Hiding Our Scent

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Thanks for the birthday wishes! I'm on a mini vacation and having a blast! While I'm in my hotel room I'm writing like crazy! Anyways here is the second chapter I promised you!


Danni's POV


The snapping of a branch woke me from my slumber. I looked around the cave only to see Brittany and Lauren sound asleep cuddled up close to me. I stood up and stretched, shaking any dirt out of my fur. The crunching of leafs made my ears perk up. Silently, I crept to the curtain of water and peeked through the side. There stood a dirty blonde wolf that smelt like Jeffery, he was drinking from the river. Panic rose within me. Catching my now obvious presence he stood tall and licked his muzzle.

Next thing I knew he shifted into his human form and sure enough it was Jeffery. I kept my eyes on his face, knowing that if I looked further down I would see something that would haunt me. "Shift." I nodded my head no. "If you want your friends alive and well you would be smart to obey." He spoke through clenched teeth. Quickly I turned back into the cave to shift and dress. I walked out of the cave and closer towards Jeffery not wanting to alert the girls.

"I already told you Jeffery, I don't want to be with you, I have a mate somewhere and so do you." As I spoke he took steps in my direction trying to get closer but every time he moved closer I countered it by stepping further away.

"Beautiful Danni, why in the world would I want some plain old mate when I can have you? The last peacekeeper." I froze at his words. "Oh you didn't think anyone knew about that and all the power you hold? The night I tried to claim you I was taking my time on purpose. You see, I wanted to see if you would use any power on me to make me stop, to make me listen to your every desire, but no, you played helpless and called out for Prince Jacen. What I want to know is why you wouldn't use your power when you were about to be forcefully claimed?"

'Jace's real name is Jacen? That's even sexier!' My wolf barked. I mentally rolled my eyes at her. 'This is not the time to fondle over him.' I replied. I placed my attention back on Jeffery who seemed to have gotten closer when I wasn't paying attention. "I didn't use my powers because I know how it feels to have no control over your actions, to feel lifeless and have to obey someone else's command, and I don't want anyone to have to feel or go through that."

Jeffery seemed to take in all my words and think them over a bit. "I see." He said, a smile formed on his face, making him look like the evil that he truly was. Frightened, I took a step back. Not noticing the fallen log, I tripped over and landed hard on my back. The air rushed out of me, making me feel light headed for a bit. "This information makes me very happy to hear. When I claim you I will hold the most power, I will then dethrone Jacen and you and I will rule."

Finally able to sit up, I did so with a confused expression. "What are you talking about?" He chuckled nastily and walked over, pulling me to a standing position. His hold on my upper arm was firm.

"Don't you know? When two wolf complete the whole mating process they gain each other's powers and abilities. Therefore when we complete the whole process I will then be a peacekeeper too, giving me the ability to control the king, prince, and even the council. You my little mate holds all that power and I want it." He said in a breathy whisper. I think it was suppose to effect me but all it did was appall me.

"No!" I yelled, pulling away from him. His grip grew tighter and very uncomfortable. "I will never complete the mating process with you, I would never let you hurt Jace, and I would never love you!" I screamed, not minding if I woke the girls. Coming out of the cave by myself was not a very good idea.

"Oh but that's where you're wrong. If I have too, I'll force you to complete the process, then I'll make you love and obey my every command." He said angrily. "Did you know I also have a gift?" He mention out of the blue. I shook my head no. "Well I do. You see I can mess with people's mind, but only when they're asleep. Danni, this is a dream but when you wake up I will make it a reality. You will bare my mark." His grip, now lose on my arm, gently pulled me closer to him.

"In your dreams!" I shouted and spit in his face. His grip turned hard once again causing me to whimper.

"No, in yours!" He yelled in my face. With no warning he pushed my head sideways and bit down on the smooth flesh connecting my neck to my shoulder. I whimpered from the pain. I tried to push his body away from mine but he kept his teeth deep inside my shoulder, which only cause me more pain. Slowly my eyes became heavy and closed without permission

I woke up in a cold sweat. My neck and shoulder throbbed in pain. I shifted to my human form and felt of the bitten area. There was no mark, it was only a dream. Well, a dream created by Jeffery. Thinking over all the new information I began to be overcome by worry. I looked out to the falling water and realized it was dawn. The first day just started and one of us are already gone, how are we suppose to hide from the other males when Miranda's mate found us so easily? I shook the thoughts away and shifted back to wolf form. I went to lay back down thinking maybe a few more hours of sleep would hurt.

"Danni wake up." Brittany said shaking me. "Danni we have a problem!" A worried Brittany is never a good thing. A sat up and stretched. I cocked my head in confusion. "Males have been passing by all morning long and a couple even stopped and sniffed around. Luckily I made a slung shot from some sticks and a hair tie and shot some rocks off into the woods in the opposite direction. It distracted them, making them think someone was hiding over there. But it won't work forever. Someone will be smarter and find us. We need to hide our scent better."

I paced the floor hoping to think of an idea. "Hey guys." A chipper Lauren comes walking through smelling strongly like watermelon. An idea formed in my head and quickly I shifted and threw sweats and a T-shirt on.

"Brittany hold that thought. Why were you out of the cave alone? We promised to stay together." I questioned.

"That was before Miranda left. Now that she's gone there's three of us and I didn't want Brittany to come because I wanted a bath and Brittany coming would be awkward for her since she's very modest. Another reason was because if Brittany did come with me that would leave you alone, asleep, and unprotected. Plus I can take care of myself." Her answer made a lot of sense so I didn't push it, I simply nodded.

"Okay, on to bigger things. How do we mask our scent?" Brittany asked.

"Lauren what are you wearing that's watermelon scented?"

"Body spray. I forgot to bring shampoo and body wash. Why?"

"I'm starting to not like that smile." Brittany laughed while pointing at me.

"Do you both have an extra sock to toss away afterwards?" I asked. They nodded slowly. I laughed at their expressions. "It's not something crazy, it's simple. Here's what we do. We take the socks and spray a butt load of the body spray all over them. Then we go and mark a trail that leads away from our cave, rubbing them against trees, shrubs, rocks, anything we can. The men will smell and track it leaving our cave male free." They both exhaled and smiled.

"I thought it would be much worse than that." Brittany laughed out, making me and Lauren giggle.

"Okay let's get started!" Lauren said grabbing her sock and spray. We scented the socks and made sure the area was clear of any males.

"Okay Lauren you take the left route, Brittany take the right. I'll follow the river down stream. Three different direction that all head away from the waterfall. Don't go to far, we don't need to be caught or this whole operation would be in vain. Meet back in ten minutes, if one of us don't show up the other two stick together no matter what. You two ready?"

"Yes." They both said. Lauren saluted and laughed while Brittany was more serious. We all headed our own way, glancing back only once.

As I jogged through the thick forest, I gently rubbed the sock against everything in touching distance. We agreed we would dispose of the socks wherever we stopped the markings to show the men how stupid they are, following a false trail and all. I laughed just thinking how their faces would look finding a sock instead of a female.

About five miles out I stopped jogging and just walked. This seems far enough to stop marking the trail. I looked around and found a fallen, hollowed out tree trunk. Quickly I walked over and shoved the sock inside. I turned around and headed back upstream to the cave. On my way back I examined the greenery and all the small animals that were out playing. Seeing the squirrels hop from limb to limb was very entertaining, yet at the same time very appetizing. My stomach growled and I knew Lauren and Brittany would be hungry any time now too.

I arrived back at the waterfall but neither girls were there. Thinking they probably just went inside I climbed the mushy bank and wet rocks and entered the cave. "Danni!" Both Lauren and Brittany screamed, running up to me and capturing me into a hug.

"Guys, what's going on?" I asked curiously. As they pulled away I noticed how red their eyes looked. "Were you two crying?"

They laughed and nodded. "You've been gone twenty minutes, we thought you were taken." Brittany said.

"Or dead, which ever floats you boat." Lauren added. I laughed and hugged them.

"At least you care that something happened to me. But no, there's nothing to worry about, I just ran a little too far. Anyways who's hungry!" Both of the girl's stomachs growled and we all busted out laughing. "Okay y'all start a fire while it's day light, the smoke won't be seen but the smell might attract someone, so stay focused and alert. I'll go get lunch." I headed out and shifted into my white wolf.

The wind picked up, making me realize that the temperature is slowly dropping and that can only mean one thing. Snow is on its way. I sniffed and smelt a rabbit about a mile away. I ran towards it but kept as silent as possible. I was about three meters away ready to pounce, when a girl jumped out and lunged for the rabbit. Unfortunately she missed and the rabbit ran into a nearby hole. A trig snapping caught me off guard. I whirled around to see a huge buck scraping its horns on a tree's trunk. Slowly I made my way to the other side of him. Lifting his head, he sniffed the air. I froze and prayed he didn't pick up my scent.

His head jolted in my direction. Seeing me, his eyes widened in fear and as fast as a bullet he took off. I shot forward pumping all four legs fast and hard. Dodging the trees I managed to run past him and cut him off. He tried to stop and turn back around but that was where he made his mistake. As soon as he turned I lunged for the kill shot.

I clutched his throat in my mouth and pulled him down to the forest floor. He tried to fight but he wasn't strong enough. His body buckled to the ground. I laid on top, holding him in place with locked jaws till I saw the life drain out of his terrified eyes. I finally released my hold after he laid still as a statue. I got up and began to pull his carcass in the direction of the waterfall.

A girl's cry startled me and I dropped the carcass. I ran towards the noise and was saddened by the scene I came upon. The girl that tried to catch the rabbit earlier was now curled up against a tree shivering and crying. I walked closer and lightly nudged her back with my nose. She whimpered and began to shake. "No I don't want to go with you, leave me alone! I don't want a mate!" Not caring that the temperature was dropping and I would be naked, I shifted into human form.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm here to help." I said calmly while rubbing her back. She turned around to face me. Her big brown eyes reminded my of a puppy. Her small round face was tear stained and her lips pale. She must be freezing. "Why are you crying?"

"Im cold and hungry, and alone." She whispered the last part causing my heart to ache.

"Why didn't you just shift? Your wolf would keep you warm and her natural instincts would kick in and hunt for food."

"She upset with me and won't shift." She said sadly.

"Why is she upset?"

"I ran from our mate." She paused and looked at me, her eyes now glossy with fresh tears threatening to spill out. "I'm scared. What if he hurts me?" She asked now crying.

I hugged her from the side which was quite awkward since I was still nude. "Hey, don't cry. Your mate can't hurt you. If you get hurt physically or mentally he feels it like it's his own pain. That's why it's so hard to be away from your mate for long, you and him are half of a whole and when you finally meet everything magically becomes one. You should never fear your mate." Hearing this she quieted down and hugged me back.

"Thanks. I'm Jaylyn."

"Danni." I said smiling. "So Jaylyn, you hungry? Cause I just caught a big buck and I'm sure there's plenty to go around." Jaylyn's face lit up and she nodded. I laughed. "Okay just follow me, I'm going to shift back though."

"Okay." She smiled. I shifted back to my wolf and ran at a slower rate so she could keep up. After searching around a bit I finally found the deer and started dragging it up stream to the cave. I entered the cave with the deer in my mouth and Jaylyn behind me. A fire was lit and a pan sat beside it. Brittany and Lauren looked up at me and then did a double take. Their gazes focused on Jaylyn. I dropped the deer and shifted. I pulled out my extra clothes and quickly changed into them.

"Lauren, Brittany, meet Jaylyn. She will be with us from now on. Jaylyn this is Brittany and this is Lauren." I said as I pointed to each girl. "May I ask where you two got this frying pan?" I looked to the girls who wore ashamed little smiles.

"We kind of...stole it from the palace." Lauren said shyly.

"There was no we, there was only a you." Brittany said. I laughed and shook my head at their banter. A stomach growled and all three of us looked over at Jaylyn who was staring at the deer.

"Why don't I cook this now so we can eat soon?" I asked. Jaylyn looked up and smiled and the girls agreed.

After eating we all just sat around talking and playing cards. Apparently Lauren had taken a lot of things from the palace. Surprisingly Brittany had stolen something too, though it wasn't helpful to use unless we wanted to file our nails. Yep, miss artsy fartsy stole a nail filer. We laughed for a good ten minutes after finding out that what she took. As the hours past we grew bored but didn't dare come out of the cave. No men came close to our little hide out but we tried to stay as silent as we could. Night was closing in and soon snow started to fall.

Around eight I peeked out of the cave, only to see the ground covered in snow. It was now dark and the forest looked more menacing than before. I pulled my head back in and went to sit down with the girls. We sat around the burning coals trying to keep warm while in our human forms. As we talked we learned even more about each other and discover that Jaylyn was from a pack down south that didn't believe in waiting for true mates and just mated their children off to a guy that was believed to be the best match for them.

She told us how she would see the men abuse their mates mentally and physically and no one would do anything about it. She even told us how she once tried to stop it but the man slapped her. Apparently she was in the wrong because her alpha then punished her for getting "in between" a male and his mate. We sat and told stories of our past, laughing and sometimes crying. That night I truly felt like I had gained three sisters.

We all decided to hit the sack, or in this case the floor, early so tomorrow we could be prepared for anything that comes our way. As we got ready for bed I heard something from outside the cave. "Did you hear that?" I asked.

"Huh?" Brittany mumbled.

"Did you hear that? It sounded like crunching snow."

"Danni, I didn't hear anything. The other girls are already in their wolf forms asleep. I'm sure they would wake up if they heard something." Brittany said and then undressed and shifted into her wolf. I undressed and shifted as well. I laid down and closed my eyes.

After a few minutes I started to drift off when I heard the sound again but this time it was louder and more distinct. I shot up and lightly growled at the falling slushy water. A husky growl erupted from the other side of the curtain of water causing the girls to shoot up and bare their feet. We stood waiting to see who would enter our cave. I growled again, not liking the suspense. Another growl sounded but twice as loud as the first time. Suddenly the falling water was split apart but what came through was not what I expected.



Who or what comes through the waterfall???

Hope you all are enjoying the book so far!

Thank you all for the birthday wishes!!

Bless your face! If you sneezed while reading this bless you!

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