There's No Use In Running

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M.B.W's P.O.V.


Ever since I met my little mate I've been a mess. Not being able to hold her or have her near me made my wolf and I agitated. We needed the weekend to pass so we can claim her as ours once the game starts Monday night.

I was suppose to be doing paperwork, instead I'm sitting here in my office thinking about those big emerald eyes, long dark eyelashes, and small plump lips.

Thinking about Danni made paperwork impossible, so instead I decided a run would do me some good and possibly clear my mind. I changed into a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt and made my way to the outskirts of my territory.

After stripping down to my birthday suit and placing my clothes at the base of a tree, I shifted into my black wolf and took off in a random direction. Not knowing whether I would run into someone, I masked my scent and decided to close off the mind link so I couldn't be bothered.

It was about twenty minutes later when I thought I heard someone wince in pain. I stopped and listened, about to continue running, I heard a whimper. 'Mate!' My wolf called out. 'Our mate is hurt!' I sniffed the air and found that sweet, strawberry and mint chocolate scent to be close by.

Immediately I became enraged. Heading towards my mate in full speed, I came to the little clearing in which we met in just last night, only to see a red headed male on top of my mate.

His arm raised in striking manor making my little mate close her eyes and tears roll down the side of her beautiful face. 'No one has the right to make my baby cry!' My wolf howled. In agreement with him, I charged and roared, seeing nothing but red.

Tackling the man off of Danni, making sure she wasn't hurt in the process, I rolled with him. He shifted into his wolf and we began snapping at each other here and there. 'Let's put an end to this.' I said to my wolf, preparing to end the man's life.

There's one thing you should never do and that one thing is never touch another man's mate unless you want death. 'No, we cannot! Think of our mate. Would she want to see him dead? No she wouldn't, she's too kind.'

'We can't just let him go unpunished though!' I exclaimed. 'How about a broken leg?' I questioned and my wolf nodded in agreement. At that exact moment I pinned the red-ish wolf, he tried to kick at my face, but I caught his leg in my mouth and bit down, making the bone snap into pieces.

The wolf underneath me whimpered in pain. 'How dare you touch my mate!' I roared at him through the link. 'You're only alive because I wouldn't dare let her see me kill you, even if you do deserve it.' I growled out.

When the man realized my true identity his eyes dilated and fear rolled off him. 'I am terrible sorry, please forgive me, it will never happen again!' He cried out with a tint of desperation in his voice.

'It shall never happen again. If it does, you will die. Do you understand?' He nodded his head. 'One more thing before I dismiss you. You will go to Todd and tell him that I said to keep my mate safe and let no one, and I mean no one, harm my mate or he and that person will pay the price. His main job is to keep my baby safe till the game, where I will then claim her. Now go tell him and make sure to apologize to my princess.'

He nodded and limped towards their pack house, only stopping to apologize to Danni. She nodded her head and gave him a cute little smile. 'She is amazing and will make a great Luna one day, hopefully one day soon.' My wolf spoke in admiration.

She looked at me, realizing who I am, a smile graced her face, making her look even more beautiful. I stood there staring at her like a moron but I couldn't help it. She sat on the ground with dried up blood staining her arms and shirt, a tear streaked face, and one shoe was missing, yet she was as beautiful as ever.

I walked over to her and licked her, asking if she were okay. "I'm okay." She said, sounding like she was trying to convince herself. I lowered my head to where my eyes were leveled with hers.

It seemed as if she were hiding all these emotions behind a wall and I became determined to break that wall, apparently I seceded because the next thing I know, she starts crying and it doesn't seem as if she's going to stop. She sat up on her knees and hugged me.

Noticing she wanted me to comfort her I sat down and placed a paw around her, reminding me of our embrace from last night. We sat there for awhile waiting for the tears to stop. After a few minutes the tears turned to sniffles and the sniffles stopped.

She pulled away and stared at my chest where her head was previously resting. Surprising me, she started to laugh. My heart filled with love watching her laugh like she's gone mad. Seeing my expression made her laugh even more.

I sat there amused, patiently waiting for her laughing attack to end. "I'm sorry, it's just that today of all days I decided to wear a little bit of makeup and since I cried so hard on your chest, my makeup and tears kind of rubbed off on your beautiful black fur." She explained.

At the mention of my fur being beautiful, my wolf and I became extremely happy. Not being able to contain my joy, my tail had a mind of its own and began to wag. Only my mate would make a compliment awkward. I smiled and rolled my eyes in a playful notion.

She hugged me once more than kissed the side of my muzzle. "Thank you. For getting here just in time and for letting me cry. I don't have anyone who would do that for me. I have Andi but now that she has a mate and is Luna, she don't have much time."

Hearing this sadness filled me, I hate knowing my mate is lonely and I can't do anything about it. "I have no family, only Andi. And the blue moon pack isn't very accepting of me, as you can tell." She muttered the last part, making me growl. She bowed her head, feeling the power and anger roll off me.

Just thinking about how bad that pack treats her makes me angry. "Will you shift for me?" She blurted out. I looked at her sadly and shook my head no. "Please, I need to know who you are. I need a name, I need something. I'm confused, and my wolf is acting weird and it all started when I met you. Please I need answers." She spoke desperately.

I thought it over, if I told her now she has a chance to reject me and I can't take that. I already love her I can't lose her now. The only way I can keep her is to claim her at the games. If I'm in my wolf form she'll gladly let me claim her and then I'll reveal my person and hopefully she won't mind.

'I can't give you answers right now, please wait till it's the right time. Can you do that for me Danni?' I spoke through the link and listened to her thoughts, wrong I know, but I was so curious. Her wolf and her were going crazy over my voice. I chuckled, happy that something as simple as my voice has so much affect on my little mate. 'Is that a yes or no?'

"Yeah, I can do that." She answered a little breathless, making me smirk. Her watch beeped, making her glance at it. Suddenly she jumped up, startling the me a bit.

"I'm sorry, I got to go, thank you again for everything. I'm going to be honest and go out on a limb here, but I would really like to see you again Mr.Wolf." She said not really knowing what to call me. My tail wagged once again and a purring sound came from my chest.

'She wants to see us again! She must feel something for us!' My wolf purred again. I got up and rubbed my body up against her trying to rub the red haired man's scent off of her. She hugged me once more and ran off towards the pack house.

My run had been for nothing because now Danni was on my mind even more. 'Lets keep running then.' My wolf said. 'Why don't we run their borders?'

'Why would we run their borders?' I asked him utterly confused. He huffed like I was stupid.

'I huff because you are stupid, stupid. I suggest running their borders because if we can easily enter without them knowing then any rogue could too, giving them the chance to harm our mate!' He explained.

'That's a great point, let's go run their borders!' And with that we were off.


It took about two hours for patrol their borders but it was well worth it. My mate would be safe. I was about to make my way back towards my land when I heard a gasp. I turned around to find a little boy standing there staring at me. "You're the black wolf they were talking about!" He pointed to me and jumped up and down in joy. I cocked my head sideways in confusion.

"It's an honor to meet you sir." He said, now a bit shy. I have him a cheeky smile and he returned it. "You know they say you're the biggest, strongest wolf they've ever seen! One day I want to be just like you!" He said while making his way towards me.

I sat down on my haunches and he came to stand beside me. 'What is your name kid?'

Shocked that I could link him he looked up and his smile broadened even more. "My name is Robby."

'Robby, who told you I'm the biggest and strongest wolf?' I questioned.

"All the warriors and trackers in my pack. My dad is a warrior and I heard him talking about you and how they couldn't track you because you can mask your scent." He sniffed the air and smiled at me. "It's true!" He giggled.

I laughed and nodded. 'Yes, it's true. And they are right! I am the biggest and strongest.' I said being totally honest and not at all in a cocky manor. It's the truth so I won't deny it. That's why I know for certain I can keep other males away from Danni during the game ending with me keeping her. I smiled at the thought.

"Robby, Robby!" Danni yelled. "Robby! Robby!" I looked out into the forest and back down at the boy.

"Oh no. I forgot about the tracking lesson." He said to himself and then remembered I was there and a huge grin appeared on his face. "Dani! Come here! I found him! I found him!" Robby shouted.

Danni came sprinting towards us and stopped with a confused face. Noticing me beside Robby she dropped the confusion and worry replaced it. "Danni! Look, I found him! It's the huge wolf I was telling you about! The rogue!" He started petting me which was too cute for me to really care about being treated like a pet. Rogue? I guess that's what everyone thought I was since they couldn't smell my real scent.

"First off, don't you ever run off like that again, I was so scared something happened to you." Danni said pulling him into a hug, sighing in relief.

"I'm sorry Danni, it's just I saw him and I just had to meet him!" He said turning around to face me, giving me a toothy grin.

She laughed. "I guess I can understand that, but what if he really was a rogue? He could have took you, or worse killed you. Robby, please promise me you'll never do this again."

"I promise. What do you mean if he was a rogue? Isn't he a rogue?" I looked to her seeing what her answer would be.

"No, he is not a rogue. He is an alpha." Not only did the boy perk up but so did I. I didn't notice she was that observant. Well I'm not alpha yet, but soon I will be, so she's half correct.

"How do you know that?" Robby asked.

"Well, for one, he can mind link with anyone and only alphas can do that. For two, he's the biggest and most powerful wolf I've ever came across, so that must mean he's important, and lastly, he's too beautiful to be a rogue." She said shrugging. She was smart and once again she called me beautiful, which of course made my wolf and I giddy.

Robby thought her answers over. "Makes sense." He said, then walked back towards me and continued to pet my head.

"Robby, you can't just pet someone like a dog, it's rude, plus we have to continue tracking lessons." Danni scolded.

"Okayyy." He dragged out the word, and walked towards her, grabbing her hand. "Bye Mr.Wolf!" Robby said, pulling Danni back towards the training field. Danni looked over her shoulder and gave me a smile.

"Bye Mr.Wolf." She mimicked. I huffed and wagged my tail playfully. I knew she liked my playful side and to be totally honest I felt like a young boy around her instead of a twenty-one year old, soon to alpha.

'Well looks like our running is doing no good at all. Let's head home and get some rest.' My wolf suggested and I agreed by taking off in the direction of my territory.



I know it's been more than a week since I've updated but in the last A/N I explained why so I hope you forgive me! I'm sorry that this chapter is practically the last two chapters rewritten but I wanted you to see the black wolfs view. I hope you enjoyed!

Like always please vote, comment, and follow! I appreciate it so much you don't even know. Now let's talk about this really quick.

I've been very nice as in, posting chapters with out asking for votes or comments but here lately I've been posting them and I feel like my book is terrible because none of my readers comment or vote. I ask for comments to see what I should work on or what to include in my next chapters, I ask for votes because they tell me if my readers actually enjoy my book. Please, please, vote and comment. I would also like to dedicate a couple of my future chapters and I can't do that if none of my readers earn it.. I hope I'm not coming off as rude cause I defiantly don't mean it that way. Thanks for all the support!

Bless your face, if you sneezed while reading this bless you!

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