A Date& The Prince

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There is an authors note at the end. PLEASE read it! I appreciate it! Thanks :)


Danni's POV


I shot up, beads of sweat covered my face. Another dream reminding me of the hell my parents endured before dying. Literally, being burned alive is Hell itself.

A light knock at my door brought my attention back to reality. "Yes?"

"Danni? Hey, it's Ryan."

I got up and unlocked the door allowing him to enter. "Hey, what's up?" I asked while making my way back to sit on the bed. He followed me in and sat down beside me.

"I heard screaming so I came to check it out and realized it was coming from your room." He looked at me with a worried expression.

"Yeah, it was just a bad dream, nothing to worry about." I said blowing it off like it was nothing. "Ryan, why are you here? You don't stay in the pack house."

"Keeping tabs on me Danni?" He smirked playfully.

"No." I stated honestly, making him laugh which resulted in me raising a eyebrow in questioning.

"I love how you're honest and don't say whatever just to please others. Not many people have the guts to speak the truth." Surprising me, he slowly grabbed my hand and placed it between both of his.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned him once again. I felt weird having my hand in his but ignored the feeling.

"I was hanging out with some of the guys downstairs. We just got back from Todd's bachelor party. All the guys were drunk so I was the designated driver. They all passed out in the game room so I decided I would use one of their rooms for the night."

If tonight was Todd's bachelor party then that means Andi had her party tonight too. Realizing I wasn't invited, I sunk into a depressed state. I don't know what I did to make Andi so cruel to me but I promise to make things go back to normal before I leave to the mating game.

"Danni? Can I ask you something?" Ryan looked a bit nervous and gently squeezed my hand.

"Shoot." I said, once again ignoring that weird feeling coming from his touch.

"Well tomorrow is Todd and Andi's ceremony and everyone can bring a date. I don't have a date and I knew you were going because Andi is your sister after all, so I was wondering if you wanted to be my date?"

Did I want a date? Doesn't having a date imply that the two people are more than friends? Yeah, I shared an amazing kiss with Ryan and I thought we could be something.

But now all I can think about is the black wolf. Would it be considered cheating if I was to go as Ryan's date? Me and the black wolf aren't official, heck, I don't even know his name, so why am I feeling so conflicted

"Danni?" Ryan said, pulling me from my thoughts.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?"

"I said you don't have to if you don't want to." He looked sad as he repeated himself. To an extent I wanted to go and have fun with Ryan. I liked Ryan, but just as a friend.

"No, I want to go." I said. "I want to go with you." I smiled and his saddened face lit up with pure happiness.

"Great! It starts at seven so I can pick you up around six forty-five, sound good?" He asked standing up releasing my hand.

"Yeah that's fine." I stood up also and walked him to my door."

Before walking out Ryan turned around to face me. "Danni, with tomorrow being Saturday you do realize that Sunday is the day we, unmated wolfs, go to the castle and sign up for the mating game and then the very next night on the full moon the game starts?"

"I know, why are you mentioning this?" I asked having a feeling of knowing where this conversation is going.

"Well I was wondering if you didn't find your true mate and I don't find mine, if you would like to be mated to me?"

"I don't know, that means you would have to fight another male if they wanted to claim me and I don't think I could let you go through that just for me. You could get hurt." I didn't know rather I should tell Ryan about the black wolf or not so I gave him my second reason of not wanting him to claim me in the game.

"I'm a beta, Danni. I'm strong enough to defend myself. Think about this. I could give you everything your heart desires, I would treat you like a princess, I would keep you happy to the best of my abilities. All you have to say is yes."

His eyes pleaded me to say yes but I couldn't. He couldn't give me my heart's desire, because I desired the mysterious wolf I've met just a few times. He could treat me like a princess but what if I wanted to be a queen? Could I really, truly, be happy with Ryan? Sadly, the answer was no.

"I'm sorry Ryan, I just don't think it's the best idea." I hung my head, knowing I've hurt his feelings. "I'm sorry." I mumbled quietly, but loud enough for him to hear.

"Hey, don't act like that. I'm not mad at you, hurt a little, yes but mad? No way. Danni, I want you to be happy and if that means letting someone else claim you then so be it." He pulled me into a hug, my body froze and my wolf tensed a bit, but I hugged him back. " Danni?"

Ryan pulled away from me and looked over my body. "Yes?" I asked becoming a bit nervous at what he was about to say.

"Did you find your mate?"

"What? No. Why would you ask that?" I questioned, truly intrigued with his question.

"Well the other night at the party you were fine kissing me and now it's like I burn you every time I touch you. Most of the time that's caused by finding your mate, making your wolf not want to be touched by another male."

"Ryan, I'm sure I would know if I found my mate!" I said laughing.

"Okay, okay.. Just checking." He laughed. "Well I'm heading to bed now, I suggest you do the same you look terrible."

"Thanks a lot!" I said bidding him goodnight and shutting the door, making sure to lock it again. I made my way back to my bed. Laying there I laughed again at Ryan. Who wouldn't know if they found their mate? Ha, that's silly.

'You would tell me if we found our mate right?
' I asked my wolf.

'Of course! I don't think I would be able to hold in the joy of finding him!' She said and I believed every word.

'It's too bad the black wolf isn't our mate, but if he claims us at the game I'm good to go!' I said laughing a bit and my wolf agreed. Thinking of our coming fate, we drifted off into a blissful sleep.


Morning came faster than I liked but smelling the mouthwatering aroma coming from the kitchen, I quickly threw on a hoodie and sweat pants and booked it down stairs. Upon entering the kitchen I heard humming and knew that Maria was the one cooking this morning.

"Good morning Maria!" I called out while taking a seat on a bar stool.

"Good morning hun!" Maria was the kindest person I had ever met. No matter what background, race, or gender you were, she would love and treat you like her own family. Her curly grey hair showed how wise she had become over the years, while her warm brown eyes made you feel loved and cherished.

She gave the biggest smiles, the most comforting hugs, and the sweetest cookies. Over all, Maria was the mother I never got to grow up with. "Would you like some pancakes doll?" She asked while flipping over three pancakes one last time then stacking them on top of each other and placing them on a plate.

"Yes please!" I happily slid the plate to me, slapping a bit of butter on top and then slowly pouring the syrup, making different designs on top. Digging in I moaned at how fluffy and rich the pancakes were. Swallowing the mouth full I proceeded to down a glass of milk Maria had already poured for me.

"Maria, I'm going to miss you." I said sadly.

"Baby doll, what in the world are you talking about? I'm not going anywhere." She said while walking around the bar and sitting next to me.

"I know you're not going anywhere but if I'm claimed by another male, not from this pack, in the game, then I'll be leaving to his territory. I won't be able to see you again." She tilted my chin up and smiled a true smile.

"Baby, this is what you do. You tell that boy that if he wants you, he has to take old Maria too! Tell him we are a package deal. How does that sound?" I looked at her in amusement. Surely she wouldn't pack up just to stay connected with me? As I searched her eyes all I saw was seriousness and love.

"You'd really do that for me?" I asked my voice breaking at the end.

"I'd do anything for you doll. You are meant to do great things! Others might not see or know it, but I do. Plus I see you as my own daughter." I smiled and hugged her. She returned the hug. "I love you so much Danni and you're mate will be proud to call you his!" With that my smile dropped.

"Maria, what if I said I'm in love with someone who's not my mate?"

Maria smiled knowingly. "Hun, mind to explain?" With a sigh I explained, telling every detail about my encounters with the black wolf. Maria listened and nodded throughout the story and sighed when I finished. "Baby girl, it sounds like this black wolf is your mate."

"Maria, how can that be possible? Shouldn't I recognize my mate when I first see him?" I asked quite confused.

"Everyone is different. I couldn't tell that my mate, Charles, was my mate till I actually smelled his scent." With the mentioning of her dead mate, the happy exterior faded into a sad one but quickly changed back to its normal joyful state. "What did this black wolf smell like? Did it attract you in any way?"

"That's just it Maria, he didn't have a scent! I practically sniffed him up and down the first time meeting him and I couldn't find a scent anywhere!" I exclaimed tiredly.

"Hmm." Maria went into deep thought only to snap her fingers with a look of understanding. "Why don't you go check out the royal library. There's a book about special gifts God blesses people with. Maybe he was blessed with a special gift? You might just find some answers there."

I nodded and thanked her for everything including breakfast. She had to go set up the ceremony in the building Andi and Todd decided to use and I had to go do some research on these "gifts". It takes about a hours drive to get there but if I ran in my wolf I could make it in twenty minutes.

Deciding to take the latter, I made my to the back door. "Danni!" Ryan came up and grabbed my arm. "Hey you're still up for being my date tonight right?"

"Yeah defiantly, can't wait!" I said, actually excited about tonight.

"Great, me either!" He said while pulling me into a hug. "See you later!" He said then walked out the door, I assume heading to his house.

After making it to the outskirts of the territory, I undressed and carefully tied my clothes to my ankle. I shifted into my white wolf and began my little journey to the royal library.

Upon arriving, I shifted behind a nearby tree and changed into my clothes. It probably wasn't appealing walking into the royal library in only sweats and a T-shirt but oh well, it's not like I planned on meeting the prince here.

Walking up to the front desk I rang the silver bell and waited for help. "Hello dear, how may I be of assistance?" An elderly women asked, slowly making her way out of a room, pushing a cart full of books. She wore black slacks with a nice red dress shirt. Her brown hair, which had a few streaks of grey here and there, was tied up in a tight bun on the top of her head.

"Yes, I just wanted to know where I could find a book on certain gifts werewolfs are given." She made her way over to the dark redwood desk and typed something on her computer and smiled.

"You will have to go up stairs and find a door that says non-fiction. Then look in the H section and find a book called History of The Gifts." I nodded and thanked the lady and made my way upstairs.

I spent the next twenty minutes searching for the book and ended up empty handed. At the moment I was on my hands and knees searching the bottom shelf for the third time, giving up I got on my feet and dusted off my aching knees.

Making my way to stairs I turned the corner running into something hard. "I'm so sorry!" I said, looking up only to meet icy blue eyes that peered into my soul. My gaze was fixated on the cold, yet warm, eyes. I knew I should have dropped eye contact the moment I realized who those piercing eyes belonged to, but I couldn't seem to control any part of my body. It seemed as if we stood there and stared at each other for hours, yet it was mere seconds.

Realizing that keeping eye contact is practically challenging him, I dropped my gaze down to my shoes and bowed a bit showing respect. "I am terribly sorry your highness!" I squeaked out, fear evident in my voice. "I didn't realize it was you, actually I forgot you were back from your studies, I-oh, I'm so sorry, I'm rambling. Forgive me." I said and bowed once again.

Surprising me immensely, he chuckled. "It's fine, honest mistake, how are-What is that smell?" He asked inching closer to me, resulting in me taking a step back with every step he took. "Danni." He growled with power that forced me to stop. His blue eyes were now a shade of black, his wolf was in control and this frightened me. He leaned in, his nose, only being an inch away from touching mine, made me pull in a quick breath and tense up.

I looked over him, realizing he was incredibly handsome. Black hair that was long enough to cover his forehead but short enough to reveal those beautiful sea-blue eyes which at the moment were still black as night. He towered over me, standing probably at six foot five and he was probably three times as wide as me. Clothed, you could still tell he was ripped. He is the most handsome guy I've ever seen.

"How do you know my name?" I questioned without thinking. He moved some of my hair and leaned down. Quietly sniffing my neck. "Your highness?" I said not knowing what was happening.

"Jace, call me Jace. And to answer your question, I am prince, soon to be king. Shouldn't I know the names of the people I rule over?" He said smirking. His voice was deep and rich, a voice I swore I've heard before even though this is the first time I've come into contact with the prince. He pulled away, his face turning serious now. "Now Danni, I am going to ask you this one more time and I hope you choose to be honest with me."

I nodded, saying I would behave like a good pup. "What boy's scent is all over you? There is an old scent and then a fresh scent of the same male, who is it and why is his scent on you?"

I sniffed myself and realized Ryan's scent was all over me. "Ryan. He is my pack's beta. I saw him last night and then this morning." At this Jace growled, causing my wolf to cower in fear, making me submit to him instantly. My wolf realized this upset him and she wanted to please him.

Instantly I lost control of my mouth to her and knew he saw how my green eyes were now golden, indicating that my wolfs in control. "It's not what you think." I don't know why she felt the need to explain to him when it really wasn't any of his business but she continued to speak. "I had a bad dream and he heard my screams, he came and comforted me. The only reason his scent is on me is because he hugged me." This only made him angrier.

"You are not to be touched by another male! You are mine and no one else's!" As soon as he spoke it, a look of regret flashed behind his eyes but quickly disappeared.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused and a bit scared. He seemed to he searching for an answer.

"In two days I will claim you as mine when the mating game starts." He stated with absolutely no emotion.

"You can't!" I shouted, now gaining control back over my body. My outburst seemed to surprise him.

"What makes you think that?" He questioned mono toned. At this point he gained control over his wolf and his body.

"I have a mate!" I said a little too fast to be believable.

"Really? If you had a mate wouldn't he have marked you already? I see you bare no mark."

"We barely found each other and he didn't mark me because I wasn't ready. So he said he would give me till the mating game." I pulled lie after lie out my butt, feeling terrible for lying to my future king.

He seemed to mule it over trying to find something to break me. Smiling, he took a step closer to me. "What is his name?"

"I don't know. Like I said we barley found each other." My answer didn't seem to convince him. I knew if I didn't convince him I would surely be claimed by him and not the black wolf. I had to do something.

"I already love him!" I blurted out. He froze and his smile faulted. I realized what I said didn't sound like all the lies I've thrown at him.

It was totally, one hundred percent, the truth. I did love the mysterious black wolf. "You love him?" He asked. His anger reappeared. I nodded my head.

"From his icy blue eyes to the tip of his beautiful black tail, I love him." His anger dissolved and a knowing smirk appeared on his perfectly chiseled face.

"Well if you love him then who am I to stop true love?" His smirk stayed in place and I had a feeling something wasn't being said. I noticed he carried something in his left hand.

"What are you reading?" He held the book up and too my surprise it was the exact same book I've been searching for. "If you're done with that may I read it? I've been searching for this book nearly all morning!" He raised one eyebrow in a questioning manor.

"Sure." He shrugged and handed it to me. He ended up apologizing for his behavior and then left. I was confused to say the least. One minute he's mad, wanting to claim me the next he's happy that I'm in love with someone else, yet there was something he was hiding and that worried me.

After checking out the book, I ran all the way home. Tonight Andi and Todd were officially becoming one. No matter how angry Andi was with me, I was happy for her and couldn't wait to see my sister become one with her true love. I entered my room and sat the book on my nightstand for later use.

I looked at the clock and realized it was only one in the after noon. I should go find Andi and talk to her since I'm leaving tomorrow. I don't know what I'm apologizing for but I don't want anything bad between us before I leave in case I am never to see her again.

The blue moon's pack house was three stories, the first level was the basics, kitchen, washroom, game room, the alpha's office, and a door that lead down to the basement which the alpha turned into a gym. The second floor consisted of rooms that belonged to pack members like myself. Each room had its own bathroom, providing privacy. Lastly the third floor contains the Alpha's family, the beta's family, the gamma's family, and the delta's family. The four highest ranks that ran the pack.

I had never a reason to visit the top floor so when I finally made it up the stairs I realized I didn't know where Andi's room was. Sniffing the air I found her bubble gum scent lingering by the door at the end of the hallway. Approaching the door I heard multiple giggles, one of them belonged to Andi.

"How can you and her be sisters? And twins at that? You're Luna material and Danni, well she is more like the lowest omega." I recognized the voice and knew it belonged to one of the many sluts in the pack. Her words hurt me but what I heard next felt like a knife piercing my heart.

"I know and the worst part is she was always our parents favorite. If I could go back I would have gave my life to at least try and save my parents than to save her again. Everyone in our old pack loved her and looked at me like I was scum." The way Andi talked about our parents, so carefree made me a bit mad, but when she lied about our old pack hating her, something inside of me snapped!

"I've had enough!" My wolf howled and took control, kicking the door down.




So this chapter is more of a filler but it had to be written otherwise the next few chapters wouldn't make much sense.

What do you think is up with the prince (Jace) and what do you think Danni is going to do about her sisters attitude?

I'm so very blessed to have you reading my book but I'm not getting the votes and comments I wanted. I know I sound greedy but I really want to know whether readers enjoy the book, I want to know other's opinions, thoughts, and ideas about what happened and what should happen next.

I'm sorry but if you want me to continue writing I want at least 10 votes and 2 comments. (It's not much! Please don't hate me for this but when I see them I get inspired to write more and update quicker!)


Bless you're face! If you sneezed while reading this bless you!

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