Two Evils & A Gun

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Sorry it's taken me so long to update :/ I've had drama practice every other day this week and choir and ensemble practice on the other days. I've been busy but after the musicals I'm in this weekend things should settle down and I'll be back to uploading within a weeks time. This chapter is dedicated to TheBeastie because her comments make me laugh and she was so kind and dedicated a chapter in her book 'forbidden' to me :)


Danni's POV


'Hang on baby I'm coming!" He growled out. "Mike is going to wish he never laid eyes on my mate!' Came in a angry whisper. I'm sure the last part was suppose to be private but it came through the link and brought a smile upon my face. Then I realized he said Mike.

'Jace, it's not just Mike.' I linked. 'It's Jeffery.'

'Jeffery?' He paused, most likely putting the pieces together. 'The guy who tried to claim you?' He asked. I could practically feel him clenching his jaw in frustration.

'Yes.' Came my reply. I felt our link shut off and I realized Jace must have cut it so I couldn't hear all the curse words he's shouting out right now. I might not be able to hear him but I can feel his emotions which leads me to know exactly what he's going to do.

"Danni, why don't you stop mind linking your two little friends here and just say what you want out loud." Jeffery spoke with a cocky confidence, Mike stood to his right with a nasty smirk. They stood a good twenty feet away from us. I looked over at Britt and Lauren and begged with my eyes for them to play along and act like they know what I'm talking about. They nonchalantly nodded. They knew I couldn't link with them since we weren't in the same pack but Jeffery didn't know that.

"I was just explaining that you're the one that tried to force claim me." The girls kept a blank face but I could feel their worry for me.

"It's not forced if you want it." A nasty smirk graced his lips. "Now come with us so we can rid you of that horrible male's scent." He said scrunching up his nose in distaste.

"I would never go with you two willingly." I said disgusted.

"Oh but you will!" Mike chuckled. "You see, if you refuse to go with us then they-" he stretched his left arm out. "will slaughter both of your friends." On Jeffery's left, Mike's beta, Rob and a younger version of Rob stepped out of the trees and and sneered at me. "Oh and if you're wondering where your little mate is, he's busy fighting off the group of men we left surrounding your little wall cave." Mike bit out. Fear gripped my mind. "So the choice is yours, come with us and they are free to go or refuse and they die. Tick tock, we don't have all day." I looked at both the girls. They looked a bit scared but quickly squared their shoulders and stood their ground.

"Let's kick some tail." Lauren laughed out. Brittany rolled her eyes at Lauren's lame joke, but we all three smirked.

"For you princess." Brittany smiled and Lauren nodded. I returned the smile and quickly shifted to my wolf not caring that I tore my clothes. The girls followed suit and flanked me like a beta would an alpha. Rob and the younger version quickly shifted into their wolfs, both being grey, the only difference was that Rob's wolf was taller. While Rob lunged for Brittany, the smaller wolf lunged for Lauren. I watched as Lauren held her ground and ripped into the grey wolf, Brittany on the other hand was running away and dodging Rob like crazy.

Brittany was no fighter but she was creative and smart enough not to get caught, plus she had good speed. Without warning Brittany tripped over her back paws and came crashing down. Rob took this opportunity to lung for the kill shot. As fast as lightning I flew towards Rob, colliding into his side so hard he flew into a nearby tree. Quickly he stood up and shook his coat out. Growling at me, he began run at me. I stood my ground waiting for the right time to make my move. Like I predicted he jumped to pounce on me but I had different plans.

As he jumped I jumped but not as high so that I would fly underneath him and he would miss his shot. When we reached mid air I flipped my self over and, like I planned, flew underneath him. It was like slow motion set in as I floated in the air below him. Everything was still and I realized this was the perfect opportunity to strike. Quickly I reached out with a paw and tore through his torso with my sharp nails. Blood violently flew everywhere, coating me and him. As his howl pierced the air, the slow motion effect cut off causing us to return to normal and land back down. As he landed on his ripped stomach I landed on my back, causing the air to be knocked out of me.

He whined in pain but staggered to a stand. I laid there trying to gulp down air to breath. He began to stalk over to me causing me to roll on my stomach and get back on all four legs. He growled and got into position to lung at me one last time. I didn't want to fight him but my wolf wasn't going to let me get myself slaughtered. If you really don't want to fight use your powers, they don't call you a peacekeeper for no reason. My wolf spoke. She was right, I had to use my power to keep everyone safe. I growled out adding a bit of power to it. Rob's wolf smiled a nasty weird looking smile, making me confused.

"Did you think we came unprepared?" Jeffery chuckled. "Rob's little brother here is blessed with a power they call shield. He is immune to any Psychological power and can help defend others by using his power. Therefore your power of a peacekeeper is ineffective." Panic rose inside me. Now we must fight. My wolf growled and I agreed. Quickly I got into a fighting position. I notice Lauren and Brittany were now taking the other grey wolf on together, he was a bloody mess while I didn't see any bad damage done to them.

Rob growled and ran at me. Let us finish this! My wolf howled out in a battle cry. I ran straight for Rob and growled pushing so much power into it making him flinch. Like two eighteen wheeler trucks, we collided with a brutal force, our bodies tangled together. We rolled around and chomped down on the other's body. He had a hold of my front leg while I had his shoulder. Pain ran through me making me want to release him and tend to my leg but I knew better. Instead I bit down harder and shook my head causing my teeth to embed themselves deeper into his flesh. He howled in pain and dropped his grip on my leg.

Taking the opportunity, I quickly released his shoulder and bit down into his neck. He struggled but this only helped me get a better hold on him. Finally a strangled howl broke from his mouth. I bit down as hard as I could and didn't release till I felt his heart stop. His body fell lifelessly at my feet and I stood there, muzzle covered in his blood. Mike and Jeffery looked shocked but quickly covered it up with an angry expression. Them just standing there watching us made my blood boil. I began to make my way to them when a yelp was heard and I turned to see Rob's brother biting into Lauren. I turned back around and ran over and tackled the grey wolf to the forest floor. He had more bites and claw marks than I first realized.

While I inspected him he took the opportunity to bite the same arm Rob had bitten causing me to yelp in pain. I tried to pull out of his grasp but this made him lock his jaw. A snap was heard causing everyone in the small clearing to freeze, then I felt it. I howled out in pain as the bone in my front leg snapped in half. I cried out and stupidly tried to pull away again. My arm throbbed in pain and I thought I just might pass out. A deep, angry, powerful growl struck us like lightning, followed by Jace's huge black wolf barging through the trees, Liam and Jon flanked him, smaller in size but still bigger than the normal size male.

The wolf's hold on my leg was gone once he saw Jace. Panic flew through his eyes while he scrambled to get away from me. Before he could even get five feet away Jace had tackled him to the ground and ripped his throat out. His body stilled and fell slack. Jace looked at me, love and sadness filled his eyes. I sat down but kept my front crushed leg up a bit, making sure not to place any weight on it. I smiled a wolfish smile letting him know that I was okay. He wasn't convinced but he turned and faced a terrified Mike and Jeffery.

Jace shifted to his human form, now standing in front of me, nude. If I was in human form right now I would have been blushing bright red. I looked away and quickly focused my view on Lauren and Brittany, they too turned their gazes else where but for respect purposes. Liam and Jon shifted and threw on basketball shorts, tossing their shirts to their mates, Liam tossed me a shirt as well that smelled of Jace. Lauren, Brittany, and I ran behind some trees to change. It took a bit longer than expect since I had a damaged arm and the girls had to help me pull the shirt over it without causing me any pain. We returned back to Jon and Liam's side.

"I should kill both of you this instant but I decided to show you grace and mercy and let you live." Jace spoke causing me to look his way, I focused on his face. The muscles flexed in his cheeks and his jaw looked clenched. It must have been hard for him to let Mike and Jeffery stay alive but he will be king soon and these acts of kindness shows his love for his people. "I've contacted my father and the council and we agreed that you both will be put on trail, most likely sentenced to life in prison. Officials should be here in a good fifteen minutes." He turned his back on them and faced me. "Doll, we have to get you to the doc, your arm looks terrible and I don't want it to heal wrong and us have to brake it again to set it right."

"Okay." I replied looking away into the trees.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He looked even more worried and walked closer to me, gently cupping my face in his hands. This made me look straight at him.

"Nothing, it's just. . ." I looked away and felt the heat spread across my face. "Jace," I whispered. "You're naked baby." He cocked his head at me then looked down his body. Suddenly he leaned closer, placing his lips against my ear.

"It seems you're right beautiful." He whispered softly. "May I have my shirt back then?" He asked pulling away and began to chuckle. I blushed and grabbed tightly onto the shirt.

"Jacen!" I gasped. He began to laugh as did the others.

"Doll, I'm just playing with you! Liam may I have my shorts." Jace more like commanded than asked. Liam tossed a black pair of basketball shorts and Jace quickly put them on, nodding a thanks.

"I hate to brake up this little party but there's no way I'm going to prison." Mike spit out then quickly shifted to his wolf and bolted away. I looked worriedly at Jace.

"Don't worry the wall will keep him in and the patrols around the borders of our territory will catch him, I have no doubt about that." Jace assured me.

"I knew he would be too much of a coward to pull off the last of our plan." Jeffery angrily cursed. "I guess it true what they say. If you want something done you have to do it yourself." Jace turned his back to Jeffery and faced me.

"What is he talking about?" Jace's asked. I shrugged my shoulders and looked behind Jace just in time to see Jeffery pull a small gun out from behind his back. He aimed straight for Jace and without a seconds hesitation I pushed Jace to the side just as Jeffery pulled the trigger. Once again slow motion set in.

I began to fall backwards as Jace immediately shifted and lunged for Jeffery. Liam and Jon ran to my aid catching me and gently laid me down. The girls were beside me in a flash as well. I knew their lips were moving a mile a minute but the slow motion seemed to make their mouths exaggerate every word. Their talk fell on deaf ears because at the moment I couldn't hear anything, it was so silent it scared me.

I felt panicked and began to freak out. The pain in my chest became unbearable causing the edge of my vision to blur with blackness. I knew what was coming, I had been there before, but this time it was different. I had Jace now. How would he take this? How much pain would he be in? Thinking about our final separation I realized how real this was. I became saddened with the thought of never seeing Jace again.

How could you miss someone so much when you haven't even left their side? I asked myself. My eyes drooped heavily and the pain began to grow more. I whimpered out in pain but heard no sign of it. Both pair of mates looked at me with fear and sadness. Brittany and Lauren shed tears making me want to comfort them. I wanted to tell them that everything would be okay, but I had the feeling that that would be a lie. Slowly my eyes shut all the way and darkness, once again, claimed me.



Finally a little action! I know, after two chapters that were fillers you all deserved this chapter. I hope it was good enough :)

IMPORTANT! I'm starting another book!! I'm waiting for the cover to be finished being made but after I receive the cover I will be uploading the first chapter so be looking forward to that! I will inform you in my A/Ns when I post it and what not :)

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