A failed Attempt&A Second Kiss

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Ijust wanted to thank you all so much for all your support! Submitting To Him has reached Werewolf#548!!!!! I am so excited and blessed! AHH! I cant express my happiness!

This chapter is dedicated to beforeitends! She made the amazing Cover!! If you ever need a cover I suggest you go to her! Now on to the story!!


Jace's POV


After a tiring business meeting with a couple of alphas, my father decided to have the alphas stay over for dinner. We sat around the huge dinner table eating and having small talk. "Young prince, the mating game starts in just two days, do you have a certain female you would like to claim?" Asked Reggie, the alpha of the Red moon pack.

"Yes, in fact, I do. Your son will be there also, am I correct?" I asked.

"Yes, Mike is very excited. He wants to find a second chance mate, since his perished last winter. So who is this lucky girl you speak of Jace?" As I went to answer him I heard the cries of a girl, but not just any girl. Being next in line to take the throne had its perks, as in, greater hearing than a normal were'.

"Jace! Jace! Jace help me! Please help me!" Danni pleaded. Abruptly I stood up from my chair, flinging it backwards, causing not only the alphas but my father to jump up too. Everyone was crouched in a defensive position.

"Son, what is wrong? Who was that?" My father asked.

"She's in trouble! I have to go, excuse me Father, Alphas." I said nodding to them. I ran as fast as I could to the tree line, I froze and listened, to the north I heard mumbled cries and knew Danni's whereabouts. I took off towards the sound and sniffed the air, finding her mouthwatering scent.

Running at full speed, in less than a minute, I found her barely within my territory border. A blonde male sat above her, lips connecting to the flesh where a mate's mark would be placed. I felt fear roll off her like a tsunami. She squirmed and cried out but nothing was understandable.

I didn't realize what was happening but my wolf did and without warning he took control over my human form. "MINE!" I roared. I ran over and lunged for the man on top of Danni. Tackling him off Danni, I pinned him underneath me. "MINE!" I shouted once again, grabbing his throat and squeezing it.

"I didn't know!" He choked out. "She wasn't marked and she never said anything about having a mate! I swear!"I felt his pulse raise a bit and knew he was lying.

I wanted his blood but the alpha and king in me wanted to make sure if what he said was true or not before I did something I would regret. Still holding his throat, but lightly so I wouldn't kill him, I turned to Danni. She had crawled back a few feet, shaking like a leaf holding her neck, crying most likely from shock.

She was wearing a beautiful dress that made her look like a goddess even with the tears and dirt covering her face and body. Her bare feet caught my eye. I turned to the man underneath me. He had a bruise forming on his forehead and I realized it was in the form of a high heeled shoe. If I wasn't so pissed I would be laughing my head off. I turned back to Danni. "Danni, baby doll, did you tell him anything about having a mate?" I asked her in a soothing voice, not wanting to scare her anymore.

Her cries muffled her quiet answer to where even I couldn't catch it. "Dan, I need you to calm down. I'm right here and nothing is going to hurt you." Her cries faded quickly. "Good girl, now I need you to answer my question. Did you inform this man that you had a mate?"

As if she knew my plans, she paled slightly. She nodded her head. "Yes, I told him I had a mate." Sadly she dropped her head. Her heart beat was steady. I turned to the man I held pinned down, my wolf in full alpha mode. Surprisingly I hadn't shifted into my wolf form yet, being so angry and all.

"You lied to your future king, tried to claim another males mate, and tried to do it forcefully without her permission. Mates are the most important part of a wolf's life and you clearly knew she had a mate. Claiming her would have severed the bond between the two mates and could have killed one of the two. You will be put on trail tomorrow in front of the council, till then you will be escorted to the holding chambers."

I quickly mind linked some of the royal guards explaining the situation. Within minutes the guards came and collected the man. I carefully made my way over to Danni and slowly bent down beside her. Silent tears ran down her face. The look she expressed made my heart break.

"Danni, why are you still crying? I took care of him, most likely he will be killed for the crimes he committed, you don't have to worry about him hurting you." This made her bust out in fresh tears. "Doll what's wrong?" I asked wiping the newest tears away.

Slowly she removed the hand that was cradling the flesh between her neck and shoulder. My eyes locked on to the blood and teeth marks that were etched on her skin and then back to her beautiful emerald eyes. "If he cl-aimed me, wouldn't his death k-kill me too?" She hiccuped.

I looked back at her wound and smiled. The bitten flesh started to heal itself and the blood flow stopped and dried up, creating a scab. "No, you see, when he was biting you I tackled him off before he could go deep enough to make it a claim. The wound already healed itself so I'm a hundred percent sure you're claim free." Hearing this she smiled and jumped towards me, hugging me and crying even harder.

"Thank you Jace! I don't know how I could ever repay you." She cried into my shoulder. I hugged her and rubbed soothing circles on her back. Her little warm body pressed into my own relaxed me. I would do anything to stay like this forever. Danni was perfect, if only she recognized it.

After her tears of joy stopped, she pulled away and looked up into my eyes. Her gaze slowly lowered to my lips and involuntarily I licked my now parched lips. With a shy and childlike expression she asked, "Jace can I ask something of you?" She then blushed slightly.

Curious on what made her blush, I answered. "Sure, ask away." She pulled at the grass beneath her, her blush glowing even brighter than before. She looks so innocent. I smiled at the thought.

"I've only had one kiss before and it was great and all, but I wanted to know what it felt like from someone else, someone else...like you." My face dropped. She already had her first kiss and she thought it was great? My wolf became a bit angry. "If you don't want to kiss me I understand. I just wanted to know if it would feel the same or if it would feel different." She paused, "I'm sorry, I have no right in asking my future king for that, forgive me. I dont know what came over me." She said looking down at her hands.

Not only will I show her how different our kiss is from any other male but how much greater it is than theirs. My wolf barked at me and I agreed. "Doll don't apologize, there's no need. Let me show you how a real kiss should feel." I said while softly grabbing her face and gently placing my lips on hers.

I began to move my lips and instantly she began to do the same. Our lips moved in perfect harmony. I gently pulled on her bottom lip with my teeth causing her to softly moan. I kissed her again but with a bit more strength. Slowly, I trailed my hands to her lower back and pulled her closer to me.

Her hands flew around my neck and into my hair, grabbing at it and lightly pulling. Like wildfire, a wanting, no a need to deepen the kiss and taste her burned through me. I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance. She froze, her heart began to beat double time. I'm guessing her first kiss didn't get this far. I smiled at the thought. "It's okay, just open up. It will come naturally." I whispered.

I kissed her again setting the mood and she began to kiss back. Trying once more, I licked her bottom lip. She opened and I explored every part of her mouth, while she did the same to mine and let me just say, she tasted wonderful! My grip on her tightened and her hands began to explore. Slowly moving from my neck to my shoulders, then down my back, and finally moving back up to my chest.

Needing air, I pulled back. Her expression was priceless. Everything from her swollen, pouty lips, to her hands gripping on to my shirt revealed how much she wanted to stay entangled like that. "So Danni, was my kiss different enough for you?" Smiling, I asked breathlessly. A blush appeared on her smiling face and she nodded. "Good, now let's get you home It's late."


It's a tad short and im sorry but this week has been hectic!

If the make out scene wasn't good I apologize. Here's a little secret: I've never been kissed(yes and I'm turning 19 in less than a month, pitiful, yeah get over it) Anyways, I just used the wonderful thing called imagination.. Sue me if it sucks.

15 votes, 5 comments for the next chapter!

I want to thank everyone who has voted and commented on this story, it means so much! I've tried my best to write on everyone's message boards to thank them. If I missed you I'm terribly sorry!:/

Oh and the black wolf is appearing in the next chapter! So far we kinda got a love triangle. Who do you like best for Danni? The black wolf or Jace? Comment below!!

I would love feedback and ideas! Thanks in advance!

Bless your face, if you sneezed while reading this bless you!

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