normal size wolf, this wolf was the size of a bear, if not bigger! He was beautiful, his fur was as black as coal making his eyes pop even more so, he was intimidating just by size. It's crazy how fast and silent he was with being so huge and bulky. 'He's gorgeous!' My wolf exclaimed.

'I agree but he's dangerous! He's a rogue for crying out loud!' Remembering that fact, I growled and backed up a couple of feet. At first he just stood there, scanning my body with his eyes. If he wasn't so beautiful I probably would have snapped at him for checking me out. Catching me by surprise he laid down and rolled over on his back, showing his belly. He was submitting to me. A male was submitting to me! Wait, a male was submitting to me? That isn't normal, males are dominate in the werewolf world and they never submit to a female.

Being suspicious I carefully and slowly made my way closer to him. Lowering my head, I sniff around as I circled him, never letting my eyes leave his. When I made it back to where I was standing in front of him, he rolled back over now laying on his stomach. The sudden movement caught me off guard and I stumbled backwards. Realizing I was still wary of him, he raised his tail and wagged it in a playful notion.

'He wants to play!' My wolf shouted in joy. I inwardly giggled, not only was her excitement funny but seeing this huge, monstrous looking wolf wag his butt in the air was just too cute! Instantly forgetting that he's a rogue, I copied his stance and then pounced on him. We rolled around together trying to get the upper hand, lightly nipping at the other's coat. When we stopped rolling he had managed to pin me underneath him. He stood over me with a wolfy smile plastered on his face.

He thinks he's won, well buddy, that's where you're wrong. I raised my head and licked his muzzle, startling him he jumped back a bit and I took that window of opportunity. I jumped up and took off in the direction of a small pond I found a couple years back. Looking over my shoulder he smirked, which looked quite strange on a wolf, then started chasing after me. We ran together till we reached the clearing where the pond is located. Tired from all the playing, I walked over and got a drink from the pond.

The black wolf followed after me and began to drink too. I sat down and studied him. His broad shoulders tensed as if he felt my lingering gaze. I quickly looked down peering into the pond's dark water that glowed slightly from the moon's light. I looked at the reflection on the water, a white wolf stared back at me, her green eyes glowed slightly. I moved my gaze to the reflection of the black wolf beside her.

The reflection showed him looking to his right, glancing up to see what he was looking at, I realized he was watching me. If wolfs were able to blush I would be the shade of a tomato. His bright blue eyes showed an emotion I've never seen before. 'I could sit here forever and just stare into those beautiful, captivating eyes.' I thought dreamingly.

At the sound of crunching leafs I stood up and immediately went into a defensive crouch. The black wolf got up and growled staring into the brush to his left. A shirtless Todd came out, he looked angry and we all know an angry alpha is never a good thing. "Danni! What do you think you're doing?" He shouted while eyeing the black wolf. "Get away from him!" He commanded me, his tone laced with authority.

I didn't want to obey him, I wanted to stay with the black wolf, but since my alpha commanded me I had to obey. I tried resisting the urge to obey but the power of his command intensified and I whimpered as I slowly made my way towards Todd.

The black wolf growled and bared his teeth, power flowed off him is waves. My tail and head dropped at soon as I felt it. I managed to glance up at Todd, he too felt the power and was now showing his neck in submission. It was weird seeing an alpha submit to a rogue. "Danni, go shift and get back here." He said calmly. I nodded and walked into the surrounding woods to look for some hidden clothes of a fellow pack member.

Finally finding a t-shirt that reached past mid thigh I made my way back to the clearing. When I walked into the clearing I noticed Todd looked happy and sad at the same time, the black wolf was checking me out. His eyes lingered on my bare legs, If I said I didn't like him gawking at me like that, God would strike me down for lying. For some odd reason it made me happy that he found me attractive. 'Ugh! Stop thinking like that, you don't even know him!' I went to war within myself not paying attention to the silent conversation the two men were having through mind link.

"Danni, we need to go home. Andi was worried about you when we found your room empty." The black wolf stiffened and growled at the mention of Andi's name. Todd turned his gaze to him and said something through the link, the black wolf nodded and seemed to loosen up. "Plus you have to get up early and train the pups to track" Todd said, turning and walking in the direction of the pack house.

"Well, I guess I'll see ya around." I smiled but it wasn't a true smile, I was sad, I didn't want to leave the black wolf. He whined and walked up to me stopping just a foot away. I don't know where all this confidence came from but I was on a roll and couldn't stop myself. Without thinking I stepped forward, closing the distance and hugged the wolf. Surprisingly he wrapped a paw around my waist pulling me closer.

'Danni, hurry up!' Todd shouted through the link.

Trying to keep from crying I breathed deeply and pulled away. "I really have to go now." Surprising me once again he leaned down and licked my cheek. I giggled and wiped the saliva off my face. "Ew, cooties!" I teased, making him huff in laughter and lick my cheek again. He took a step back and bowed to me like I was royalty. I curtsied and and nodded him goodbye once more then took off towards the house.



Another chapter down! Hope you enjoyed it, I know it's not long but what comes next has to be its own chapter so I had to stop there. What do you think about this black wolf? Who could it be? And are y'all ready for the mating game to start? I know I am!

Next chapter will be in the mysterious black wolf's POV!! Who's excited about that!? Thank you for your support! Comment, vote, and fan! It's appreciated greatly :)

One more thing! I just started my second book! If you want to check it out go for it, it would make my day! It's called Through His Eyes

Bless your face! If you sneezed while reading this bless you!

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