Baby Talk & Baths

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This chapter is dedicated to MichelleJacie, because even if the chapters are horrible and slow, she always writes encouraging comments! Thank you Michelle :) I appreciate the kind words!


Danni's POV


"Jace, we are mates, mates don't keep things from each other." Jace stood up from the makeshift bed and began to pace the shelter. I stood up and walked over to him, stopping him by standing in his path. "What's wrong?" I asked grabbing a hold of his hand.

"Dan, I don't want to stress you out." He said softly while tilting my chin up with his free hand."Don't worry about it, everything's going to be fine." I didn't get a chance to reply because as soon as he was through talking his lips were pressed against mine. As usual they were soft and gentle, but as he deepened the kiss it became more needy and desperate. No matter how amazing the kiss was I couldn't bring myself to enjoy it. Jace was worried and him claiming me now allowed me to feel it also.

I pulled back and took a deep breath. "Jace please-" I began but he hushed me with another kiss. My wolf was going crazy. Kiss first, ask questions later! I began to kiss him back but this time with feeling. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pushed up on my toes and pulled his head down at the same time. His lips opened with mine, and I felt an odd thrill of triumph. I caught his lower lip between my teeth causing a low, wild sound to break from his throat. One of Jace's hands trapped my face, while the other rested on the small of my back, holding me so close that it was hard to pull a breath into my constricted chest.

Soon I felt my back pressed against the stone wall, binding us even closer. There was no part of me that wasn't fused to him, it was just the two of us. Just two souls so close that we hardly counted as two. Jace eased back but kept his face next to mine, the tip of his nose touching mine. He inhaled deeply and then slowly released the imprisoned breath. I looked up into his icy blue eyes. I saw love flash behind them but also a scared little boy. Worry was evident on his face.

"Jacen, I love you so much." I whispered with closed eyes. "And I understand that you don't want to worry me but I feel your anxiousness and that makes me worry. Please just tell me what was said." A warm hand cupped my face, causing my eyes to flutter open.

"Come love, let's lay back down." He pulled me back onto the blankets and close to his side. I gave him a glare causing him to chuckle. "Your glare is adorable doll." He moved to caress my cheek but I turned away. If he didn't want to share things with me then I won't share things with him! "Danni don't be like that, please just trust me on this. You don't want to know." I turned more so that my back was now facing him. I heard him sigh loudly and felt his worry increase. I didn't like knowing that my mate was not peaceful, yet he wouldn't tell me what's wrong so I could help fix it.

"Danni, I'm sorry. You're right, I should tell you so we are both prepared." This little confession caught my attention. I turned back to face him. The corner of his lips twitched in satisfaction that he now has my interest.

I smiled and moved closer to his side, wanting to feel his warmth. He noticed my action and pulled me even closer. I looked up at him to tell him to begin talking when I realized he was just staring at me. "What?" I asked touching my face, making sure nothing was on it. He smiled once again and began to purr, causing me to internally giggle. "Well, go on!" I laughed "Explain to me what was said." I wrapped his arm around me and then did the same to him.

"The wolf that I had pinned down is, well was, one of my good friends, Mike. Reggie, the alpha of the Red Moon pack, is Mike's father. Mike will take over as the new alpha when he claims a mate, and you were the one to catch his eye." He said sadly. I traced his jaw line with my finger and then moved on to his lips. His eyes held a burning passion in them telling me there was a war going on inside himself. I stopped my movements and pressed him to continue. "Mike had found his mate last summer, he told me the news so when I came home for the holidays I met up with them. I got to know Liza. She was a kind hearted person that laughed at everything. Liza had a gift, one that allows her to see clips of the future. One day all three of us went for a run in the Red Moon's territory." Jace was looking at me but clearly seeing the past flash before his eyes.

"Jace?" I slowly drew out his name. His eyes were now focused on the present and he smiled a tiny smile. He leaned down and lightly pecked my lips.

"Somehow a rogue had gotten in the territory unnoticed. The rogue was there to kill me, it had lunged for me when I wasn't paying attention and Liza jumped in front of me taking the blow. I killed the rogue and then check on Liza, Mike was already with her. She laid there nude and bloody, in his arms. I asked her why she would do that, her reply was "Because one day you will find your mate and together you will make the world a better place. Your bloodline has to be carried on for the sake of this world." She died minutes later and ever since Mike blamed me for her death."

"Jace, we both know it wasn't your fault. You are the future king, anyone who was truly loyal to you would have done the same thing Liza did." I rubbed calming circles on his back, noticing the hard muscles that were etched into it. My wolf began to purr and Jace laughed. "Don't laugh!" I teased.

"You are too adorable." He kissed my nose and then looked at me with serious eyes. "That's not the whole story." My smile faltered.

"Okay, go on."

"That grey wolf with him yesterday is his beta, Rob. Rob doesn't care for me since my father killed his. He was a rogue that tried to kill my dad and my dad killed him in self defense. Anyway, Mike told me that I didn't deserve a mate because I killed his, that you should die like his mate did." The words hit me like a ton of bricks. My throat caught and my chest froze. "Then Mike said that your death would be too easy for me and that instead of killing you he would just claim you as his. This way I would have to watch my mate love another while I slowly die from the mate bond being broken." Tears formed in my eyes and I tried not to blink, afraid they would fall. "Danni, I would never let that happen, I swear it!" He said with power and promise laced through every word.

The tears flowed. "I'd rather die then to live a life without you!" I cried into his chest, not caring that I was soaking his shirt with tears and most likely snot. "Jace I will die before I love another man." My voice came out shakily as I looked into his cobalt eyes. He cradled my face in one hand while the other softly wiped the fresh tears away.

"Don't cry, I got you remember? I love you and no one will ever hurt you." His voice was full of hope and love. My heart burst with love for this beautiful man that laid next to me.

"I'm not just worried for myself, I'm worried for your safety too."

"Doll, I am the future king, did you forget that I have more power than anyone other than my father? And when we mate we both receive each others strength. We are going to be fine, I promise." He said and then kissed me once again. We laid there talking about every and anything, not having anything else to do since a blizzard was still in the making. The sun began to set as the moon rose, casting white moonlight to beam down upon us.

Jace told stories from his past cause laughter to ring throughout the wall's cave. I told him stories of all the stunts and pranks Andi and I would pull when we were younger. Jace asked me about the whole alarm clock prank and I explained how the girls wanted to tired the guys for the first night of the games. He chuckled at my story telling, saying that I use my hands too much when I talk, but of course he played it off by saying it was cute and continued to kiss me some more. The winds picked up making a howling sound as they went, in a weird way sounding like a lullaby. We fell asleep with the fire burning bright and stomachs full.

As the days passed by the storm finally calmed down enough for us to go out and hunt together. Jace stayed only a miles distance from me just in case Mike tries to take us by surprise. Today Jace was hunting and I was gathering. I found the bushes of berries and began to pluck the berries and place them in a pot Jace had taken from the palace. I guess since he owns the palace it's not stealing in his case. I laughed remembering how Lauren and Brittany had stolen from the palace also. "What's so funny?" Jace asked walking through the trees with a deer hung over his shoulders.

"I was just remembering something." I replied. "You ready to go back to the wall? I've got plenty of berries!" I laughed as I popped one into my mouth. Jace laughed and open his mouth gesturing me to throw one to him. I did so and surprisingly he caught it. We laughed and made our way back to the wall. A couple of giggles erupted from our cave causing Jace and I to freeze. I looked up at Jace with a questioning face.

'Someone is in there, what are we going to do?' I linked to him.

'I'll go in and check it out you stay here." He said as he quietly put down the deer and crept into the cave. I listened closely, the giggling continued and then Jace's growl sounded and the giggling stopped short. Next came silence. I silently stepped closer to the entrance and leaned in. "Danni!" Jace hollered causing me to jump in fright. Quickly I ran inside the shelter ready to fight, when I came upon Jace standing there with Liam and Jon. I looked behind them and saw Lauren and Brittany sitting on the blankets playing a card game.

The guys looked at me and smiled brightly. I returned the smile and then focused my attention back to the girls. "Danni!" Both hollered in unison. "We missed you!" They had stumbled to their feet and came running to me, enveloping me in a group hug.

"I missed you too!" I hugged them back. "What are you two doing here?"

"The cave we were staying in became too dangerous. Wolfs were coming in left and right wanting to either steal our shelter, steal our food, or try and take us from our mates. Of course Liam and Jon made sure none of that happened but the cave was getting colder being inside a waterfall and all." Brittany explained.

"Yeah, eventually it got too cold for our human forms and we decided it was best to find a new place. While searching we smelt you and followed the scent here. We decided to stay till you arrived." Lauren said.

"Don't get me wrong, I love Liam and he's amazing but girl you hit the jack pot!" Brittany giggled. "I mean you're mated to the prince!" Her little realization caused Lauren and I to giggle.

"Yeah I know, he's great." I said.

"So he claimed you already?" Lauren asked.


"Mine hurt like crap I couldn't move the first hour afterwards and Lauren cried for about thirty minutes." Brittany chuckled recalling the scene. "How did yours feel?" Brittany asked.

"Um, I'm not sure. I was kinda dead when he claimed me." I replied. Both girls gasped in shock.

"What do you mean?" Brittany asked. I told them everything, starting with searching for a shelter in the blizzard and ending with the whole Mike situation. "That's crazy! I'm so sorry you had to go through all that." Brittany hugged me and Lauren joined in the hug.

"We won't let anything happen to you princess!" Lauren teased.

"Oh my gosh! I just realized you're going to be the queen once you two mate!" Brittany shouted causing the guys to look our way. My cheeks heated up, most Likely burning a bright red. Jace smirked while Liam and Jon chuckled.

"Brittany!" I whispered harshly. The girls giggled pointing to my face.

"You're so red!" Lauren laughed. "Aw, our little princess is so innocent!"

"I'm not a princess." I huffed.

"No doll, you're a queen." Jace said sitting down behind me, pulling me in between his legs. I laid my head back on his chest, relaxing into his warmth. Liam and Jon joined us by the fire, Jon taking Lauren's hand in his and kissing it softly while Liam had pulled Britt close to his side lightly placing kisses on the top of her head.

"Princess, Jace had-" Jon started but quickly I cut him off.

"Please, it's just Danni." He smiled and nodded.

"Danni, Jace had informed us of your current situation and I'm sure you've talked with the girls about it. We have come to an agreement to stay here and help protect you." Jon stated.

"Not that Jace can't protect you himself, but we would ensure your safety and Jace liked the idea. Plus us being here allows you to have some female company." Liam said brightly. Brittany smiled up at him, love flowing through her eyes. I nodded and smiled up at Jace. He smiled a gorgeous smile and kissed my forehead. Thank you I mouthed.

He smiled once again. "No problem princess." He teased. I lightly elbowed him in the stomach. "Oh, feisty princess huh?" I rolled my eyes. Laughter came from the others, reminding me that we weren't alone.

"Those two are so cute!" Lauren said out loud but talking to Brittany.

"I know! Just think about their babies! Little pups running around the palace!" Brittany replied causing everyone to laugh loudly. My cheeks turned a light pink again. "Oops, I said that too loudly huh?"

Everyone laughed again. "Hm, I say at least two." Jace whispered. I turned to face him.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I want at least two pups." He paused, thinking something through. "Unless you only want one." He quickly said. The light pink blush heated up, informing me of how red I was now.

"Uh, yeah. That's, yeah, okay." I said dumbly. I was at a lost. I hadn't even thought about mating, let alone how many children I wanted. Jace laughed at my dumbfounded expression.

"You still have a while to decide how many pups you want to have with me." The way he said with me made my blush burn even brighter, if that was even possible. He gathered my hair up and began to play with it. I was grateful to see Lauren and her mate and Brittany and her mate in their own little worlds. As noon passed by the guys cooked the deer Jace had caught, while us girls played cards and talked about everything. The blizzard had passed and it was safe to go out.

"Jace." He turned around and looked at me.

"Doll?" I scratched the back of my neck hoping he wouldn't freak out with my next words. "What's up?" He asked a bit worriedly.

"Well, I haven't gotten to bathe in a couple of days and the girls said they haven't either. We were wondering if we could go down by the river and wash up." He went to open his mouth but I interrupted him before he could speak. "Without any of you guys." I quietly said. This surprised him.

"Danni you know that's not safe." He began. My face dropped. I understood why he wouldn't want us to go but I wasn't comfortable bathing with men there, watching or not.

"I understand." I said softly. I turned to go tell the girls when Jace sighed and grabbed my shoulder, turning me back around.

"Fine you and the girls can go but go to the river east of us. It's only two miles away, if anything goes wrong we'll be there in minutes." I leaned up and kissed him.

"Thank you Jace!"

"Yeah, yeah. Just be safe!" He hollered at my back as I ran out side to tell the girls.

"Okey dokey!" I laughed.

The girls and I made our way down to the river chatting quietly trying not to draw attention to our selfs. Quickly we stripped and got into the river to bathe. The only soap we had was Jace's axe body wash, which was fine with me considering I love his smell. "Hey guys?" I asked while lathering my hair.

"Yeah?" Both girls said turning to face me. Suddenly I felt very shy. I lowered myself farther into the water. "Oh goodie, Danni is blushing this must be good!" Lauren giggled.

"What's on your mind Dan?" Brittany asked with a sly smirk gracing her face.

"Well Jace asked me how many pups I wanted, I didn't answer him cause I haven't really thought about it, but I was wondering if Liam or Jon mentioned having babies too? What's your take on it?"

"I brought up baby talk with Jon two days ago. At first he was cool and said he would like a pup but not right now because he wants to get settled as the new alpha first. I then told him I wanted seven pups, he paled so fast I thought he would pass out!" Lauren laughed making me and Brittany follow suit.

"You're crazy! Seven pups?" Brittany asked. "I only want two. One boy, one girl."

"Has Liam said anything about babies?" I asked now washing all the soap off my body and out of my hair.

"Yeah, he actually said when we get home he wants to start as soon as possible, I told him to give me at least six months." She said. We got out of the water and changes into some clean clothes.

"Yeah, I can understand that. Jace said he wants at least two. The thing is, I don't have the heart to tell him I only want one, if that." I sighed.

"Well sweetheart, with me I won't push you into having pups, but I'm sure after our first mating you'll be begging me for more." I looked up and felt my stomach tighten in a sickening manor. Noticing my palings condition the girls began to growl lowly.

'Jace he's here!' I called out through the link.



I'm sorry the last two chapters aren't very good. But I needed these fillers for a reason. I hope you enjoyed!

I'm sad I didn't get all my votes on the last chapter :/

Submitting To Him made it to #515 in werewolf! Thank you all so much! It means a lot!

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