Gifts & Blushes

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"I know and the worst part is she was always our parents favorite. If I could go back I would have gave my life to at least try and save my parents than to save her again. Everyone in our old pack loved her and looked at me like I was scum." The way Andi talked about our parents, so carefree made me a bit mad, but when she lied about our old pack hating her, something inside of me snapped!

"I've had enough!" My wolf howled and took control, kicking the door down.


Danni's P.O.V.

The door flew off its hinges and slammed into the nearby wall, revealing Andi and four other girls sitting on a California king size bed, painting their finger and toe nails. "You liar!" My voice came out strong and steady. I was being controlled by my wolf. Andi quickly stood up, regret quickly filled her eyes but as fast as it appear it dissolved and was replaced by anger and hatred.

"Excuse me? What do you think you're doing?" She crossed her arms and popped her hip out making it seem as if she's the one who is about to scold someone and not the other way around. The girls quickly stood up and flanked Andi showing their support and protection for their Luna.

"Don't act like I'm the bad guy! Our pack loved us equally as did our parents! Don't you dare act like you were mistreated and don't you lie to these girl about how terrible our pack 'was' or how our parents didn't love you! If our parents were alive they would be highly disappointed in you!"

Her tough guy act faded instantly and the girls became uncomfortable. I stood there waiting for a response but got nothing. This angered me and my wolf even more so. "I've done nothing to deserve this treatment you're giving me so I suggest you apologize!" I said realizing the alpha power that leaked out by accident. Andi's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets and I realized the mistake I just made.

Andi and the girls bowed their heads in submission. "Leave." I spoke through clenched teeth. The four girls quickly got up and walked out the door, submitting to me once again as they walked by.

Realizing the girls were out of earshot Andi stepped forward. "How dare you!" She shouted. "You are never to use your alpha voice on me again! As your Luna that is a command!" My wolf was fed up with Andi. No matter how hard I tried to get control, my wolf wasn't backing down.

"You may be my Luna but I am of higher rank than you, you will not command anything of me!" Andi cowered a bit feeling the raw power roll off me in waves.

"B-but I-I'm you're Luna!" Andi stuttered showing how unsure of herself she was.

"Yes, but have you forgotten sister? Have you remembered anything of our family, our pack, our calling?" I asked, taking a step towards her, her eyes lit up with remembrance. My wolf calmed down an let me take control back, but kept close to the surface just in case. "You may have been born first but I was conceived first, which led me to carry on the line of our family and the power they contained."

I sent a memory to her through the mind link.


"Danni!" The eight year old Andi whispered loudly, peering through the slightly opened door. I walked down the hall and met Andi in front of my father's office. She held her finger to her mouth telling me to be quiet.

"What are you doing?" I asked trying to see what she was looking at. I peeked through the crack and saw my father and mother talking to King Thomas.

King Thomas was a close family friend and met regularly with our parents, but never actually met Andi or me.

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